


通信地址:江南的注册网址生态与自然保护学院 邮编:100083









2000-2005:北京师范大学 获博士学位

1995-1999:东北林业大学 获学士学位


20057月至今:江南的注册网址任教 讲师/副教授

201410-201510月: 美国阿拉巴马农工大学生物与环境学系 访问学者




  1. 北京市科委重点研发项目:生态廊道生物多样性保护与提升关键技术研究与示范北京地区鸟类栖息地营建技术研究No. D1711000072170022017-2020

  2. 国家林业局全国第二次陆生野生动物资源调查:藏雪鸡种群及栖息地现状调查(2018-2020

  3. 国家林业局全国第二次陆生野生动物资源调查:白马鸡种群及栖息地现状调查(2015-2017

  4. 国家自然科学基金项目:白马鸡集群行为研究 (No. 308001012009-2012

  5. 国家十一五科技支撑课题课题:自然保护区濒危物种保护技术研究(2008-2010,子课题负责高原雉类研究)

  6. 国家林业局野生动植物保护项目:白冠长尾雉、黑颈鹤种群监测及栖息地改造试点(2015-2016

  7. 国家林业局野生动植物保护项目:横断山高原濒危雉类栖息地恢复与种群复壮研究 (2011-2012

  8. 国家林业局野生动植物保护项目:黑叶猴资源现状及保护对策专项调查(2006-2007

  9. 国家林业局野生动植物保护项目:西藏水鸟现状调查及禽流感疫源鸟类动态研究(2006-2008

  10. 河北大海陀国家级自然保护区野生动物监测.2013

  11. 辽宁楼子山自然保护区晋升科学考察和总体规划.2013

  12. 辽宁青龙河自然保护区晋升科学考察和总体规划.2012

  13. 芝加哥动物学会,芝加哥濒危物种贸易公约基金(CZS)项目(IUCN/SSC Pheasant Specialist Group, Chicago Zoological Society, Chicago Board of Trade Endangered Species Fund): Assessing and mitigating tourism-related impacts on protected monastery forest patches in Western Sichuan, PRC. (2003~2004)

  14. 世界雉类协会(WPA)项目(World Pheasant Association): White-eared pheasant in Daocheng County, Sichuan, China: status and habitat use in the face of tourism-related disturbance. (2003~2004)

  15. 关键生态系统合作基金(CEPF)项目(Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund): Conservation Research on White Eared-pheasant Habitat in Western Sichuan. (2004~2005)

  16. Rufford Small Grant for Nature Conservation (RSG)An assessment of the importance of traditional livelihoods and beliefs in protection scared forests and thereby conserving wildlife in western Sichuan. China. (2007)

  17. Oriental Bird Club: White Eared-pheasant as a flagship species to conserve birds of western Sichuan, China (2007)

  18. World Pheasant AssociationTragopan survey in Myanmar(2014,2016-2018)


Yao H, Wang P,Wang Nan, Philip M, Si X, Li J, Xu J*, 2022, Functional and phylogenetic structures of pheasants in China, Avian Research, 13:1-10.

Li H, Philip M,Wang N*, Zhou H, Li Z, 2022, Breeding ecology ofthe Snow Partridge (Lerwa lerwa) in high-altitude regions, Tibet, Ornitholgical Science, 21: 13-26.

Yao H, Wang P, Geoffrey D, Wang Y, Philip M,Wang N*, Xu J*, 2021, How do Snow Partridge (Lerwa lerwa) and Tibetan Snowcock (Tetraogallus tibetanus) coexist in sympatry under high-elevation conditions on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau?, Ecology and Evolution, 2021(11): 331-341

Yao H, Zhang Y, Wang Z, Liu G, Ran Q, Zhang Z, Guo K, Yang A,Wang N*, Wang P*, 2021, Inter-glacial isolation caused divergence of cold-adapted species: the case of the snow partridge. Current Zoology, 2021 publish online.

