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  • 张英

    张英博士,山东乐陵人,现任北京林业大学自然保护区学院教授 博士生导师、/span>














    2022.01‒/span>至今:北京林业大学自然保护区学院,教 博士生导帇/span>

    2019.11?021.12:北京林业大学自然保护区学院,副教授 博士生导帇/span>

    2012.07?019.10:北京林业大学微生物研究所,副教授 硕士生导帇/span>

















    担任Persoonia, Phytotaxa, Mycosphere, Mycological Research, Plant Disease, Phytopathology筈/span>10余个SCI杂志的审稿人:/span>



    发表研究论文70余篇;第一作者或通讯作耄/span>SCI论文40余篇,在Studies in Mycology?/span>Fungal Diversity?/span>Plant Disease?/span>Persoonia等领域内国际顶级SCI期刊发表研究论文10余篇,其中两篇第一作SCI论文(Studies in Mycology 64: 85-102, 2009?/span>Fungal Diversity 53: 1-221, 2012)被评为高被引用论斆/span>(top 1%)、/span>


    Lin Zhao; Wei Sun; Lili Zhao; Lin Zhang; Yueqi Yin;Ying Zhang*, 2022, Causing Stem Blight and Dieback of Blueberries in China, Plant Disease, 106(9)9/span>2338-234

    Zhang Y., Zhou Y.P., Sun W., Zhao L.L., Pavlic-Zupanc D., Crous P.W., Slippers B., Dai Y.C.* (2021) Towards a natural classification of Botryosphaeriaceae: a study of the type. Frontier in Microbiology DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.737541

    Chu RT, Dou ZP, He W,Zhang Y*, 2021. Two novel species of Botryosphaeria causing stem canker of blueberries from China. Mycosystema, 40(3): 473-486

    Wang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Bhoyroo, V.; Rampadarath, S.; Jeewon, R. Multigene Phylogenetics and Morphology Reveal Five NovelLasiodiplodiaSpecies Associated with Blueberries. Life 2021, 11, 657. https://doi.org/10.3390/life11070657

    Shen M, Zhang JQ, Zhao LL, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW,Zhang Y*'/span>2020Venturiales. Studies in Mycology 96:185-308.

    Zhao L, Wang Y, He W,Zhang Y* (2019) Stem blight of blueberry caused byLasiodiplodia vacciniisp. Nov. in China. Plant disease 103: 2041-2050.

    Zhao L, Cai J, He W*,Zhang Y* (2019)Macrophomina vacciniisp. nov. causing blueberry stem blight in China. MycoKeys 55: 1?4.

    Wang Y, Lin S, Zhao L, Sun X, He W,Zhang Y*, Dai YC* (2019) Lasiodiplodia spp. associated with Aquilaria crassna in Laos. Mycological Progress 18:683?01.

    Lin S, Sun X, He W*,Zhang Y*(2017) Two new endophytic species ofPhyllosticta(Phyllostictaceae, Botryosphaeriales) from Southern China. Mycosphere 8(2), 1273?288

    Wang Q., Liu ZCh, He W.,Zhang Y* (2019) Pseudocercospora spp. from leaf spots of Euonymus japonicus in China. Mycosystema 38(2): 159-170.

    Dou ZP, He W,Zhang Y* (2017) Does morphology matter in taxonomy ofLasiodiplodia? An answer fromLasiodiplodia hyalinasp. nov. Mycosphere 8(8): 1014?027, Doi10.5943/mycosphere/8/2/5

    Zhang M, Lin S, He W*,Zhang Y*(2017) Three species ofNeofusicoccum(Botryosphaeriaceae, Botryosphaeriales) associated with woody plants from Southern China. Mycosphere 8(2): 797?08, Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/8/2/4

    Dou ZP, He W,Zhang Y*(2017)Lasiodiplodia chinensis, a new holomorphic species from China. Mycosphere 8(2): 521?32, Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/8/2/3.

