邢唷>? <>?;欹q` 餜?bjbjqPqP<.::M %@@@@@@@T   8P $t T(. " $VhJ-@ @@ GGG @ @ G GG@@G gM蝣 G0(GmvG@GH 0 "G , d ( TTT TTT TTT@@@@@@ qQ 3 u S琋梘N'Yf[ 2006t^Ux隭xvzueQf[諎 褘孴橯\O T{Hh I. Translate the following passage into Chinese. Passage 1 (15 points) Yt^eg b豞b0WhQ珟胈昩eQgqi[P[ 蜰23乗0R\褟35乗g魰 b_f強bi[P[霳?RSO瞼[岤WT 縊PW(Wlxag驫 NI{諲霳 蜰*g皒菑Qt蚥0 N菑侶廅0b籗菑SO蚫啓0b煍1r裯癚 tS奲hQ钀鰁魰(u嶯(W渘癚:W:Ni[P[霳鹼0銐癚嫍嫍&^ N d枂NKb奲Kb0W啒@w踁乗剉i[P[(W癚 Nbaba裯≧Y 蜰*g N菑癚:W01u嶯鴭俌dk{|剉蟸哠 錯飝g/}蟸Nm鶴皊哊\潣廚zz sSO俌蔔 S_b絙zz芉YQt詋[0妽螒裯陽孴(\(侶廅 z鰁 蚇 gN蛓鎮緰N譙+c剉a蓧b_q_ N粂0緰錘Fd10 Passage 2 (35 points) 鍂茓Cg褟t^eg譙0R哊鬴Y剉sQ鑜 烻郪(W嶯t鮛NR癳騗蟸b:Ng蛻亯剉D崘n 諷鉔哊W0W0齹恘孴烻Pg檈0皊(W 齎 N^lQ鳶貧緩3/4剉鱊 e烻薡xo忲N剉tQw?\/fN*NxQ媁剉婳翄0dkY N蛓癳媁剉lQ鳶騗鶴皊嶯S_蔔剉b/glQ鳶剉Y鬡 nbo@w鍂茓Cg-N薔:g刧剉覊r _煆t鮛0筽P[^:W0 II. Translate the following extract into English. (50 points) Being unemployed, especially being so by choice, is a kind of courage by nature and even more a sort of credentials. After experiencing many rounds of intense competition, Zhang Chen, who graduated two years ago with a master抯 degree and competencies, had chance to get a job in a top 500 multinational. A year later, he was promoted from an employee to a project manager and his earnings multiplied several times. Recently he announced to his family, however, 揑抳e been promoted, but I抦 going to resign after Christmas. This was not a small surprise to the family. 揟he job is OK, but I just feel the job won抰 bring me satisfaction any more. By the third quarter of 2005, the supply and demand in the labor market of our country indicate that the overall unemployment rate among labors aging between 15 and 29 had increased to 9%, much higher than the urban registered unemployment rate, which was 4.5%. Among those who were unemployed, over 50% opted to be out of work as Zhang did. 揟here are many chances for one to give up employment. Something common among those who do is that they will not go hunger for economic reasons, at least in a short period of time. Professor Ge Jianxiong from Fudan University holds that some young persons possess the prerequisite for choosing unemployment along with the development of society. They don抰 need to work rigidly as the commuting workers. By contrast, they lead an extraordinarily 搘ell-to-do life. III. Writing Part I (30 points)  &(blrvxz~ > t   > @ 阕俗脯犠攳剭剭{qjqcqcqc{qcqcqcqcqc hCJo( hGm8CJo(hJpPhCJo(h5丆Jo(h6丆Jo( h6丆Jh5?*CJ\乷(h莐5?*CJ\乷(h翨5?*CJ\乷($hh5?*CJOJPJ\乷(h硘,5?*CJ\乷(h? 5?*CJ\乷(h? 5乗乷(h? 5丆J4\乷( hL;o( h? o(& xz  @ LN0XY 勦WD`勦gdgd 勦dhWD`勦gdd,gdd,gd$a$ 刵剮&VD鳺D\^刵颼剮&??@ LN>FQRS_cno{uvwx  ./=D$,躅躅躅蹂苷苷絮甚甚甚煽煽煽跎可可豕甚可跎可跎醢醢醢醢醢甚磅磅磅磅铛甚hJpPhCJ hmGCJhJpPhmGCJo( hmGCJo( ho( h6丆Jh6丆Jo(hGm86丆Jo( hCJo(hJpPhCJo(E,./FJce:;-1EFPQWXYflpwx"???????n'?($(????瑛瑛甾瑛甾瑛甾瑛甾珩匀滑痊泉葥葟駨トhh5?*CJ\乷(hh5乗乷(h5丆J\乚 ho(Uh/h5丆J\乚乷(h/h5丆J\乚h5丆J\乚乷(hmGhCJo(hJpPhCJhJpPhCJo( hCJo( hmGCJo(/Yfy """??#??$"$???????????? 劋WD`劋gd 勔VDd^勔gdgd 剷]剷gd膵Rh芉 27R 30R ;N槝亃鶴 聣筽fnx 噀鄗剉agt'`孴;悜?`坃:_ 韹夾mEu  gb乬\韹飲 (u蛬芉nx0p`S_ g魦 g汻0 24R 26R ;N槝亃鶴 聣筽fnx 噀鄗剉agt'`孴;悜?`儚:_ 韹娫k儚AmEu g\蠎韹飲 (u蛬詋儚芉nx g魦 g汻0 21R 23R ;N槝詋儚亃鶴 聣筽fnx 噀鄗 gN歔剉agt'`孴;悜?` 韹 NYAmEu gN歔蠎剉韹飲 (u蛬芉nx儚頬 FO Nq_蚑麐鵞噀鄗剉t銐 gN歔魦 g汻0 18R 20R ;N槝 NY亃鶴 颯錘h埦徛壒p 噀鄗剉agt'`孴;悜?`儚頬 韹 NAmEu 韹飲儚Y (u蛬芉nx頬 鵞麐t銐噀鄗 gN歔剉q_蚑0 18R錘 N ;N槝 N亃鶴 N齹h埦徛壒p 噀鄗鄀agt'`孴;悜?` 韹 N 韹飲菑Y (u蛬芉nx坃頬 O麐鄀誰t銐噀鄗'Ya0 Part II (20 points) Language is developing all the time. Along the way it has picked up words from many different languages. Take English for example. Many words in English are taken from other languages, including French, Latin, German, Dutch, Urdu, Arabic, Slavic language, etc. This is partly owing to the historical factors such as the invasions of Norman French and immigration. At the same time, English vocabulary is greatly enriched by the new words and expressions produced by the rapid development of science and technology. It can be predicted that the language will continue to grow and change, and enrich itself during its development.     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