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姓 名:李国雷



办公室电话: (08610) 62338599

信箱: glli226@163.com

传真: (08610) 62338197


2004 – 2007江南的注册网址,林学院森林培育学科博士

2001 – 2004山东农业大学,林学院林学系硕士

1997 – 2001山东农业大学,林学院林学系学士








本科课程Undergraduate Courses














[1]Wang Jiaxi, Villar-Salvador P,Li Guolei*. 2018. Water stress does not inhibit nitrogen remobilization, allowing fast growth in high nitrogen contentQuercus variabilisseedlings under dry conditions. Tree Physiology. In press

[2]Shi Wenhui, Villar-Salvador P, Jacobs DF,Li Guolei*, Jiang Xiaoxu. 2018. Simulated predation ofQuercus variabilisacorns impairs nutrient remobilization and seedling performance irrespective of soil fertility. Plant and Soil, 423: 295–306. doi: 10.1007/s11104-017-3518-0

[3]Shi Wenhui, Steven C. Grossnickle,Li Guolei*, Shuchai Su, Yong Liu. 2018. Fertilization and irrigation regimes influence on seedling attributes and field performance ofPinus tabuliformisCarr. Forestry. doi:10.1093/forestry/cpy035

[4]姜晓旭,李国雷*,史文辉,赵凯芬,李成. 2018.子叶丢失强度和时间对栓皮栎幼苗生长状况和营养物质转移的影响.林业科学, 54(8): 56–64.

[5]史文辉,李国雷*,苏淑钗,刘勇,贾黎明,尚治国. 2018.子叶切除与苗圃施肥对栓皮栎容器苗造林效果的影响.林业科学, 54(1): 64–73.


[6]Shi W, Bloomberg M,Li Guolei *, Su S, Jia L. 2017. Combined effects of cotyledon excision and nursery fertilization on root growth, nutrient status and outplanting performance ofQuercus variabiliscontainer seedlings. PLoS ONE 12(5): e0177002.https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0177002

[7]Fu Y, Oliet JA,Li Guolei *, Wang J. 2017. Effect of controlled release fertilizer type and rate on mineral nutrients, non-structural carbohydrates, and field performance of Chinese pine container-grown seedlings. Silva Fennica 51: id1607.https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.1607

[8]Pan J, Jacobs DF,Li Guolei *. 2017. Combined effects of short-day treatment and fall fertilization on growth, nutrient status, and spring bud break ofPinus tabulaeformisseedlings. iForest, 10: 242–249. doi: 10.3832/ifor2178-009

[9]刘佳嘉,李国雷*,刘勇,尚治国. 2017.容器类型和胚根短截对栓皮栎容器苗苗木质量及造林初期效果的影响.林业科学, 53(6): 47–55.


[10]Liu J, Bloomberg M,Li Guolei *, Liu Y. 2016. Effects of copper root pruning and radicle pruning on first-season field growth and nutrient status of Chinese cork oak seedlings. New Forests, 47: 715–729. doi: 10.1007/s11056-016-9540-x

[11]Wang J, Yu H,Li Guolei *, Zhang F. 2016. Growth and nutrient dynamics of transplantedQuercus variabilisseedlings as influenced by pre-hardening and fall fertilization. Silva Fennica, 50: id 1475. doi: 10.14214/sf.1475

[12]Li Guolei *, Wang J, Oliet JA, Jacobs DF. 2016. Combined pre-hardening and fall fertilization facilitates N storage and field performance ofPinus tabulaeformisseedlings. iForest, 9: 483–489. doi: 10.3832/ifor1708-008

[13]程中倩,李国雷*. 2016.氮肥和容器长度对栓皮栎容器苗生长、根系结构及养分贮存的影响.林业科学, 52(4): 2129.