    Zhou YP, Zhang M, Dou ZhP,Zhang Y*(2017)Botryosphaeria rosaceae sp. nov.andB. ramosa,new botryosphaeriaceous taxa from China.Mycosphere 8(2): 57?6.

    Dou Z.-P, Lu M., Wu J.-R., He W*,Zhang Y* (2017) A new species and interesting records ofAplosporellafrom China. Sydowia 69: 1?.

    M. Shen, J.Q. Zhang andY. Zhang* (2016)Venturiaspecies form sooty mold-like colonies on leaves of Salix: introducingVenturia fuliginosasp. nov. Mycosphere. 7 (9): 1292?300.

    M. Zhang, W. He, J.R. Wu, Y. Zhang* (2016) Two new species ofSpencermartinsia(Botryosphaeriaceae, Botryosphaeriales) from China.Mycosphere. 79span style="font-family:等线, serif">942-949.

    Z.C. Liu, U. Braun, P.W. Crous, J. Si, Y. Zhang* (2016) Taxonomy and phylogeny of cercosporoid fungi (Mycosphaerellaceae) from China 1. Phytotaxa 278(1): 212-244.

    Y.P. Zhou, Zh.P. Dou, W. He, X.D. Zhang, Y. Zhang* (2016).Botryosphaeria sinensiasp nov., a new species from China. Phytotaxa 245 (1): 043-050

    J.Q. Zhang, Y.P. Zhou, Zh.P. Dou, W. He, Y. Zhang* (2016). Type studies of sixVenturiaspecies. Nova Hedwigia 102:173-184.

    Ying Zhang*, Fournier J. (2015).Kirschsteiniothelia thujina(Peck) D. Hawksw. (Kirschsteiniotheliaceae) reported from Europe for the first time. Ascomycete.org 7: 31-37 (2015-02)

    JiaQi Zhang, ZhiPeng Dou, YuPei Zhou, Wei He, XiaoDong Zhang, Ying Zhang* (2016).Venturia chinensissp. nov., a new venturialean ascomycete from Khingan Mountains. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences. 23: 592-597.

    JiaQi Zhang#, YuPei Zhou#, ZhiPeng Dou, J. Fournier*, Y. Zhang* (2015)Helicascus unilocularissp. nov., a new freshwater pleosporalean ascomycete from the Caribbean area. Mycological Progress 14: (DOI 10.1007/s11557-015-1070-y)

    J.Q. Zhang,Y. Zhang*, Y.P. Zhou, Zh.P. Dou, W. He, P.W. Crous (2015). First Report ofTubakia seoraksanensisParasitizing Quercus mongolica in Lesser Khingan Mountains, China. Plant Disease DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-12-14-1284-PDN. (SCI 2015-04)

    A.Y. Rossman, P.W. Crous, K.D. Hyde, D.L. Hawksworth, A. Aptroot, J.L. Bezerra, J.D. Bhat, E. Boehm, U. Braun, S. Boonmee, E. Camporesi, P. Chomnunti, D. Q. Dai, M.J. D’souza, A. Dissanayake, E.B.G. Jones, J.Z. Groenewald, M. Hernández-Restrepo, S. Hongsanan, W.M. Jaklitsch, R. Jayawardena, L.W. Jing, P.M. Kirk, J.D. Lawrey, A. Mapook, E.H.C. McKenzie, J. Monkai, A.J.L. Phillips, R. Phookamsak, H.A. Raja, K.A. Seifert, I. Senanayake, B. Slippers, S. Suetrong, K. Tanaka, J.E. Taylor, K.M. Thambugala, Q. Tian, S. Tibpromma, D.N. Wanasinghe, N.N. Wijayawardene, S. Wikee, J.H.C. Woudenberg, H.X. Wu, J. Yan, T. Yang,Y. Zhang(2015). Recommended names for pleomorphic genera in Dothideomycetes. IMA Fungus 6(2): 507-523

    Zhang Y*, Yanjiao Liu, Yupei Zhou, Xiaodong Zhang, Baokai Cui, Shuanghui He+span style="font-family:等线, serif">Jacques Fournier (2014).Helicascus gallicussp. nov., a new freshwater pleosporalean ascomycete from France.Phytotaxa 183: 183-192. (SCI 2014-10)

    Zhang Y*, Xiaodong Zhang, Fournier J., Jiajia Chen, Hyde K.D. (2014).Lindgomyces greiosporus, a new aquatic ascomycete from Europe including new records.Mycoscience 55: 43-48.

