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(( ?q-| , :  D桍NN: Appendix I S琋梘N'Yf[oR黐^ybh Beijing Forestry University Application Form of Co-supervisor for Graduate Students 覻 T蔛L饄 (Full Name and Position/Title) 3uf[褃/NN T饄(Discipline/Major) @b(WUSMO(Current Institution)) Xg(Employment Period) / /  / / t^Year gMonth 錯Day N03u鲖篘鶺,g酧o`(u-N噀b駛噀kX橯 Basic information of the applicant覻 TFull Name'` +RGender鶴ut^g Date of birth齎 M| Nationality穬梍剉gTf[MO Final degree誯Nf[!h Graduate UniversityL 饄 TitleL Position珟齆翄鱏bgq鱏ID or Passport NO.顅MR@b(W錧\OUSMO Current School/ Institute5u 輯 Telephone5uP[異眥 E-mail愥O0W@W Correspondence address顅MR(W齎匭vQ諲貧!h剉|QL臽礠Current work situation in other colleges and universities in China;N亯xvz筫T Main research interests孨03u鲖篘Yef[褃x臽礠{薔 Brief introduction of the applicant s teaching and research 1. ;N亯f[`N孴錧\O{哠 Main working experiences and educational background ;Nc孾bbck(WgbL垊v;N亯褃xy橆v錘褟5t^:N;N +Ty橆v T饄0w峛k鰁魰0蟸9崫槮^蔛y橆veg恘 Completed or ongoing research projects within recent 5 years, which shows the information such as project name, the starting and ending time, funding limit and project source. 3. ;N亯f[/g簨W0N)R0o忲NW刓OCgI{b済錘褟5t^:N;N +T簨W剺橆v0\O抍廭0裇h Rir0t^ Main academicachievements within recent 5 years, including papers0patents0software copyright and so on, which shows the information such as titles, the order of author, journals and publishing year. 4 . 穬梍剉;N亯f[/gc儔b錧\Ob1\ Main academic honors or work achievements "$@  ( 4 6 F N ` j p t  4 @ B F l n v z | ~ 黟麇谙凭副副妇ň斁副妇▔靖緷|q敱緷|潐▔h >*CJPJaJh >*CJPJaJo(h >*CJaJo(h CJaJo(h >*CJPJaJh >*CJaJ h CJo( h CJh CJaJh CJOJo(h 5丆J aJ o(h 5丆J,aJ,o(h 5丆J<aJ<o( h CJ\h CJ\乷(, "$&@xb B    G$$a$ ̄G$XD 凥ぴG$WD,XD`凥$a$ $d ?XDda$$d a$$ゐa$d      B    6 8 蹯蹯踽陨偶弹┋┋┋娕亀pjcjcjcjcjcjcj h aJo( h aJ h CJo(h 5乗乤Jo(h 5乗乤Jh 5丆JPJ\乤Jo(h CJ\乷(h CJPJ hZzCJ h CJ h CJo(h 5丆JaJh h >*CJPJaJh >*CJPJaJo(h >*CJPJaJh >*CJaJh >*CJaJo(&  D gkd$$IfT擹??*&?44 la奣$If  $Ifzkd$$IfT擔??? 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