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2018 Vol. 17, No. 2

Ecological Culture
2018, 17(2): 1-7. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2018180
On the Relationship Between Human Beings and Nature in American Indian Culture: A Case Study of Leslie Marmon Silko's NovelGardensintheDunes
SHENG An-feng, ZHAI Yue
2018, 17(2): 13-18. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2018028
The American Indian's traditional idea about the relation between human beings and nature has been richly embodied in their literature.Such relationship is of inter-dependence and unity instead of abuse and exploitation.Through analyzing Leslie Marmon Silko's novel Gardens in the Dunes, the authors probe into the Indian ecological wisdom from both the material and the spiritual relationships between human beings and nature.Traditionally, the Indians would depend on nature for material support and closely connect with nature in spirit.While the white colonists and main stream American culture take the land and nature as the object of subjugation, utilization and exploitation, the deprived Indians deem the nature to be the mother creator.The divinity, religiousness and redemptiveness of the Indian man-nature relationship may well complement the deficiency of our modern society, which is characterized by avaricious exploitation of nature and egoistic anthropocentrism.
Forest Culture
The Transformation of Gardens in the Middle Tang Dynasty
HU Yun-hong
2018, 17(2): 19-22. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2017050
After the Middle Tang Dynasty, the mentalities of scholars were gradually introverted and refined.This change together with the idea of medium-hermit being the best turned the place of calming down the scholars' minds from mountain forest and the court to gardens, resulting in the profound effects on the development of garden.As the spiritual home concerned more and more by scholars, gardens had become narrow-closure but romantic pot-like places.Under such background, BAI Ju-yi's idea of medium-hermit being the best and practices of using small garden as hermit place for his spiritual calm significantly influenced the development of garden.
Insights into History Culture and Value ofSophorajaponica
SUN Yu, PENG Zuo-deng
2018, 17(2): 23-31. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2017056
As a native tree species in China,Sophorajaponicahas a cultivation history of more than 3 000 years.It has a wide range of uses as well as high historical and cultural value.Since the ancient times,S.japonicahas been fully involved in the human's production and life, which has also brought it to a higher level of cultural significance and laid the historical and cultural foundation of this species.The culture ofS.japonicais an important part of tree culture and even Chinese forestry culture, and has rich connotations.On the basis of literature review and field investigation, we expound the cultivation history ofS.japonica, the reflection of historical and cultural value ofS.japonicain folk culture and traditional literature and art as well as its economic value.Carrying out such a research is of high significance in filling in the blanks of Chinese tree culture.At the same time, it also has guiding significance for the application of cultural attributes ofS.japonicain social production practice.
On the Features and Focuses of Forest City Initiative in China
LIU Hong-ming
2018, 17(2): 32-37. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2017123
Environmental and ecological services provided by urban trees and forests, aiming to improve air quality, mitigate urban heat island, reduce urban stormwater volume, conserve urban biodiversity, increase human wellbeing, are used to tackle with severe environmental and ecological problems associated with the rapid urbanization across the globe.Here, we briefly review the history of forest city movement initiated at the beginning of the 21st century in China.Forest city, different from urban forestry, in Chinese context has a couple of unique characteristics.First, overall planning of a forest city is a priority.Developing an overall planning of a forest city can guarantee the long-term effort to increase more trees/forests in the region.More importantly, an overall planning of urban city could leave spaces for urban forest establishment.Second, working extent of a forest city is regional.Urban trees and forests development areas cover not only the urban area, but also the whole territory boundary of a city.Thirdly, government sectors participating in the forest city development are diverse.Administrative sectors involve forestry, landscape architecture, transportation, water resources, and tourism who are responsible for greening their governing land parcels.Fourthly, the objectives of a forest city development are people oriented.The ultimate goal for setting up and managing urban trees and forests is to provide leisure, sporting, gathering, and educational places for residents nearby.We finally recommend the major tasks for developing healthy, resilient, and sustainable forest city in China.