    Zhang Y*, Jacques Fournier, Ali H. Bakhali, Wenjing Li, Kevin D. Hyde (2014). Neotypification and phylogeny ofKalmusia. Phytotaxa 176: 164-173.

    Wijayawardene NN, Crous PW, Kirk PM, Hawksworth DL, Boonmee S, Braun U & Dai D-Q, D’souza MJ, Diederich P, Dissanayake A, Doilom M, Hongsanan S, Jones EBG, Groenewald JZ, Jayawardena R, Lawrey JD, Liu J-K, & Lücking R, Madrid H, Manamgoda DS, Muggia L, Nelsen MP, Phookamsak R, Suetrong S, Tanaka K, Thambugala KM, Wanasinghe DN, Wikee S,Zhang Y, Aptroot A, Ariyawansa HA, Bahkali AH, Jayarama D, Gueidan C, Chomnunti P, Hoog GSD, Knudsen K, Li W-J, McKenzie EHC, Miller AN, Phillips AJL, Piątek M, Raja HA, Shivas RS, Slippers B, Taylor JE, Tian Q, Wang Y & Woudenberg JHC, Cai L, Jaklitsch WM, Hyde KD (2014).Naming and outline of Dothideomycetes?014 including proposals for the protection or suppression of generic names. Fungal diversity 69:1-55.

    Crous et al. (2014). Fungal Planet description sheets: 281-319 Persoonia 33: 212-289.

    Crous et al. (2014). Fungal Planet description sheets: 214-280 Persoonia 32: 184-306.

    Zhang Y*, Jacques Fournier, Rungtiwa Phookamsak, Bakhali A.H., Kevin D. Hyde (2013). Halotthiaceae fam. nov. (Pleosporales) accommodates the new genusPhaeoseptumand several other aquatic genera.Mycologia 105: 603-609.

    Zhang Y*, Fournier J., Bakhali A.H., Hyde K.D. (2013).Misturatosphaeria mariaesp. nov. from France, a first record ofMisturatosphaeriain Europe. Mycoscience 54: 106-109.

    Hyde KD, Jones EBG, Liu J-K, Ariyawansa HA, Boehm E, Boonmee S, Braun U, Chomnunti P, Crous PW, Dai D-Q, Diederich P, Dissanayake A, Doilom M, Doveri F, Hongsanan S, Jayawardena Ruvishika, Lawrey JD, Li Y-M, Lücking R, Monkai J, Nelsen MP, Phookamsak R, Muggia L, Pang K-L, Senanayake I, Shearer CA, Wijayawardene N, Wu H-X, Thambugala KM, Suetrong S, Tanaka K, Wikee S,Zhang Y, Aguirre-Hudson B, Alias SA, Aptroot A, Bahkali AH, Bezerra JL, Bhat JD, Binder M, Camporesi E, Chukeatirote E, Hoog SD, Gueidan C, Hawksworth DL, Hirayama K, Kang JC, Knudsen K, Li W-J, Liu Z-Y, McKenzie EHC, Miller AN, Nadeeshan D, Phillips AJL, Mapook A, Raja HA17, Tian Q, Scheuer C, Schumm F, Taylor J, Yacharoen S, Tibpromma S, Wang Y, Yan Y, Zhang M (2013). Families of Dothideomycetes. Fungal Diversity 63:1-313

    Zhang, Crous PW, Schoch CL, Hyde KD (2012). Pleosporales. Fungal Diversity 53: 1-221 DOI 10.1007/s13225-011-0117-x.

