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2011 Vol. 10, No. 2

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Characteristics, Causes and Prevention of Forestry Crime of Malfeasance
LU Chang-qiang, GAO Jing-fang, ZHOU Xun-fang, LV Zhen
2011, 10(2): 1-5.
Preventing forestry crime of malfeasance is an important duty of forestry administrative departments at all levels. Investigation conducted in Beijing, Hunan, Guangdong and Yunnan provinces shows the characteristics and causes of forestry crime of malfeasance. To prevent the forestry crime of malfeasance effectively in China, we should strengthen the leadership, perfect the mechanism of enforcement and supervision of forestry laws, make the forest administrative system running smoothly, and take scientific and democratic decisionmaking procedures.
Legislation on Forestry Ownership Registration in China
ZHAN Hong-de
2011, 10(2): 6-11.
As a real right of the realty, forestry ownership should be registered according to law. Otherwise, rights of the right holder will not be properly protected. For a long time, legislation on forestry ownership registration is not perfect in China. This paper analyzes the problems of existing legislations on forestry ownership registration in legal provision, and points out that forestry administrative department should work out relevant regulations to standardize the forestry ownership registration.
Subjective Aspects of Environmental Crime
LIU Jia, XU Ping
2011, 10(2): 12-17.
Environmental criminal law is a branch of administrative criminal law,and has dual property of administrative criminal law. Firstly,perpetrators behavior not only violates environmental laws and regulations of the administration but also violates the criminal law. Secondly, the act of destruction of environment should be subject to administrative punishment and criminal sanctions. Whether administrative punishment or criminal sanctions should consider four elements,i.e. subject,object,subjective aspect and objective aspect,to conduct comprehensive appraisal of perpetrator’s behavior. As a result,the subjective aspect of environmental crime appears two superimposed levels. The first level is the subjective state of awareness of behavior of illegality on administrative law. The second level is the subjective state of awareness of harmful consequences on criminal law. The aim of research on subjective aspect of environmental crime is to make appropriate punishment.
Idea of Chinese Traditional Forest Culture
LI Hui, XU Deng-ping, ZHANG Yu-xing
2011, 10(2): 18-24.
The idea of traditional Chinese forest culture was cultivated by Chinese people in the long history of understanding, transforming, developing and utilizing forest resources. The views of harmony between man and nature, and taking in good time and using in a wise way are the high generalization and theoretical distillation of ancient ecological environment ideas and traditional forest concept. Carrying on and developing the idea of traditional Chinese forest is of great significance to promote the traditional ecological concept and ecological values, and advance the development of contemporary ecological civilization.
Overview of Forest Culture in Huizhou Area and its Formation
GUAN Chuan-you
2011, 10(2): 25-31.
People in Huizhou area have created abundant forest culture with characteristics of local culture in the process of using and cultivating forest resources. From the viewpoint of material culture, system culture, and spiritual culture, this paper summarizes the forest culture in this area, and believes that the main causes of formation of forest culture in the area are the rich forest resources, the constraints of natural environment,the prosperity of Huizhou merchants,the active participation of Huizhou patriarchal clan and the nurturing influence of local culture in Huizhou.
Development Trend of Garden Art in Britain in 19th Century
ZHANG Jian-jian
2011, 10(2): 32-36.
In 19th century, Britain was the leader of western garden art and has provided a lot of precious heritages for garden art in the world. From the viewpoint of evolution of style and form of garden, this paper explores the theories and practices, characteristics and representative figures of British garden art in time order to reveal the whole evolution process of British garden art in 19th century. There are similarities between Chinese gardens today and British gardens in 19th century, such as the chaos in style and form. The exploration of British garden designers at that time still has enlightenment to Chinese garden designing.
Leopold’s Thinking of Forest System Health
MA Bao-jian
2011, 10(2): 37-39.
