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  • 丁长靑/div>















    2003-2004,美国佐治亚大学森林资源学院野生动物专业'/span>Wildlife Division, School of Forestry Resources, University of Georgia)高级访问学耄/span>



















    Avian Research和《动物学杂志》编委、/span>












    发表研究论文100余篇,授权发明专?/span>2项,出版《朱鹮研究 和《トキの研究》(日文版)专著2部,参编《鸟类学》、《中国雉类》、《世界鸟类分类与分布名录》和《中国鸟类分类与分布名录》等专著6部、/span>


    [1] Xu, X., Ye, Y., Briggs, E., Wang, C., Qing, B., Song, Z., &Ding, C.*(2023). Why do parents produce small broods of offspring that have lower body mass, survival, and lifetime reproductive success? A case study in a long-lived bird[J].Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 77(3), 30.

    [2] Ye, Y., Santoro, S., Song, Z., Hu, C., Zhang, Z., Qing, B., Wang, C. &Ding, C.*(2023). Dispersal patterns of the endangered Crested Ibis suggest high breeding densities drive natal dispersal[J].Ornithological Applications, 125(1), duac042.

    [3] Zhao, S., Xie, J., &Ding, C.*(2023). Automatic individual recognition of wild Crested Ibis based on hybrid method of self-supervised learning and clustering[J].Ecological Informatics, 75, 102089.

    [4] Huang, Y., Ye, Y., Zhang, Y., Barras, A. G., Wang, C., Qing, B., &Ding, C.*(2022). Tall trees drive the nest-site selection of wild Crested IbisNipponia nippon[J].Bird Conservation International, 32(3), 486-497.

    [5] Xu, X., Jiang, J., Lei, Y., Wang, C., Qing, B., &Ding, C.*(2022). Using stable isotope to compare the habitat use and trophic level between the new and old breeding range of wild Crested Ibis in the early breeding season[J].Avian Research, 13, 100007.

    [6] Ren, Y.,Ding, C.*, Zhang, Y., Qing, B., & Duan, W. (2022). Public attitudes and willingness to pay toward the conservation of Crested Ibis: Insights for management[J].Journal for Nature Conservation,66, 126118.

    [7] Xie, J., Zhong, Y., Zhang, J., Liu, S.,Ding, C.*, & Triantafyllopoulos, A. (2022). A review of automatic recognition technology for bird vocalizations in the deep learning era[J].Ecological Informatics, 73, 101927.

    [8] Ye, Y., Hu, C., Jiang, Y., Davison, G. W., &Ding, C.*(2021). Three-dimensional niche partitioning between two colonially nesting ardeid species in central China[J].Avian Research, 12(1), 33.

    [9] Niu, W., Huang, Y., Zhang, C., Pu, T., Lu, Y., Jia, T., You, Y., Du, Y., Mao, Y. &Ding, C.*(2021). Development and characterization of 31 SNP markers for the Crested ibis (Nipponia nippon)[J].Conservation Genetics Resources, 13(1), 5-7.

    [10] Yu, F., Sun, Y., Wang, T., Skidmore, A. K.,Ding, C., & Ye, X. (2021) Linking the past and present to predict the distribution of Asian crested ibis (Nipponia nippon) under global changes[J].Integrative Zoology, 17(6), 1095-1105.

    [11] Wei, S., Jia, H., Chen, Y., Pan, W., Chen, Y., Lu, Q., Tao, X.,Ding, C.& Lu, X. (2020) Reproductive ecology of Baer's PochardAythya baeriin south China[J].Wildfowl, 70, 211-227.

    [12] Boakes, E. H., Fuller, R. a., Mace, G. M.,Ding, C., Ang, T. T., Auffret, A. G., Clark, N. E., Dunn, J., Gilbert, J., Golovnyuk, V., Gupta G., Irlich U., Joachim, Emily., Connor, K. O., Potapov, E., Potapov, R., Schleicher, J., Stebbing, S., Townshend, T. & McGowan, P.J. K. (2020). GalliForm, a database of Galliformes occurrence records from the Indo-Malay and Palaearctic, 1800?008[J].Scientific Data, 7,344.