    Zhang Y, Pedro W. Crous, Conrad L. Schoch, Ali H. Bakhali, Liangdong Guo, Kevin D. Hyde (2011). A molecular, morphological and ecological re-appraisal of Venturiales―a new order of Dothideomycetes. Fungal Diversity 51:249-277 DOI 10.1007/s13225-011-0141-x.

    Zhang Y, Fournier J., Bakhali A.H., Hyde K.D. (2011).Inflatispora, a novel lignicolous genus ofPleosporalesfrom France. Sydowia 63 (2): 287-295.

    Suetrong S., Hyde K.D.,Zhang Y, Bahkali A.H., Jones E.B.G. (2011). Trematosphaeriaceae fam. Nov. (Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota). Cryptogamie Mycologie 32: 343-358.

    Liu J.K., Phookamsak R., Jones E.B.G.,Zhang Y, Ko-Ko T.W., Hu H.-L., Boonmee S., Doilom M., Chukeatirote E., Bahkali A.H., Wang Y., Hyde K.D. (2011).Astrosphaeriellais polyphyletic, with species inFissuromagen. nov., andNeoastrosphaeriellagen. nov. Fungal Diversity 51: 135-154.

    Boonmee S.,Zhang Y, Chomnunti P., Chukeatirote E., Tsui C.K.M., Bahkali A.H., Hyde K.D. (2011). Revision of lignicolousTubeufiaceaebased on morphological reexamination and phylogenetic analysis. Fungal Diversity 51: 63-102.

    Zhang Y, Schoch CL, Fournier J, Crous PW, Gruyter J De, Woudenberg JHC, Hirayama K, Tanaka K, Pointing SB, Hyde KD (2009). Multi-locus phylogeny of the Pleosporales: a taxonomic, ecological and evolutionary re-evaluation. Studies in Mycology 64: 85-102.

    Zhang Y, Jacques Fournier, Pedro W. Crous, Steve B. Pointing and Kevin D. Hyde (2009). Phylogenetic and morphological assessment of two new species ofAmniculicolaand their allies (Pleosporales). Persoonia 23: 48-54.

    Zhang Y, Kevin D. Hyde (2009). Transfer ofPseudoparodia pseudopezizato Patellariaceae (Patellariales). Nova Hedwigia 88: 211-215.

    Zhang Y, Hongkai Wang, Jacques Fournier, Pedro W. Crous, Rajesh Jeewon, Steve B. Pointing and Kevin D. Hyde (2009). Towards a phylogenetic clarification ofLophiostoma/Massarinaand morphologically similar genera in the Pleosporales. Fungal Diversity 38: 225-251.

    Shearer CA, Raja HA, Miller AN, Nelson P, Tanaka K, Hirayama K, Marvanová L, Hyde KD,Zhang Y(2009). The molecular phylogeny of freshwater Dothideomycetes. Studies in Mycology 64: 145-153.

    Schoch CL, Crous PW, Groenewald JZS, Boehm EWA, BurgessTI, Gruyter J De, Hoog GS De, Dixon LJ, Grube M, Gueidan C, Harada Y, Hatakeyama S, Hirayama K, Hosoya T, Huhndorf SM, Hyde KD, Jones EBG, Kohlmeyer J, Kruys Å, Li YM, Lücking R, Lumbsch HT, Marvanová L, Mbatchou JS, McVay AH, Miller AN, Mugambi GK, Muggia L, Nelsen MP, Nelson P, Owensby CA, Phillips AJL, Phongpaichit S, Pointing SB, Pujade-Renaud V, Raja HA, Rivas Plata E, Robbertse B, Ruibal C, Sakayaroj J, Sano T, Selbmann L, Shearer CA, Shirouzu T, Slippers B, Suetrong S, Tanaka K, Volkmann-Kohlmeyer B, Wingfield MJ, Wood AR, Woudenberg JHC, Yonezawa H,Zhang Y, Spatafora JW (2009). A class-wide phylogenetic assessment of Dothideomycetes. Studies in Mycology 64: 1-15.

