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  • 当前位置: 首页> 学术交流> 【自然保护大讲堂预告】Systematics of the Australian bee fly subfamily Bombyliinae and phylogenomics of the superfamily Asiloidea
    【自然保护大讲堂预告】Systematics of the Australian bee fly subfamily Bombyliinae and phylogenomics of the superfamily Asiloidea

    题目9/strong>Systematics of the Australian bee fly subfamily Bombyliinae and phylogenomics of the superfamily Asiloidea


    Research School of Biology, Australian National University (ANU)





    Australian National Insect Collection (ANIC), CSIRO &Research School of Biology, Australian National University (ANU)

    • Degree: PhD (started in Oct. 2015). Supervised by Dr. David Rowell (ANU), Dr. David Yeates (ANIC), Dr. Bryan Lessard (ANIC), Dr. Andreas Zwick (ANIC).

    College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University (CAU)

    • Degree: Master of Agronomy (received in Jun. 2015). Supervised by Dr. Ding Yang.

    • Degree: Bachelor of Agronomy (received in Jun. 2013). 3.58 GPA.

    Representative Publications

    1. Li X., Yeates DK. 2019c. Phylogeny, classification and biogeography of bombyliine bee flies (Diptera, Bombyliidae).Systematic Entomology, 44(4): 862?85.

    2. Li X., Yeates DK. 2019b. A new genus and species of an unusual Australian winter bee fly (Diptera, Bombyliidae, Bombyliini) with discussion on its phylogenetic position.Austral Entomology. 58(1): 192?03.

    3. Li X., Yeates DK. 2019a. The first Ironomyiidae from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber provides insights into the phylogeny of Phoroidea (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha).Systematic Entomology, 44(1): 251?61.

    4. Li X., Yeates DK. 2018a. Morphological phylogeny of the Australian genera of the bee fly subfamily Bombyliinae (Diptera: Bombyliidae) with description of four new genera. Invertebrate Systematics, 32(2): 319?99.

    5. Li X.*, Li W.*, Ding S., Cameron SL., Mao M., Shi L., & Yang D. 2017. Mitochondrial Genomes Provide Insights into the Phylogeny of Lauxanioidea (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18(4): 773. (*These authors contributed equally to this work).

    6. Li X., Yeates DK. 2016b. Revision of the Australian bee fly genusEusurbusRoberts, 1929 (Bombyliidae, Bombyliinae), and description ofZentamyiagen. nov.Insect Systematics & Evolution, 47(5): 471‒/span>510.

    7. Li X., Yeates DK. 2016a. Challenging the definition of the subfamily Usiinae: Phthiraxini, an unusual new tribe of bee flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae), based onPhthiraxia bowdenigen. and sp. nov. from Western Australia.Austral Entomology, 56(4): 302‒/span>310.
