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2022 Vol. 21, No. 2

Ecological Civilization
Engels's Idea and Ecological Significance of "Learning to Estimate the Natural Effects of Production Behavior"
Xie Baojun
2022, 21(2): 1-8. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2021307
Engels's Dialectics of Nature contains a wealth of ecological ideas, of which the idea of "learning to estimate the natural influence of production behavior" is an important content. In the past, we expounded a lot on the social impact of production behavior, and the natural impact of production behavior was not studied enough, and the ecological and environmental problems in reality were often the result of people ignoring the natural influence of production behavior. Therefore, the excavation of Engels's idea of "learning to estimate the natural effects of production behavior" is our new research domain. Engels criticized the short-sighted behavior of people in production, prompting people to learn to recognize, estimate, and control the natural effects of production behavior. At the same time, Engels analyzed the reasons why people ignore the natural influence of production behavior from the perspective of capitalist mode of production and the greedy nature of capitalists. Engels's idea of natural dialectics also contains the theoretical core of ecological dialectics, which deserves our great attention. Engels's idea of "learning to estimate the natural influence of production behavior" has left a strong mark in the history of human ecological thought, providing important theoretical support and practical compliance for today's ecological civilization construction.
On the Establishment of Chinese Ecological Civilization System in the Wider Context of Once-in-a-Century Changes Taking Place in the World
Zhang Xiuqin
2022, 21(2): 9-14. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2021338
That the world is experiencing a wider context of once-in-a-century changes is a major judgment made by Xi Jinping. The great changes in the world's political and economic structure have also led to profound adjustments to the global governance order. In the face of the imbalance of global ecological governance, it is necessary to work together for building a global ecological civilization with the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, and to establish an effective ecological civilization system. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the country has always focused on institutional construction in the building of ecological civilization, and continuously promoted the modernization of the ecological governance system and governance capacity. This institutional attempt not only provides ecological guarantee for developing China into a great modern socialist country, but also contributes Chinese wisdom and solutions to improving the global ecological governance pattern and promoting to build a community with a shared future for all life on earth.
Biodiversity Conservation Requires the Cooperation Between Natural Science and Humanities
Liu Huajie
2022, 21(2): 15-21. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2022033
Abstract : Biodiversity conservation lacking of humanistic dimension is incomplete and inadequate action, with all the advantages and disadvantages of scientism. Scientism is not a science, but an over-optimistic belief, which is conceited and has an impulse to change the world. Designing oversimplified scientific models does yield clean and efficient results, but they may not reflect the original look of ecosystem. Ecology and biodiversity conservation involve multi-variables and long-term prediction of complex systems, and natural science alone is insufficient, so science and technology policy authorities need to invite humanities scholars to participate in studying and evaluating. In early 2022,ex-situconservation suddenly became a hot phrase in Chinese scientific community, and some of the original data of species were re-labeled as this new term. However, biodiversity protection should be mainly based onin-situconservation, withex-situconservation as supplementary approach. To protect 85% of the native species of China byex-situconservation seems to be lack of sufficient basis.
Earth Alienation, World Alienation and Ecological Crisis: Arendt's Reflections on Modern Technology
Sun Xuyang, Yan Geng
2022, 21(2): 22-26. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2021057
On the basis of reinterpreting alienation as separation, Arendt put forward the concepts of earth alienation and world alienation, and revealed a possible causal chain between the development of modern technology and the emergence of ecological crisis. As Arendt pointed out, earth alienation and world alienation damage the natural ecology in different ways. This difference reveals the ambivalent attitude of modern people towards natural ecology, and behind it, the ambivalent understanding of human existence conditions. Although Arendt's theory of alienation is unique in revealing the contradictions in modern society and in understanding the causes of modern ecological crisis, it can not help people step out of ecological crisis in practice because of her denial of human nature.
