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2014 2016 北京林业大学,林学院森林保护学科博士

2011 2014北京林业大学,林学院森林保护学科硕士

2007 2011上海海洋大学,生命学院生物技?/span>学士













[1]Fan XL, Bezerra JDP, Tian CM, et al. (2018) Families and genera of diaporthalean fungi associated with canker and dieback of tree hosts.Persoonia40: 119?34.

[2]Fan XL, Yang Q, Bezerra JDP, et al. (2018)Diaporthefrom walnut tree (Juglans regia) in China, with insight of theDiaporthe erescomplex.Mycological Progress17: 1?3.

[3]Fan X L, Barreto RW, Groenewald JZ, et al. (2017). Phylogeny and taxonomy of the scab and spot anthracnose fungusElsinoë(Myriangiales, Dothideomycetes).Studies in mycology87: 1‒/span>41.

[4]Fan XL, Du Z, Liang YM, Tian CM* (2016).Melanconis(Melanconidaceae) associated withBetulaspp. in China.Mycological Progress15: 1‒/span>9.

[5]Fan XL, Du Z, Hyde KD, Liang YM, Pan YP, Tian CM* (2016).Cryptosporella platyphylla, a new species associated withBetula platyphyllain China.Phytotaxa253: 285?92.

[6]Fan XL, Yang Q, Cao B, Liang YM, Tian CM* (2015). New record ofAplosporella javeediion five hosts in China based on multi-gene analysis and morphology.Mycotaxon130: 749‒/span>756.

[7]Fan XL, Hyde KD, Udayanga D, Wu XY, Tian CM* (2015).Diaporthe rostrata, a novel ascomycete fromJuglans mandshuricaassociated with walnut dieback.Mycological Progress14: 1‒/span>8.

[8]Fan XL, Hyde KD, Liu JK, Liang YM, Tian CM* (2015). Multigene phylogeny and morphology reveals Phaeobotryon rhois sp. nov. (Botryosphaeriales, Ascomycota).Phytotaxa205: 90‒/span>98.

[9]Fan XL, Hyde KD, Yang Q, Liang YM, Ma R, Tian CM*(2015).Cytosporaspecies associated with canker disease of three anti-desertification plants in northwestern China.Phytotaxa197: 227?44.

[10]Fan XL, Hyde KD, Liu M, Liang YM, Tian CM*(2015).Cytosporaspecies associated with walnut canker disease in China, with description of a new speciesC. gigalocus.Fungal Biology119: 310?19.

[11]Fan XL, Liang YM, Ma R,Tian CM*(2014). Morphological and phylogenetic studies ofCytospora(Valsaceae, Diaporthales) isolates from Chinese scholar tree, with description of a new species.Mycoscience55: 252?59.

[12]Fan XL, Tian CM*, Yang Q, Liang YM, You CJ,Zhang YB(2014).CytosporafromSalixin northern China.Mycotaxon129: 303?15.

[13]Du Z,Fan XL*, Yang Q, Tian CM (2017). Host and geographic range extensions ofMelanconiella, with a new speciesM. cornutain China.Phytotaxa327: 252?60.

[14]Zhu HY, Tian CM,Fan XL(2018) Multigene phylogeny and morphology reveal Cytospora spiraeae sp. nov. (Diaporthales, Ascomycota) in China.Phytotaxa338: 49?2.

[15]Zhu HY, Tian CM,Fan XL(2018) Studies of botryosphaerialean fungi associated with canker and dieback of tree hosts in Dongling Mountain of China.Phytotaxa, 348: 63?6.

[16]Du Z,Fan XL, Hyde KD, Yang Q, Liang YM, Tian CM* (2016) Phylogeny and morphology reveal two new species ofDiaporthefromBetulaspp. in China.Phytotaxa269: 90?02.

[17]Du Z,Fan XL, Yang Q, et al. (2017)Aplosporella ginkgonis(Aplosporellaceae, Botryosphaeriales), a new species isolated from Ginkgo biloba in China. Mycosphere, 8: 1246?252.

[18]Ma R, Zhu YF,Fan XL, Tian CM* (2016) Canker disease of willow and poplar caused byCryptosphaeria pullmanensisrecorded in China.Forest Pathology46: 327?35.

[19]Wu ZQ,Fan XL, Yang T, Tian CM*, Liang YM, Ma YF, Zhang SL (2014). New record ofSetomelanomma holmiionPicea crassifoliain China based on morphological and molecular data.Mycotaxon128: 105‒/span>111.

[20]Yang Q,Fan XL, Crous PW, Liang YM, & Tian CM*. (2015).CytosporafromUlmus pumilain Northern China.Mycological Progress14: 1‒/span>12.

[21]Yang Q,Fan XL, Du Z, Tian CM*. (2017)Diaporthespecies occurring onSenna bicapsularisin southern China, with descriptions of two new species. Phytotaxa, 302(2): 145?55.

[22]Yang Q,Fan XL, Du Z, Tian CM*. (2017)Diaporthe juglandicolasp. nov. (Diaporthales, Ascomycetes), evidenced by morphological characters and phylogenetic analysis. Mycosphere, 8(5): 817?26.

[23]Yang Q,Fan XL, Du Z, Liang YM, Tian CM* (2017).Diaporthe camptothecicolasp. nov. on Camptotheca acuminata in China. Mycotaxon 132: 591?01.


SCI期刊Fungal Systematics and Evolution、Novel Research in Microbiology Journal编委


2015.8 2016.8荷兰皇家科学院真菌生物多样性中心(Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute(/span>

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