    [13] Xie, J., Yang, J.,Ding, C.*& Li, W. (2020). High accuracy individual identification model of crested ibis (Nipponia nippon) based on autoencoder with self-attention[J].IEEE Access, 8, 41062-41070.

    [14] Song, Z., Zou, Y., Hu, C., Ye, Y., Wang, C., Qing, B., Jan, K. &Ding, C.*(2019). Silver spoon effects of hatching order in an asynchronous hatching bird[J].Behavioral Ecology, 30(2), 509?17.

    [15] Prosser, D.J.,Ding, C., Erwin, R. M., Mundkur, T., Sullivan, J.D. & Ellis, E.C. (2018). Species distribution modeling in regions of high need and limited data: waterfowl of China[J].Avian Research,2018, 9.

    [16] Song, Z., Liu, Y., Booksmythe, I. &Ding, C*. (2017). Effects of individual-based preferences for colour-banded mates on sex allocation in zebra finches[J].Behavioral Ecology, 28(5), 1228-1235.

    [17]Ye, Y.,Jiang, Y.,Hu, C.,Liu, Y.,Qing, B.,Wang, C., Ferndez-Juricic, E.&Ding, C.*(2017). What makes a tactile forager join mixed-species flocks? A case study with the endangered Crested IbisNipponia nippon[J].The Auk,2017, 134(2), 421-431.

    [18] Yao, H., Davison, G., Wang, N.,Ding, C.*, & Wang, Y. (2017). Post-breeding habitat association and occurrence of the Snow Partridge (Lerwa lerwa) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, west central China[J].Avian Research, 8(1), 8.

    [19] Hu, C.,Song, X.+strong>Ding C.*,Ye, Y.,Qing, B.+/span>&Wang, C.?016? The Size of Winter-Flooded Paddy Fields No Longer Limits the Foraging Habitat Use of the Endangered Crested Ibis(Nipponia nippon) in Winter[J].Zoological Science,33(4), 345-351.

    [20] Sun, Y., Wang, T., Skidmore, A. K., Palmer, S. C. F., Ye, X.,Ding, C.,&Wang Q* (2016). Predicting and understanding spatiotemporal dynamics of species recovery: implications for Asian crested ibisNipponia nipponconservation in China[J].Diversity and Distributions, 22, 893?04.

    [21] Su, T.,Yang, C.,Liang, G.+strong>Ding C.*&Liang, W.* (2016). Association between nest defense and egg rejection behavior of Brown-breasted Bulbuls (Pycnonotus xanthorrhous)[J].The Auk, 133(2), 231-235.

    [22] Yang, H.,Chen, B.,Piersma, T.,Zhang, Z. &Ding C.*'/span>2016? Molluscs of an intertidal soft-sediment area in China: Does overfishing explain a high density but low diversity community that benefits staging shorebirds[J]?Journal of Sea Research, 2016,109,20-28.

    [23] Li, Y.,Cui, B.,Qiu, X.,Itrat, B. &Ding C.*(2016). Management reference for nature reserve networks based on MaxEnt modeling and gap analysis: a case study of the brown–eared-pheasant (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) using historical data and potential[J].Animal Biodiversity and Conservation,2016,39(2),241-252.

    [24] Li, Y., Li, X., Song, Z. &Ding, C.*(2016). Determining the distribution loss of brown eared-pheasant (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) using historical data and potential distribution estimates[J].PeerJ, 4, e2556.

    [25] Li, Y. &Ding, C.*(2016). Effects of sample size, sample accuracy and environmental variables on predictive performance of MaxEnt model[J].Polish Journal of Ecology,64(3),303-312.