The Process of Establishing Ecological Engineering Theory and Difference in Historical Narrations About It
Liu Liang
2022, 21(2): 27-32. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2021074
In the 1960s, facing the five severe problems of population, ecology, resources, environment and food all over the world, Odum and other scientists put forward the theory of ecological engineering on the basis of ecosystem theory. Domestic researchers generally regarded the four-word principle of "integrity, coordination, circulation and regeneration" proposed by ecologist Ma Shijun in 1979 as the beginning of China's ecological engineering theory, but other scholars have different narrative ways. This different historical narration of scientific events is a phenomenon worthy of attention and research.
Research on Forest Laws and Environmental Laws
Veered Legal Principle, Renewed Rules and Unsolved Challenges ofTheForest Law
Wei Hua
2022, 21(2): 33-38. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2021127
The Forest Lawhas been amended in 2019, and enforced in 2020. This paper applies document study method to contrast the two laws in terms of legislation idea and concrete systems. It is found that the newForest Lawhas a changed ecological view. While the old Forest Law attached importance to the ecological values of trees, e.g., preserving water and soil, adjusting climate, the new law pays attention to the value of protecting wildlife resources as forest ecosystem. The rules of the new law have been reformed, established comprehensive ecological protection measures, solidified forestry reform efforts in 20 years, and solved problems puzzling forestry practice for a long time. The present study shows that the new law also has old problems and new challenges that need to be solved in the future, such as defining the forest right, linking up cutting quota and forest management plan, the challenges of cutting management, and difficulties of forestry executive enforcement.
Forest Culture
On the Custom about Planting Pines and Cypresses in Cemeteries in Ancient China and Its Cultural Connotation of Funeral
Ding Jie
2022, 21(2): 39-46. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2021066
The custom of planting pines and cypresses in cemeteries in China has a long history. Archeologists have confirmed that the cell picture on the right side of the funeral carving of the sarcophagus in Han Dynasty in the Gounan Village of Weishan island, Weishan County, Shandong Province is the existing "the earliest picture of pines and cypresses planted in the cemetery" in China. The custom has been continuously developed and perfected in the process practiced by people of past ages. Relying on morality and law, the pines and cypresses planted in cemeteries were well protected and managed in ancient China. Owing to many practical functions such as greening the environment of cemeteries, the pines and cypresses became the first choice and alternative name of the "Tomb Trees" in ancient China. In the long-term practice of Chinese ancestors, the cultural connotation contained in the funeral custom has become increasingly rich. In ancient China, the pines and cypresses planted in the cemeteries not only contained the ancient people's multiple ideas about the world after death, such as the expectation of becoming immortal after death, the hope of eternal soul in cemeteries and the fear of ghost from the underground world, but also demonstrated the family affection of filial sons to the deceased, and also expressed the Filial Piety culture of Confucianism. As a traditional funeral culture which has been inherited for more than 2 000 years, the excellent custom is still upheld by Chinese today.
Research on Establishing National Parks
Stage Characteristics and Evolution Process of National Park Research in China
Peng Jian, Wang Rui, Qi Yuanyuan, Yang Jing
2022, 21(2): 47-54. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2021208
In this study, we collected and analyzed the literature regarding national park research by using CiteSpace, and then discussed the research history, stage characteristics, evolutionary process and future trends. The research of national park by Chinese scholars can be divided into three phases, i.e. the sprouting period from 1980 to 2005, the slow warming-up period from 2006 to 2012, and the sharp rising period from 2013 to 2020. The topic and content of national park research are featured by staged evolution, and significantly influenced by the practice of establishing national park system. With the happening of national park establishment practice, some new topics have become hot among Chinese academic community, such as Chinese national park administration system and the case studies of pilot national parks in some provinces.