Zou J, Dong L, Davison G, Win H, Moe M A, Zhang Y, Zhang ,Wang N*, Chen D*, 2020, Identifying a new phylogeographic population of the blyth's tragopantragopan blythiithrough multi-locus analyses. Zoological Studies, 60(11).

Wang P, Yao H, Kadeem J G, Lu Q, Hao,Y, Zhang Z,Wang N*, 2018, Glaciation-based isolation contributed to speciation in a Palearctic alpine biodiversity hotspot: Evidence from endemic species. Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution, 2018:315-324.

Wang P, Liu Y, Liu Y, Chang Y,Wang N, Zhang Z*, 2017, The role of niche divergence and geographic arrangement in the speciation of Eared Pheasants (Crossoptilon, Hodgson1938). Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution, 2017:1-8.

Yao H, Geoffrey D,Nan W*, 2017, Post-breeding habitat association and occurrence of the Snow Partridge (Lerwa lerwa) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, west central China. Avian Research, 8(1):8.

Ye Y, Geoffrey D, Zhu P, Duan L,Wang N*, Ding C, 2013. Habitat Utilization, Time Budget and Daily Rhythm of Ibisbill in Daocheng County, South-west China. Waterbirds, 36:135-143

Wang N*, Zheng G, Philip M, 2012, The occurrence of pheasants in sacred and other forests in western Sichuan, China and their cultural conservation.Chinese bird, 3(1):33-46.

Wang N, L GPhilip M, 2012, Pheasant conservation, sacred groves and local culture in Sichuan, China. Sacrde species and sites - advance in biocultural conservation. Gloria Pungetti, Gonzalo Oviedo, Della Hooke. Cambridge university press. 265-277.

Wang N*, B C T, Geoffrey D, 2011, Bryophytes as a major dietary component for the Blood Pheasant. Journal of Bryology, 33(3): 258-260.

Jia F,Wang N, Zheng G, 2005, A comparison on winter habitat selection of white Eared-pheasant and Blood Pheasant in southwest China.Bird Conservation International.15:303-312.

Wang N, Zhang Z*, Zheng G, Philip M, 2004, Relative density and Habitat use of four pheasant species in Xiaoshennongjia Mountains, Hubei Province, China. Bird Conservation International. 14: 43-54.

何海燕王楠*董路2020北京城市鸟类对食源植物利用规律.动物学杂志. 564):491-499.

石树敏,王楠*2019白马鸡繁殖期等级行为和社群结构的社会网络分析.南京林业大学学报自然科学版. 43(3)137-144.

王楠*朱平芬万蒙叶元兴曲上2013四川海子山黑颈鹤繁殖种群的分布与数量.生态与农村环境学报. 292):120-124.

阙品甲,王楠*2012,高原山鹑越冬后期日节律及行为观察.四川动物. 311):27-31.

叶元兴,王楠*,丁长青,2012,鹮嘴鹬越冬觅食地选择与食物资源调查.动物学杂志. 472):38-43.

叶元兴,王楠*,丁长青,2013,鹮嘴鹬夜栖地报道.四川动物. 32(2):253-254.

马亮,赵玉泽,高云,蔡天龙,王楠*,隋金玲*,吴记贵,蒋万杰,2012,北京松山国家级自然保护区两栖爬行动物资源调查.四川动物. 312):307-310

王楠,贾非,郑光美,2005,白马鸡巢址选择的研究.北京师范大学学报(自然科学版). 41(2):190-193.

王楠,贾非,郑光美,2005,白马鸡配对期两性行为的比较.北京师范大学学报(自然科学版). 41(5):513-516.

贾非,王楠,郑光美,2005,冬季白马鸡群体夜栖地特征分析.生态学杂志. 24(2): 53-58.

贾非,王楠,郑光美,2005,白马鸡繁殖前期栖息地选择和空间利用特征.动物学报. 513:383-392.

王楠,张正旺,郑光美,2003,湖北小神农架发现红腹角雉的地面巢.动物学杂志. 382):13