    [26] Sun, Y., Wang, T.*, Skidmore, A. K., Wang, Q.,&Ding, C. (2015) Decline of traditional rice farming constrains the recovery of the endangered Asian crested ibis (Nipponia nippon)[J].Ambio, 44(8), 803-814.

    [27] Sun, Y., Skidmore, A. K., Wang, T.*, van Gils, H. A., Wang, Q., Qing, B.,&Ding, C.(2014). Reduced dependence of Crested Ibis on winter-flooded rice fields: implications for their conservation[J].PloS One, 9(5), e98690.

    [28] He, X., Qing, B., Han, J.,Ding, C.* (2013). Improved molecular assay for sex identification of the endangered Crested Ibis (Nipponia nippon) based on the CHD1 gene and a sex-linked microsatellite locus[J].Zoological Science, 30(9), 742-747.

    [29] He, X.,Ding, C., Han, J.* (2013). Lack of structural variation but extensive length polymorphisms and heteroplasmic length variations in the Mitochondrial DNA control region of highly inbred Crested Ibis,Nipponia nippon[J].PloS One, 8(6), e66324.

    [30] Ye, Y., Davison, G. W., Zhu, P., Duan, L., Wang, N*., Xing, S., &Ding, C.(2013). Habitat utilization, time budget and daily rhythm of Ibisbill (Ibidorhyncha struthersii) in Daocheng County, southwest China[J].Waterbirds, 36(2), 135-143.

    [31] Boakes, E. H.,McGowan, P. J. K.,Fuller, R. A.+/span>Ding C.,Clark, N. E.,O'Connor, K.,Mace, G. M. (2010). Distorted Views of biodiversity: spatial and temporal bias in species occurrence data[J].PLoS Biology, 8(6), 1-11.

    [32]庆保干/span>,叶元关/span>,张亚祕/span>,权海亐/span>,段英,赵伟,丁长靑/strong>*. (2022). 2016臲/span>2019年朱鹮野生种群收容救护现状分枏/span>[J].动物学杂忖/em>, 57(2), 196-204.

    [33]王业勣/span>,李露,于海?/span>,赵新兂/span>,张楠,安菁,丁长靑/strong>*. (2021).次级洞巢鸟类对不同生境下人工巢箱的选择[J].林业科学, 57(12), 99-107.

    [34]杜枫枖/span>,张淑萌/span>,丁长靑/strong>*. (2020).鸟类应激反应的诱发和影响因素[J].动物学杂忖/em>, 55(4), 518-531.

    [35]陈丽霝/span>,付建干/span>,陆军,杨亮?/span>,丁长靑/strong>*. (2020).内蒙古查干淖尔湿地夏季鸟类组成和变化趋势[J].林业科学, 56(1), 145-153.

    [36]蒋志则/span>*,张正旹/span>,张润忖/span>,马志冚/span>,初红冚/span>,李义昍/span>,丁长靑/strong>,赵亚辈/span>,徐基?/span>,平晓鸼/span>,曾岩,崔绍朊/span>,李娜,曹丹丸/span>,王苏盅/span>,徐婧,戚英?/span>,李春旹/span>. (2019).加入《迁徙物种公约《/span>,促进全球迁徙动物保护[J].生物多样?/em>, 27(12), 1393-1395.

    [37]胡骞,臧少干/span>,徐克防/span>,薛琳,王希昍/span>,丁长靑/strong>,李建弹/span>*. (2019).山东发现褐翅燕鸥和白腰燕?/span>[J].动物学杂忖/em>, 54(4), 612-613.

    [38]吴海?/span>,金杰锊/span>, Nymbayar Batbayar,李凤屰/span>,丁长靑/strong>*. (2018).鄱阳湖越冬白枕鹤活动区面积与水位和气温的关系[J].动物学杂忖/em>, 53(4), 497-506.

    [39]谢将剐/span>,李文?/span>,张军囼/span>,丁长靑/strong>*. (2018).基于Chirplet语图特征和深度学习的鸟类物种识别方法[J].北京林业大学学报,40(3),122-127.

