

《Interactive effects of climate change and air pollution on forest ecosystems》学术报呉/h2>

报告人:Dr. Andrzej Bytnerowicz'/SPAN>Senior Scientist of USDA Forest Service(/SPAN>




报告人简介:Andrzej Bytnerowicz博士现为美国农业部林务局资深科学家,从事大气污染对植物的影响研究超过30年,在国际知名杂志发表论文逽/SPAN>200篇、/SPAN>


Agricultural University, Warsaw, Poland, M. Sc., 1972, Food Sciences
Silesian University, Katowice, Poland, Ph. D., 1981, Natural Sciences.

Senior Fulbright Scholar, 1981-1982; Sigma Xi National Scientific Honorary Society, 1983; invited lecturer, Finnish Academy of Sciences, 1988; Gamma Sigma Delta Agricultural Honorary Society, 1990.

Research Interests/Duties

I have been studying air pollution effects on plants for more than 30 years. During my early work in Poland, I was interested in developing methodologies for evaluation of environmental pollution using chemical analysis of plants. Together with my colleagues of the Warsaw Botanic Garden, Polish Academy of Sciences, I have developed maps of environmental pollution by sulfur, fluoride and heavy metals for the territory of Poland based on chemical composition of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestrisL.) needles. During my work at the Statewide Air Pollution Research Center of the University of California in Riverside (UCR) I was involved in evaluation of air pollution (ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides) effects on California agricultural crops. At that time I started my collaboration with Dr. Paul Miller of the USDA FS Fire Laboratory in Riverside and got interested in evaluation of nitrogenous (N) air pollution and atmospheric dry deposition of N to California ecosystems. In 1980s, I evaluated air pollution status of the southern California mountains (San Gabriel and San Bernardino) as well as atmospheric dry deposition of nitrogen and sulfur to chaparral, mixed conifer forest and subalpine ecosystems of the San Gabriel and Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Since joining the USDA Forest Service (1990), I have been involved in various air pollution-related projects in California and Central Europe. In California my work mostly focused on development and implementation of methods for evaluation of air pollution in remote mountain areas. As a result of those activities our RWU characterized distribution and ecological effects of ambient ozone and nitrogenous pollutants in the Sierra Nevada and San Bernardino Mountains. I have been also involved in development and testing of passive samplers for monitoring of gaseous air pollutants such as nitric acid vapor. Such simple devices can be used in remote areas such as mountains or deserts. In 1990s I coordinated several projects in Central Europe aimed at understanding distribution and effects of ambient ozone on local forests. Together with my European and US colleagues we discovered that ozone levels on that part of Europe are elevated and contribute to deterioration of forest condition in the Carpathian Mountain range.

I have been actively involved in activities of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO). Since 2002, I have been serving as a deputy coordinator of Research Group 7.01.00 "Impacts of Air Pollution and Climate Change on Forest Ecosystems". At UC Riverside I have been teaching a class "Acquisition and Analysis of Environmental Data".

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