[14]Wang J,Li Guolei *,PintoJR, Liu J, Shi W, Liu Y. 2015. Both nursery and field performance determine suitable nitrogen supply of nursery-grown, exponentially fertilized Chinese pine. Silva Fennica, 49: id 1295. doi: 10.14214/sf.1295


[15]Li Guolei *, Zhu Y, Liu Y, Wang JX, Liu JJ,DumroeseRK. 2014. Combined effects of pre-hardening and fall fertilization on nitrogen translocation and storage inQuercus variabilisseedlings. European Journal of Forest Research, 133: 983–992. doi: 10.1007/s10342-014-0816-4


[16]Zhu Y,DumroeseRK,PintoJR,Li Guolei *, Liu Y*. 2013. Fall fertilization enhanced nitrogen storage and translocation inLarix olgensisseedlings. New Forests, 44: 849–861. doi: 10.1007/s11056-013-9370-z

[17]Li Guolei *, Zhu Y, Liu Y, Jiang L, Shi WH, Liu JJ, Wang JX, Cheng ZQ. 2013. Effects of nursery nitrogen application of bare-rootLarix olgensisseedlings on growth, N uptake and initial field performance. Journal of Environmental Biology, 34: 79–85.


[18]Li Guolei *, Liu Y*, Zhu Y, Li Q, Dumroese RK. 2012. Effect of fall-applied nitrogen on growth, N storage, and frost hardiness of barerootLarix olgensisseedlings. Silva Fennica, 46: 345–354. doi: 10.14214/sf.45

[19]Liu Y, Bai SL, Zhu Y,Li Guolei *, Jiang P. 2012. Promoting seedling stress resistance through nursery techniques in China. New Forests, 43: 639–649. doi: 10.1007/s11056-012-9341-9

[20]李国雷,刘勇*,祝燕,蒋乐,史文辉. 2012.国外容器苗质量调控技术研究进展.林业科学, 48(8): 135–142.


[21]Li Guolei *, Liu Y, Zhu Y, Yang J, Sun HY, Jia ZK, Ma LY. 2011. Influence of initial age and size on the field performance ofLarix olgensisseedlings. New Forests, 42: 215–226. doi: 10.1007/s11056-011-9248-X

[22]李国雷,刘勇*,祝燕.秋季施肥调控苗木质量研究评述.林业科学, 2011, 48(11): 166–171.

[23]李国雷,刘勇*,祝燕. 2011.苗木切根技术研究进展.林业科学, 47(9): 140–147.


[24]Bai SL,Li Guolei *,Liu Y, Dumroese RK, Lv RH. 2009.Ostryopsis davidianaseedlings inoculated with ectomycorrhizal fungi facilitate formation of mycorrhizae onPinus tabulaeformisseedlings. Mycorrhiza, 19: 425–434. doi: 10.1007/s00572-009-0245-2

[25]李国雷,刘勇*,于海群,吕瑞恒,李瑞生. 2009.油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)人工林下植被发育对油松生长节律的响应.生态学报, 29(3): 1264–1275.

[26]李国雷,刘勇*,吕瑞恒,于海群,李瑞生. 2009.华北落叶松人工林密度调控对林下植被发育的作用过程.江南的注册网址学报, 31(1): 19–24.


SCI期刊New Forests副主编



期刊审稿专家European Journal of Forest Research, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, New Forests, Journal of applied Ecology, Journal of Forest Research, Journal of Forestry Research


2015.6.5 – 2016.6.4普度大学

2012.7.19 – 2012.8.11美国农业部林务局落基山研究所

2011.7 – 2011.8天普大学


[1]Uscola M, University of Alcalá, Spain. August 25 to Septeber 22, 2018.

[2]Oliet JA. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain. August 25 to Septeber 8, 2018.

[3]Oliet JA. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain. January 9 to January 20, 2018.

[4]Grossnickle SC. NurseryToForest Solutions, Canada. September 24 to October 1, 2017.

[5]Villar Salvador P. University of Alcalá, Spain. July 2 to 18, 2017.

[6]Dumroese R Kasten. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. October 6 to 12, 2016; September 17 to 24, 2014.

[7]Pinto Jeremiah R. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. October 6 to 12, 2016; September 17 to 24, 2014.

[8]Bloomberg Mark. Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand. April 2 to 13, 2016.


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