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Il褘駛 (50 R) Lin Xiaofeng is a university graduate, and her husband, Song Jianping, even has a master s degree. It means that in the present society the couple has all the necessary background for them to live adequately through their intelligence. She does not understand, however, why they can never keep pace with other people抯 standard of living. No more than two paces behind, to be sure, but it seems that they can never catch up. What the netizens have ridiculed is right: when they have meat to eat, the others are eating seafood; but when they can afford seafood, the others are back with vegetables. They would not have to think about it if they did not have the credentials, like the street-sweepers or the rural farmers, who will always keep a still mind at the riches. They feel hurt because they have the brains but do not have the 慻ood life. Look at the so-called Townhouse, for example, where you have areas with designated functions for sleeping, dining, lounging, meeting with friends, and even such private facilities as room for sunbathing, sauna, gym, and the family Internet caf? By contrast, their home is more of a historical site: an apartment with a smaller room for their son and a bigger one for the couple. Theirs is also used for two other functions: the dining room and the sitting room, for apart from the two rooms there is only a hallway, which is suitable neither for placing the dinner table nor for meeting with visitors. And yes, they have three vehicles: two bicycles for the couple and a small tricycle for the kid. This is OK generally as in this country you still see more bicycles than cars nowadays, but on special occasions when there is need to wear suit and tie, can you again ride a bike? There is nothing more laughable than biking in a suit, and it hurts even if you take a cab. III. 橯\O 50R Sample essays: 1. An essay of 250 words. (30%) For a long time the chance of going to university was limited only to a small number of lucky ones. A few years ago the government reformed the system of college enrollment, and the number of university students began to increase rapidly. However, some people claim that the increased college enrollment will cause the decline in the quality of higher education. I believe there are some misconceptions in this argument. First, the reform was not carried out at the cost of the quality of education. Many universities have increased their teaching facilities to meet the needs of the students, including the construction of new laboratories and libraries. One of the most important changes is the use of modern technology such as computers and multi-media, which has greatly increased the efficiency of teaching. Secondly, the increase in the number of students does not necessarily mean that the standard of education will be lowered. Many universities have put great emphasis on the quality of teaching. New systems have been set up to supervise the teaching and learning, and encourage the teachers to explore new approaches, which has improved teaching greatly. Finally, those who make the claim have ignored the fact that the increased enrollment has brought more funds to the universities, which are indispensable for the improvement of education quality. Many universities have established new teaching and research facilities with the funds, which directly benefit the students. 6LXbdlnpv|4 6 < Z ^ ` h x黝孱谘钍恋ǖǖ晢}昿唒唒唒喪胆胆胆晑晑晑晑h==hB*aJphh==haJh==hB*aJo(phh==haJo(h5丆Jo(hCJOJPJQJo(hCJOJPJQJh==hCJ hCJo(h>*CJPJh>*CJ PJo(h謜]>*CJo(h>*CJo(h5丆J,o(,np J V J 2:\^z}勩`勩`劋d,`劋$d,a$$a$$a$??tz\^hz,?-??~000?????????????????????????黜黜犴黜黜髡燃摈槛眵眵眵湢湢湢湌寬寛拰拀拰垳h==0JmHnHuh== h==0Jjh==0JUhjhU hCJo(Uh==hCJaJh==h5乤Jo(hCJOJPJQJo(hCJOJPJQJh==h6乤Jo(h==haJo(h==haJ1}?-??????????????????? 刪刪]刪`刪匋&`#$ 劋WD`劋gd==勩`勩Since China started to increase university enrollment, active measures have been taken to guarantee the quality of education. It can be predicted that this development will provide more qualified personnel to the construction of the country. (271 words) 2. An essay of 150 words. (20%) The essay 揟he Joy of Mother抯 Day has touched me deeply. In the essay the author recalls Mother抯 Day in his childhood, and describes the change that took place in his feeling towards his parents when he grew up. What impresses me most is this sentence, 揑t抯 an irony of life that we learn things from our parents later, when we抮e no longer children, when we抮e finally willing to admit that they do have something to teach us. The parents love is universal but when we were young we often took it for granted, and even regarded it as restrictions on our freedom. Only when we grew up did we realize how much they had done for us with their loving care and how much they had taught us about life. We owe our lives, our happiness and our bright future to our parents, and the best way to express our gratitude is to say to them 揑 love you on Mother抯 Day. (163 words)     PAGE  PAGE 3 :&P 1?2P:p謜]皟. 叭A!胞"胞#悹$悹%癝班 惄J@?J ck噀 $1$a$ CJKHPJ_HmH nHsH tH:@: h槝 4$?@&WD`?CJ$A@?$ 貫祂=刉[SOFi@?F nf恏圏h :V 44 la k@? 鄀Rh <Q@< ck噀噀,g 35?丆J\乚乤Jt﨩t pagetitle1GdXDYD[$\$]^5丆J OJQJ\乛JaJ o(phPUZNC@N ck噀噀,g)蹚勦WD`勦6丆JOJQJ\乚乛J< @"< u$ 9r G$a$CJaJ)@1 ux8R@B8 ck噀噀,g)蹚 2 `CJq 2 78FM+|}: }JKMNPQSTVW`abmnor00000000000000000000000000000楡0I00楡0I00楡0I00楡0I00楡0楡0楡0楡0楡0楡0I00 $$$'?}??  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