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(30 points) 1) 揂 person can refer to Shakespeare even though he died hundreds of years ago. This shows that language has the design feature of _____. A. duality B. creativity C. arbitrariness D. displacement 2) Which of the following words involve 搉asalization? A. rap B. read C. running D. want 3) Which of the following words are instances of 揵lending? A. transistor B. smog C. boatel D. brunch 4) In Halliday抯 grammar, the basic unit of structure is the _____. A. sentence B. clause C. phrase D. word 2. Decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F). (20 points) 1) CALL refers to the use of a computer in the teaching or learning of a second or foreign language. 2) As an important factor that affects word recognition, frequency effect describes the additional ease with which a word is accessed due to its repeated occurrence in the discourse or context. 3. Briefly explain the following terms. (25 points) 1) competence and performance 2) 慻arden path sentences 4. Answer the following question. (25 points) Explain the following sentences: 1) To do research means to get your hands dirty. 2) I抳e had enough dumbbells in my office. Then discuss why it is important to teach culture in the classroom? Part II. Literature. (60 points) 1. Fill the blanks. (20 points) 1) Jane Eyre was written by _____. 2) The preface to Lyrical Ballads can be read as a _______, in which _____ openly expresses his theory of poetry, which is contrary to the theory of _____. 3) With a painstaking documentation of detail, ______ portrays three different worlds in which Sister Carrie moves and which between them offer a panoramic view of the crude and the savage aspects of social life at the turn of the _____ century. 2. Briefly explain the following terms. (10 points) 1) Romanticism 2) New England Transcendentalism 3. Answer the following question(s). (30 points) Discuss Hemingway抯 literary achievement. Part III. English-speaking Countries. (40 points) 1. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one which you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Only one choice is correct. (20 points) 1) The British Isles are made up of _____. A. three large islands and hundreds of small ones B. three large islands and dozens of small ones C. two large islands and hundreds of small ones D. two large islands and dozens of small ones 2) Which of the following does NOT belong to the white-collar crime in America? A. Bribery. B. Tax evasion. C. False advertising. D. Robbery 2. Briefly explain the following terms. (10 points) 1) Robin Hood 2) The Bill of Rights 3. Answer the following question. 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