    Zhang Y, Jacques Fournier, Steve B. Pointing and Kevin D. Hyde (2008). AreMelanomma pulvis-pyriusandTrematosphaeria pertusacongeneric? Fungal Diversity 33: 47-60.

    Zhang Y, Jacques Fournier, Rajesh Jeewon and Kevin D. Hyde (2008).Quintaria microsporumsp nov., from a stream in France.Cryptogamie Mycologie 29: 145-148

    Zhang Y, Jacques Fournier, Jacques Fournier, Kevin D. Hyde (2008).Multi-gene phylogeny and morphotaxonomy ofAmniculicola lignicola: a novel freshwater fungus from France and its relationships to the Pleosporales. Mycological Research 112: 1186-1194.

    Kevin D. Hyde andZhang Y(2008). Epitypification: should we epitypify? Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B, 9: 842-846.

    张英,高清明,郭良栋+/span>2007.中国丛枝菌根真菌七个新记录种.菌物学报+/span>26 : 174-178 .

    Ying Zhangand Liang-Dong Guo (2007). Arbuscular mycorrhizal structure and fungi associated with mosses. Mycorrhiza 17:319-325.

    Ji-Guang Wei, Tong Xu, Liang-Dong Guo, Ai-Rong Liu andYing Zhangand Xing-Hua Pan (2007). EndophyticPestalotiopsisspecies associated with plants ofPodocarpaceae,TheaceaeandTaxaceaein southern China. Fungal Diversity 24: 55-74.

    蔡邦平,张英,陈俊愉,张启翔,郭良栋+/span>2007.西藏东南野梅根际丛枝菌根真菌三个我国新纪录种.菌物学报+/span>26: 36-39.

    高清明,张英,郭良栋+/span>2006.西藏东南部地区的丛枝菌根真菌.菌物学报+/span>25: 234-243.

    张英,郭良栋+/span>2005.中国丛枝菌根真菌两新纪录秌/span>.菌物学报+/span>24(3): 465-467.


    Ying Zhang, Liang-Dong Guo and Run-Jin Liu (2004). Survey of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in deforested and natural forest land in subtropical region of Dujiangyan, southwest China. Plant and Soil 261 (1-2): 257-263.

    Ying Zhang, Liang-Dong Guo and Run-Jin Liu (2004). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with common pteridophytes in Dujiangyan, southwest China. Mycorrhiza 14: 25-30.

    张英,郭良栋,刘润进+/span>2003.都江堰亚热带地区常见植物根围的丛枝菌根真菋/span>.菌物学报+/span>22: 204-210.

    张英,郭良栋,刘润进+/span>2003.都江堰地区丛枝菌根真菌多样性与生态研穵/span>.植物生态学报,27 (4): 537-544.

    张英,刘润进,郭良栋+/span>2002.丛枝菌根培养特性研究进屔/span>.微生物学通报+/span>29 (4): 86-90


    (1)张英;王宇;检浊/span>Lasiodiplodia gonubiensis皃/span>LAMP引物及试剂盒, 2022-07-08,中国, CN202010013196.3

    (2)张英;王宇;检浊/span>Neofusicoccum algeriense皃/span>LAMP引物及试剂盒, 2022-07-05,中国, CN202010021513.6

    (3)张英;王宇;检浊/span>Botryosphaeria fabicerciana皃/span>LAMP引物及试剂盒, 2022-07-05,中国, CN202010019763.6

    (4)张英;王宇;检浊/span>Botryosphaeria sinensia皃/span>LAMP引物及试剂盒, 2022-07-08,中国, CN202010019764.0

    (5)张英;王宇;检浊/span>Neofusicoccum macroclavatum皃/span>LAMP引物及试剂盒, 2022-07-08,中国, CN202010013015.7

    (6)张英;王宇;检浊/span>Lasiodiplodia thailandica皃/span>LAMP引物及试剂盒, 2022-07-08,中国, CN202020013197.8