This paper analyzes Aldo Leopold’s thinking of forest system health in his work of A Sand County Almanac at the beginning of the 20th century, who was a forestry specialist and pioneer of environmental ethic and protection in American. The paper concludes four aspects of his profound thinking: disease trees supply house and food for animals; animals can control tree diseases and insect quantity; there are complicated and subtle relations between animals and plants, and among plants; disease trees improve the aesthetics value and vitality and vigor of forest. Finally, a summary to Leopold thinking is made.
Family Recreation Activities in Beijing Botanical Garden
2011, 10(2): 40-44.
Since more and more tourists take recreational activities as a unit of family, family has been playing an important role in tourism market. By investigating tourist families with a questionnaire in Beijing Botanical Garden, this paper studies the behavior and recreational characteristics of all kinds of family tourists. Through analyzing the investigation result, the paper sums up the service shortcomings from aspect of meeting the family tourists demand in Beijing Botanical Garden. Corresponding suggestions are given.
Situation and Countermeasures of Rural Infrastructure Construction in China
WEI Yue-jun
2011, 10(2): 45-49.
It is with great practical significance that strengthening rural infrastructure construction to promote agricultural modernization and speed up socialist new rural construction in China during the twelfth fiveyear plan. Since the reform and openingup, the rural infrastructure construction in China has been improved to some extend, but the problem of relative lag of the rural infrastructure still exists. This paper analyzes the reasons from aspects of capital input, infrastructure management, planning and ideological recognition. The relevant countermeasures are proposed.
Security and Safeguard Strategies for National Timber Supply
JIANG Xi-shan
2011, 10(2): 50-53.
This paper suggests security and safeguard strategies for timber supply through investigation and analysis on the existing status of forest resources, the overall demand and supply of timber, and the import of timber and wood goods in China. Currently,the government should be guided by scientific outlook on development, give overall consideration to the development of ecoforest and timber forest construction, make the National Planning for Developing Timber Plantation and implement it, rationally allocate forest resources, further perfect the national credit policies and investment mechanism for forestry, scientifically carry out forest management,improve quality and productivity of forest stand, and promote the reserve and supply of timber resources to achieve the goal of safety timber supply in China.
Financial Ability of Chinese Timber Industry
YIN Zhong-hua, SONG Wei-ming
2011, 10(2): 54-58.
First of all, the paper discusses the theoretical relationship of financial ability and industrial development. It is suggested that the financial ability is the basic requirement of industrial development, and is the comprehensive reflection of industrial competitiveness. Second, the status quo of the financial ability of Chinese timber industry is analyzed in such respects as internal financing, equity financing and debt financing. It is concluded that the financial ability of Chinese timber industry is weak. There are some problems in such respects as internal financing, equity financing and debt financing. Finally, aiming at existing problems, the paper puts forward relevant policy suggestions.
Current Status,Problems and Countermeasures of Furniture Industry Cluster in China
CHENG Bao-dong, TIAN Yuan, LU Yan-zeng
2011, 10(2): 59-62.
Industry cluster, an important way of improving international industrial competitiveness, has become a very prominent phenomenon in Chinese furniture industry. By using industrial concentration index and space aggregation index, this paper measures the development level of furniture industry cluster in China, and concludes that furniture industry cluster amounts to a higher level and has crucial relevance with regional economic development. Based on analysis of problems of furniture industry cluster, the paper brings forward countermeasures on developing furniture industry cluster from viewpoint of international industrial competitiveness in China.
Empirical Analysis on Internal Motivation of Furniture Industry Cluster Based on Provinces
ZENG Jie-jie, NIE Ying, YANG Hong-qiang
2011, 10(2): 63-68.