Theories and Policies of Agricultural and Forestry Economics
Forest Ticket Practice: the Way to Realize the Capitalization of Collective Forest Resources
Fang Qiushuang, Li Hongxun, Xie Yi
2022, 21(2): 55-62. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2021173
There exist five problems in collective forest management: fragmentation and decentralization of forest land, difficulty in forestry financing, poor liquidity of forest resources assets, low level of forestry management, and difficulty in guarantee of farmers' income. Based on the theory of property right transaction and from the perspective of capitalization of forest resources, this paper summarizes the mode of "forest ticket practice" in Sanming City, Fujian Province, analyzes the operation mechanism of forest ticket practice from four aspects of resources integration, equity cooperation, share quantification and market operation, and analyzes the capitalization of collective forest resources based on the logic of "resource asset capital" value realization process. Finally, the paper expounds that the forest ticket practice solves five problems in the process of collective forest management: equity cooperation realizes scale operation; pledge loan increases financing channels; share quantification promotes market circulation; professional division promotes intensive operation; cooperative operation brings benefit sharing. The research has important practical reference value for promoting the "Three Rights Separation" of forest land to improve the level of forestry intensive management, realizing the double promotion of forest ecological and economic benefits, and forming the mechanism of capital into the mountain and forest.
Factors Influencing Consumers' Satisfaction with Edible Non-wood Forest Products Based on Online Reviews
Geng Yunhui, Wang Wukui, Zhang Jingran
2022, 21(2): 63-70. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2021113
We explored the impact of different dimensions of perceived value on product satisfaction through regression analysis. Based on the theory of perceived value, a five-dimensional model of consumers' perceived value of edible non-wood forest products was constructed. Then, 35 375 online comments were crawled using crawler software.Finally, fine-grained sentiment analysis technology was used to quantify the sentimental attitude of the review text. It is found that the economic value, functional value, procedural value, and brand value of edible non-wood forest products have a significantly positive impact on consumers' satisfaction, and the degree of such influence increases in turn. Furthermore, the product categories based on whether or not they had been forest certified played a moderating role in the relationship between functional value, procedural value, economic value and green value and consumer satisfaction. In view of this, we put forward suggestions that companies should improve the cost-effectiveness of edible non-wood products, tap the green value of products, strengthen brand promotion, improve the service function system, and actively certify operating products.
The Spread of Public Opinions on Wild Animals: Stage Division and Countermeasures
Lian Ziqin, Chen Wenhui, Liu Junchang
2022, 21(2): 71-77. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2021188
This study uses S-H-ESD algorithms to monitor the outliers in the process of dissemination of public opinions on wild animals, which can more accurately find the segmentation points of each stage, and provide a certain empirical basis for exploring the changing characteristics and internal laws of each stage in the process of disseminating online public opinions on wild animal. It is helpful to grasp the correct guidance of public opinions for wildlife protection. This study uses S-H-ESD algorithm to divide the stages of wildlife-related network events with mass public opinions. The results show that the life cycle of communication of wildlife-related network public opinions can be divided into germination period, outbreak period, mitigation period and decline period. On this basis, according to the characteristics of each stage, a complete set of strategies and suggestions for "monitoring-intervention-guidance-evaluation" are proposed to deal with the crisis of network public opinions on the wildlife. Finally, we propose the following suggestions: ①improve the online public opinion risk assessment system concerning wild animals, and classify the risk levels of different types of wild animals, strengthen the risk management and control of public opinions on the wildlife network; ②establish an early warning and supervision system for wildlife-related network public opinions to scientifically prevent the problem of "conflict between man and wildlife".
The Path of New Country Sages' Participation in Township Construction in Henan Province Based on Grounded Theory
Meng Shiyu, Li Zhuo, Yang Fangrong, Zhang Yige, Lu Liming
2022, 21(2): 78-84. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2021346
Based on the grounded theory, the three-level coding of the deeds and materials of 30 new country sages selected in Henan Province is carried out, and the "condition-path-result" theoretical model of Henan's new country sages participating in township construction is constructed. On this basis, the participation path is analyzed and summarized. It is considered that the ways of these rural elites' participation in rural construction mainly include giving full play to the capital advantage, establishing the interest connection mechanism, giving full play to the intellectual advantage to promote the endogenous development of agriculture and rural areas, bringing into full play the demonstration advantage to participate in the inheritance and innovation of local culture and giving full scope to the local advantage to build a new relationship network, which provides a theoretical and practical basis for the new country sages' participation in rural construction in Henan and other regions.