Multiculture and Values of the Paper Mulberry from the Perspective of Ancient China's Science and Technology
HU Yan-min, PENG Xian-jun, SHEN Shi-hua
2018, 17(2): 38-43. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2017089
The paper mulberry (Broussonetiapapyrifera), belonging to the family Moraceae, is distributed naturally in most parts of China.Since over 3 000 years ago, our ancestors have carried on the development and utilization of this tree species in many aspects, demonstrating a long history and rich cultural significance.Through retrieval of historical literatures, including books and poems, we find that the bark of paper mulberry has been used as raw material for clothing and paper-making.The paper made by this tree species can be used for printing money and writing scripture, and these utilizations have continued up to date.The juice, fruit, leaf, peel of paper mulberry all can be used as medicine and even food.Besides, the paper mulberry trees can also be planted for greening and cultivation purposes. Nowadays, the combination of traditional culture and advanced science and technology will usher in a new development.Strengthening the research of paper mulberry has great significance for its eco-economic development, which can benefit people from a further understanding of the historical and practical value of paper mulberry.
On Bamboo Culture in Ancient Japan of 8th Century from Chorography "Fudoki"
REN Jing-jun, GONG Yu-wen
2018, 17(2): 44-50. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2017066
The chorography "Fudoki" in early eighth Century is a comprehensive record literature on geography, customs, scenic spots, and products around Japan.From the perspective of the Japanese bamboo culture, this paper interprets the several cultural images of bamboo(?, Xiao(?, Ti(?, Jian(?, Jin (?, bamboo shoot (?, " Fudoki ", then analyzes the names, cultural connotations and distribution of bamboos in the archipelago of Japan in the early eighth Century, and reproduces the richness and profundity of ancient Japanese bamboo culture.The conclusions of this study are as followings: Bamboo Jin were distributed in Often land, Harima, Izumo, Inaba, and Satsuma province of Japan; cultural image Xiao had many name, maybe mainly asShibataeakumasaca, and was in Izumo, Hizen, and Yamato province of Japan; cultural image Ti (Sasagawa) was in Harima; cultural image Jian should bePseudosasajaponica, and was mainly in Often land; cultural mage Jin(? was actually bamboo Jin, mainly distributed in Hizen; and eating bamboo shoots appeared in Harima.
Environment and Art
The Art of Rock-Chiseling in Chinese Ancient Mountain-garden
ZHANG Min-xia, QIU Wen-wan, BAO Qin-xing
2018, 17(2): 51-56. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2017127
Rock-Chiseling was widely used in Chinese ancient mountain-gardens, which was recorded in the Wei and Jin dynasties, and matured in the continuous development.As the existing study lacks systematic research, the authors, collecting cases recorded in ancient literatures, try to discuss about the origin and development of Rock-Chiseling in Chinese ancient mountain-gardens, as well as the main features and art value of them.And based on this, the authors grouped the Rock-Chiseling types into Rock-Chiseling for peaks, Rock-Chiseling for caves, Rock-Chiseling for valleys, Rock-Chiseling for paths, and Rock-Chiseling for carvings.Rock-Chiseling can make the best use of the topography and site feature, and integrate the artificial landscape with natural landscape by less manpower and material resources, which represent the Chinese conventional wisdom.The ideas and ways of Rock-Chiseling have practical values in the development of landscape city in nowadays, and will play a prominent part in the design of mountain-gardens, especially in the landscape restoration of quarry wastelands.
The Plane Layout and Landscape Image Analysis of the Dashuijing Ancient Architectural Group
WU Man-ling, FANG Zhen-dong
2018, 17(2): 57-63. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2017114
The Dashuijing ancient architectural group represents the concentrated achievements on regional architectural style, architectural technology, technological characteristics and folk art in western Hubei provinve since the Ming and Qing dynasties.After the 1949, it was characterized as " feudal-patriarchal-castle-style and dwelling-style ancient civilian architectural group", which has a high artistic value.Taking the architectural art as the focal point and the starting point, we mainly analyzed the details of the plane composition and the decoration treatments, including the stone carving, the wood carving, the wall beautification, etc., comprehensively considered folk culture, architectural ethics, and plant deployment, and analyzed the landscape image of the Dashuijing ancient architectural group.Finally, it is concluded that the Dashuijing ancient architectural group is of having Tujia Chuandou-type suspended house in western Hubei Province as major, partially using Tailiang-type architectural style, western-type colonnade practice, and being combined with classical garden landscape techniques in south of the Yangtze River.The Chinese traditional Fengshui theory was applied on site selection, thus, it is an architectural group with gorgeous and exquisite decorations and following feudal ethics.