Using predecessor research results for reference, this paper confirms that the internal motivation factors of furniture industry cluster mainly include five factors, i.e. scale economy, demand growth, external economy, industrial management level and traffic level. Taking GINI coefficient and HerfindahlHirschman index as dependent variables, collecting relevant data of furniture industry in 31Chinese provincial regions from 1989 to 2008, the paper makes a stationary test of relevant variables. Multiple regression and correlation analysis is done through the stepwise return method. Results show that preliminary element of production is the mainly motivation factor of present furniture industry cluster. The scale economy factor and demand growth factor have positive driving function not only to the production scale of furniture industry but also to the employment and enterprise quantity. But the function is limited. The traffic level factor has the weak driving function, which indicates that the furniture industry cluster because of differences in provinces is dropping. The wage variable in the external economy factor has appeared the separate strength. Highlevel production elements, for example industrial management level, play a weak positive function on the employment and enterprise quantity, but take a strong separate strength to the production scale cluster. It indicates that furniture industry has apparent laborintensive characteristics, which will cause the reverse change of furniture industrial cluster in provinces. Upgrade furniture industries is inevitable and necessary in the cluster areas.
Empirical Analysis on Influences of Collective Forest Tenure Reform on Farmers Income
LIU Xiao-qiang, XU Jin-tao, WANG Li-qun
2011, 10(2): 69-75.
Based on investigation data collected in Fujian, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Anhui, Hunan, Liaoning, Shandong and Yunnan provinces, this paper studies the influences of collective forest tenure reform on farmers income. Net effects of the forest tenure reform on changes of farmers income are analyzed using firstorder difference model with descriptive statistical analysis method. Empirical analysis results show that the increase of farmers income is not significant. The promotion of the collective forest tenure reform on farmers income has been initially revealed in Fujian and Liaoning provinces.
Impact of Followup Industries of Land Conversion from Farmland back to Forestland on Farmers Income and Employment: Taking Pingquan County in Hebei Province as an Example
ZHAO Li-juan, WANG Li-qun
2011, 10(2): 76-81.
Taking Pingquan county in Hebei province as an example, combining qualitative and quantitative analysis method, this paper analyzes the impact of followup industries of land conversion from farmland back to forestland on farmers income and rural labor employment according to the survey data and local statistics. Results show that the followup industries have a great effect on farmer’s gross income and income structure in Pingquan county. The income from followup industries has been the principal source of farmers income. Meantime, the followup industries of the land conversion from farmland back to forestland bring forth a positive effect on the rural labor employment.
Contribution of Forestry Industry to Regional Economic and Social Development in Jiangxi Province
HU Mingxing, KANG Qing-lian
2011, 10(2): 82-85.
Based on data of Inputoutput Tables in Jiangxi Province in 2007, this paper uses the input and output method to calculate the direct and total contribution of forestry industry to GDP, residents income, employment and fiscal revenue in Jiangxi province from the year 2007 to 2008. Results show that the total contribution of forestry industry to GDP, residents income, employment and fiscal revenue in Jiangxi province are 6.32%, 8.07%, 8.16% and 1.63% respectively in 2008. Compared with the data in 2007, it increased in varying degrees that the direct and total contribution of forestry industry to GDP, residents income, employment and fiscal revenue in 2008. The direct contribution of forestry industry to employment is the largest increase.
Important Historical Materials of Reclaim and Cultivate in Kaiyuan and Mengzi District, Yunnan Province
2011, 10(2): 86-93.
Editorial: Historical archives of Yunnan Province are persevered completely because of peaceful liberation. Historical materials of reclaim and cultivate in Kaiyuan and Mengzi district, Yunnan Province are mainly preserved in Yunnan Archives. Through reading historical materials of reclaim and cultivate in Kaiyuan and Mengzi district, the authors clear up historical materials including historical process of the establishment of Kaiyuan and Mengzi Reclamation Bureau, the government notice on Kaiyuan and Mengzi reclamation drafted by Chairman Longyun, the implementation situation of projects and assumption of development of this district.
Background, Process and Historical Significance of Reclaim and Cultivate in Kaiyuan and Mengzi District, Yunnan Province
WANG Xi-qun, SONG Wei-feng, GUO Bao-xiang
2011, 10(2): 94-104.