    [40]栗通萍,霍娟,杨灿朜/span>,丁长靑/strong>,梁伟*. (2017).贵州宽阔氳/span>7种雀形目鸟类繁殖巢记?/span>[J].动物学杂忖/em>, 52(3),411-416.

    [41]方小斌,邹瑀琦,丁长靑/strong>*. (2017).鸟类惊飞距离及其影响因素[J].动物学杂忖/em>, 52(5),897-910.

    [42]曾健文,庆保平,路晋,宋紫檀+strong>丁长靑/strong>*. (2017).陕西汉中野生朱鹮雏鸟的生长发育特?/span>[J].动物学杂忖/em>, 52(5),777-782.

    [43]蒋志则/span>*,江建平,王跃招,张鹗,张雁云,李立立,谢锋,蔡波,曹亮,郑光美,董路,张正旺,丁平,罗振华+strong>丁长靑/strong>,马志军,汤宋华,曹文宣,李春旺,胡慧建,马勇,吴毅,王应祥,周开亚,刘少英,陈跃英,李家堂,冯祚建,王燕,王斌,李成,宋雪琳,蔡蕾,臧春鑫,曾岩,孟智斌,方红霞,平晓鸽. (2016).中国脊椎动物红色名录[J].生物多样?/em>, 24(5), 500-551.

    [44]张雁云,张正旺,董路,丁平,丁长靑/strong>,马志军,郑光美*. (2016).中国鸟类红色名录评估[J].生物多样?/em>, 24(5), 568-579.

    [45]程雅畅,唐林芳,苏立英,周海翔,丁长靑/strong>*. (2014).沙丘鹤在中国的分布状冴/span>[J].动物学杂忖/em>, 49(6), 921-924.

    [46]蒋一婷,丁长靑/strong>*. (2014).非致命性捕食风险对鸟类的影哌/span>[J].动物学杂忖/em>49(4), 613-620.

    [47]王超,刘冬平,庆保平,丁海华,崔迎亚,叶元兴,路晋,闫鲁,柯立,丁长靑/strong>*.(2014).野生朱鹮的种群数量和分布现状[J]+em>动物学杂忖/em>, 49(5), 666-671.

    [48]叶元兴,王楠*,丁长青. (2014).鹮嘴鹬越冬觅食地选择与食物资源调?/span>[J].动物学杂忖/em>, 47(2),46-51.

    [49]邱胜荢/span>,丁长靑/strong>*. (2014).基于GAP分析的海南山鹧鸪保护研究[J].林业资源管理, 3, 105-108.

    [50]李海洋,丁长靑/strong>*.(2013).种群生存力分析在濒危动物保护与管理中的应?/span>[J].四川动物, 32(2),313-319.

    [51]叶元兴,王楠*+strong>丁长靑/strong>. (2013).鹮嘴鹬夜栖地报道[J].四川动物, 32(2):253-254.

    [52]胡灿实,李海洋,叶元兴,陈丽霞,张肖,赵欣如,吴文彪+strong>丁长靑/strong>*. (2012).不同驱鸟情景模式对果园害鸟行为的影响[J].生态学杂志, 31(9), 2365-2370.

    [53]张肖+strong>丁长靑/strong>*.(2012).粪便类固醇激素检测准确性的影响因素[J].动物学杂忖/em>, 47(5),143-151.






    '/span>1(strong>丁长靑/strong> 主编+/span>2004《朱鹮研究34万字+/span>1-388页,上海:上海科技教育出版社、/span>

    '/span>2(strong>丁长靑/strong> 编著+/span>2007,《トキの研究》(日文版),日本新树社株式会社出版,东京、/span>


    《鸟类学 (第二版+/span>2010);

    《中国雉类 '/span>2015);

    《中国鸟类分类与分布名录 (第二版+/span>2011;第三版+/span>2017);

    《世界鸟类分类与分布名录 (第一版,2002;第二版+/span>2021)等、/span>