Discussion on the Optimization of Interpretation Signs of the Palace Museum from the Perspective of Experience
2018, 17(2): 64-69. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2017083
As an important part of the tourists' experience, more and more attentions have been paid to the interpretation signs.However, the design of interpretation signs at most Chinese tourism destinations is mainly from the designer's point of view, with little reference to the tourists' experience demands. Taking the Palace Museum as an example, through the literature and empirical research, this article explores the existing problems of interpretation sign system.From the perspective of experience, this article analyzes the tourists' behavioral characteristics, uses the IPA method to analyze the tourists' evaluation on the design factors of the Palace Museum' interpretation signs, and figures out 3 aspects to be optimized urgently and put forward relevant optimization suggestions.In addition, this article also attempts to combine the perspective of designers and tourists to build a interpretation sign design flow diagram from the experience perspective.
A Study on Persian Gardens from the Perspective of Cultural Landscape
GAO Kai, HE Qin-yao, GAO Yang
2018, 17(2): 70-77. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2017126
Islamic landscape architecture or Islamic garden, which dominatingly spreads in Iran, Spain and India, is one of the three systems of landscape architecture in the world.As the source and major contents of Islamic landscape architecture, Islamic landscape architecture or Islamic garden of Persian style is of important research significance while the relevant researches at present are scarce.The development history and summary of Persian gardens were analyzed by having the world heritage of Persian gardens as research cases in this paper.The unique characteristics of Persian gardens were studied from the aspects of construction system, overall layout, waters, landscape plants and architecture.Further, its cultural landscape attributes, major values and influences were presented from the perspective of cultural landscape, and their enlightenments for landscape architecture in China were discussed.The paper is of important reference value for current scarce researches on Islamic landscape architecture of Persian styles and of significance for enriching relevant researches on Islamic landscape architecture.
Environmental and Ecological Psychology
Green Contact Index Questionnaire: Development, Reliability and Validity
ZOU Ying, YANG Zhi-hui
2018, 17(2): 78-83. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2017036
This study aims to develop the Green Contact Index (GCI) questionnaire and test its validity and reliability for measuring the natural exposure level of teenagers.With the symptom of nature-deficit disorder and the definition of horticultural therapy as theoretical basis, GCI was explored by literature analysis, open questionnaire survey and semi-structured interview.A total of 374 junior high school students completed the formal test, the ages ranging from 12 to 13, with an average of 12.5 years.The results showed that the GCI questionnaire has good reliability and validity.Exploratory factor analysis showed that the questionnaire has four dimensions, namely, green expectation and emotion, appreciation and plant care, plant harvesting and structured and polygraph.Confirmatory factor analysis also supported the four factor model to a certain extent, and the model fit indices are all above 0.88.The internal consistency coefficient of the whole scale is 0.88 and the split half coefficient is 0.88.The correlation validity with green environmental satisfaction is 0.42.These results all meet the requirements of psychometrics.Therefore, the GCI questionnaire can be used as an effective tool for measuring the level of youth green contacting, especially suitable for 12-13 year-old children.
Theories and Policies of Forestry Economics
Influential Factors of Wooden Furniture Export Growth from China to the United State: An Analysis Based on CMS Model
MIAO Dong-ling, HAN Yi-song, MAO Yu-ling
2018, 17(2): 84-90. doi:10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2018002
After China' s joining WTO in 2001, the export trade of wooden furniture has developed significantly and China has become the largest exporter of wood furniture in the world since 2006.This paper summarizes the status of China's wooden furniture exports to the United States, and focuses on the analysis of export scale and the product structure, aiming to reveal the steady growth of China's exports of wooden furniture.The extended constant market share model (CMS) is used to analyze the causes of the growth of China's wooden furniture exports to the United States from 2002 to 2016.It points out that the export growth of wooden furniture in China depends mainly on the rapid growth of market demand in the United States.The adjustment and optimization of the product structure has also slightly promoted the growth of the export of wooden furniture, but the structure still cannot adapt to the changes of demands; the contribution of competitiveness has declined.While in 2016, the product structure of wooden furniture export in China has improved to adapt to the demand structure in the United States.In order to promote the long-term and stable development of China's wooden furniture export trade, we should improve the information service and policy guidance, improve product quality, promote industrial upgrading, adjust the export product structure and deal with trade barriers actively.