当前位置: 首页> 科学研究> 研究成果> 我院杜芳教授团队揭示植物生态特征替代新机制

近日,我院杜芳教授课题组在植物学领域的重要期刊New PhytologistIF=10.151)发表了题为“Asymmetric character displacement in mixed oak stands”的研究论文,首次系统地揭示了植物生态特征替代的新机制。New Phytologist期刊将此文列为封面报导论文,全文链接:https://nph.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/nph.18311?campaign=wolacceptedarticle

在全球植被中,栎类是分布最为广泛的林木类群之一,我国的栎类资源也相当丰富,据统计共有120多种,是栎属植物的多样性中心之一。根据第八次全国森林资源清查报告,栎类占天然林总面积的13%,是我国天然林中分布面积最大和最广的树种。栎类的一大特征是叶形变异多样,物种间生殖隔离不完全,物种间的杂交与渐渗频繁,这引起了包括达尔文在内的生态和进化生物学家的极大兴趣,比如达尔文在其经典著作《物种起源》中专门论述英国栎的复杂性,受此启发Van Valen1976年提出了生态学物种概念(Van Valen 1976),并开启了栎类作为生态适应研究模式的时代。

江南的注册网址杜芳自2010年博士毕业至今一直专注于我国乡土栎类的生态与进化研究。至今,其带领的科研团队已收集了27个栎类物种,包括43个种群,5000多份DNA遗传资源,叶片和种子标本,并将这些遗传资源公开在网站https://www.oakofchina.org/上,与全球栎类研究者材料共享。这篇发表在New Phytologis上的论文是该课题组利用叶性状和分子标记对栎类多样性及分化的持续性研究,检测了广泛分布于我国的槲栎和槲树在微同域和微异域种群中的叶性状和遗传分化及与环境因子的关系。发现微同域种群中两物种之间存在更大的叶型和遗传分化,而且此分化不依赖于环境,且在演替晚期物种(槲栎)中分化更强,证明由于对资源的竞争造成的非对称的种间竞争压力是导致非对称特征替代的主要原因。据悉,这是近年来通过遗传、形态和环境因子首次在树木中揭示生态特征替代的研究案例,New Phytologist杂志将以封面形式对此工作进行报导,作者选择以汉字“橡”来传达中国栎类研究者的声音。未来,作者团队将进一步尝试揭示特征替代的分子机制。

New Phytologist封面:中国汉字中栎树为“橡”,意思是强壮,值得信赖,大象般的树。本期中杜等提供了两种混生东亚落叶栎的非对称特征替代,这一概念由刚刚去世的威尔逊1956年提出。(The Chinese character for ‘oak’ is ‘橡’. Its meaning is ‘strong, reliable, elephant-like tree’. In this issue, Du et al. provide evidence for asymmetric character displacement for leaf traits in mixed populations of two East Asian deciduous oaks. The concept of ecological character displacement was first developed in 1956 by the late E. O. Wilson (June 10, 1929 – December 26, 2021) in collaboration with W.L. Brown

我院为该论文的第一单位,杜芳教授为通讯和第一作者,硕士生祁敏,厦门大学的张原野副教授和法国波尔多大学的Remy J. Petit教授为论文的共同作者。本工作得到了国家自然科学基金等项目的资助。江南的注册网址动画与设计学院的王婧慧高级实验师和法国Maryse Petit小姐帮助设计了封面。


Brown WL, Wilson EO. 1956.Character displacement. Systematic Zoology, 2: 49–64.

Darwin C. 1872.On the origin of species: By means of natural selection, or preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life.Nature, 144: 971-972.

Du FK, Hou M, Wang W, Mao KS, Hampe A. 2017.Phylogeography ofQuercus aquifolioidesprovides novel insights into the Neogene history of a major global hotspot of plant diversity in south-west China.Journal of Biogeography, 44: 294–307. (cover story)

DuFK,Qi M, Zhang YY, RJ Petit.2022Asymmetric character displacement in mixed oak stands.New Phytologist(accepted)

Du FK, Wang TR, Wang YY, Ueno S, De Lafontaine G. 2020.Contrasted patterns of local adaptation to climate change across the range of an evergreen oak,Quercus aquifolioides.Evolutionary Applications, 13: 2377–2391.

Goldberg EE, Lande R. 2006.Ecological and reproductive character displacement of an environmental gradient.Evolution,60: 1344-1357.

Li YJ, Zhang YY, Liao PC, Wang TR, Wang XY,Ueno S, Du FK. 2021.Genetic, geographic, and climatic factors jointly shape leaf morphology of an alpine oak,Quercus aquifolioidesRehder & E.H. Wilson.Annals of Forest Science, 78: 1-18.

Liu KK, Qi M, Du FK. 2022.Population and landscape genetics provide insights into species conservation of two evergreen oaks in Qinghai–Tibet Plateau and adjacent regions.Frontiers in Plant Science, 13: 858526.

Liu Y, Li Y, Song J, Zhang RP, Yan Y, Wang Y, Du FK. 2018.Geometric morphometric analyses of leaf shapes in two sympatric Chinese oaks:Quercus dentataThunberg andQuercus alienaBlume (Fagaceae).Annals of Forest Science, 75: 90.

Lyu J, Song J, Liu Y, Wang YY, Li JQ, Du FK. 2018.Species boundaries between three sympatric oak species:Quercus aliena, Q. dentata, andQ. variabilisat the northern edge of their distribution in China.Frontiers in Plant Science, 9: 414.

Van Valen L. 1976.Ecological Species, Multispecies, and Oaks. Taxon, 25: 233-239.