Kaiyuan and Mengzi District is the largest dam area and wetland in south of Yunnan Province in the history, which contains mainly 5 towns and its area reaches 634 km2 (including 300 km2 wetland area). In 1930s and 1940s, the reclaim and cultivate in Kaiyuan and Mengzi district was an important event in Yunnan Province and even in China, which lasted for 13 years. Construction and development in reclamation area had an important influence not only on politics, society and economy at that time, but also a profound influence on later economic development and ecological transition. The event passed more than 70 years, and the overall perspective is not clear affected by era alternation and traditional consciousness. The authors systematically consult and study the related historical materials through investigation, gathering materials and interviews for one year, and research the development problems base on detailed understanding and serious analyzing of these materials to provide evidence for the scientific development in this district.
Public Relations in Ecological Crisis Management
JING Qing-hong
2011, 10(2): 105-110.
Ecological crisis occurred frequently not only directly affects the survival and development of enterprises, the image and credibility of government, but also the vital interests of relevant public nowadays. By analyzing the principles, methods, skills of public relations in ecological crisis management, this paper interpret typical cases such as the water pollution in Songhua River, the move of Capital Steel Company, the forest fires in Heilongjiang province. Then, present status of public relations in ecological crisis management in China is evaluated.
Construction of Cultural Ecology Reserve in Grassland
HA Zheng-li
2011, 10(2): 111-114.
The construction of cultural ecology reserve in grassland is a pioneering work in Chinese intangible cultural heritage protection at present. Because there is no template for reference in China, we must refer experiences from abroad and consult the history and reality of grassland regions to explore our own path in establishing cultural ecology reserve in grassland. This paper demonstrates the preconditions of establishing cultural ecology protection zone; put forward ideas about steps, models and approaches of establishing cultural ecology protection zone in grassland areas with experiences at home and abroad.
Equity of Autonomous Enrollment in Universities
DONG Jin-bao
2011, 10(2): 115-118.
Autonomous enrollment policy in universities has been the concern of society since it was approved by the Ministry of Education in 2003. There are inequity existing between students from key high schools and common high schools, from highquality base schools and nonones, from urban and rural areas from the aspect of qualification. In evaluation process, fairness can not be guaranteed due to ambiguous conditions and undefined procedures. And inequity appears among students from different areas and between liberal arts and sciences. The author suggests that autonomous enrollment reform should start from the qualification examination, and ensure equal opportunity to students from the very beginning. Scientific and transparent procedure of autonomous enrollment policy should be adopted to guarantee the process equity. Qualification policies should be formed according to education status in different areas. The supervision branch should play the role in guaranteeing the fairness in autonomous enrollment.
Analysis on Measurement indicators of Forestry Sci-tec Journals in China
ZHAO Shi-hua, HOU Qing-lei, LIU Cui-qiong, TANG Yu
2011, 10(2): 119-122.
Twenty one forestry scitec journals are chosen as research objects. According to the data collected in Chinese Academic Journal Comprehensive Citation Report (CAJCCR), this paper analyzes the metric indexes of academic impact of twenty one forestry scitec journals in China using bibliometrics method. The authors also analyze papers in the 21 forestry scitec journals which reflect the status of forestry science, academic level and journal quality.
Review on First National Conference on Environmental and Ecological Psychology
WU Jian-ing, JIANG Jin-ua
2011, 10(2): 123-125.
The first national conference on environmental and ecological psychology was held in Beijing Forestry University in October 2010. With the theme of environment and human psychology, the conference included sessions such as research progress on ecological psychology, environment cognition and mental health, ecological research on developmental and educational psychology, psychological research on environmental crisis, crossdisciplinary research on environmental and ecological psychology. Developing trends on environmental and ecological psychology were also discussed. The conference is a major landmark in the development of environmental and ecological psychology in China./span>