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181 Effects of Different Ectomycorrhizal Fungal Inoculates on the Growth of Pinus tabulaeformis Seedlings under Greenhouse Conditions Forests 16-12-14 李云 1.95
182 Red to Far Red Light Ratio Modulates Hormonal and Genetic Control of Axillary bud Outgrowth in Chrysanthemum Plant Mol Biol Rep 16-12-12 张启翔 1.84
183 An Effective and Inducible System of TAL Effector-Mediated Transcriptional Repression in Arabidopsis Molecular Plant 16-12-01 林金星 9.33
184 Transcriptome and Degradome Sequencing Reveals Dormancy Mechanisms of Cunninghamia lanceolata Seeds Journal of Plant Physiology 16-12-01 林金星 2.83
185 Enzymaticcharacterization of two acetyl-CoA synthetase genes from Populustrichocarpa SpringerPlus 16-12-01 陆海 1.13
186 Inducing triploids and tetraploids with high temperatures in Populus sect. Tacamahaca Plant Cell Physiol 16-11-17 张金凤 4.06
187 Plant grafting: how genetic exchange promotes vascular reconnection New Phytologist 16-11-13 Rongling Wu 7.43
188 Ovule positions within linear fruit are correlated with nonrandom mating in Robinia pseudoacacia. Scientific Reports 16-11-07 李云(通讯作者) 4.609 4.122
189 Techniques for detecting protein-protein interactions in living cells: principles, limitations, and recent progress Molecular Plant 16-11-02 林金星 9.33
190 Variation in the Growth Traits and Wood Properties of Chinese Fir from Six Provinces of Southern China Forests 16-10-31 李云 1.95
191 Single nucleotide polymorphisms in two GID1s orthologs associate with growth and wood property traits in Populus tomentosa Tree Genetics & Genomes 16-10-17 张德强 杜庆章 2.73
192 Allelic variation in PtoPsbW associated with photosynthesis, growth, and wood properties in Populus tomentosa Mol Genet Genomics 16-10-03 张德强 杜庆章 2.77
193 Induction of unreduced megaspores in Eucommia ulmoides by high temperature treatment during megasporogenesis Euphytica 16-09-26 康向阳 1.55
194 Genetic evaluation of the breeding population of a valuable reforestation conifer Platycladus orientalis (Cupressaceae) Scientific Reports 16-09-20 毛建丰 4.12
195 Dissection of additive, dominant, epistatic roles of allelic variation within heat shock factor genes in Chinese poplar Tree Genetics & Genomes 16-09-03 张德强 杜庆章 2.73
196 Quantification of Membrane Protein Dynamics and Interactions in Plant Cells by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Molecular Plant 16-09-01 林金星 9.33
197 Poplar CBF1 functions specifically in an integrated cold regulatory network Tree Physiology 16-09-01 张德强 宋跃朋 3.65
198 AlloMap6: an R package for genetic linkage analysis in Allohexaploids Briefings in Bioinformatics 16-09-01 Rongling Wu 6.31
199 Quantification of Membrane Protein Dynamics and Interactions in Plant Cells by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Molecular Plant 16-09-01 林金星 9.33
200 Quantification of Membrane Protein Dynamics and Interactions in Plant Cells by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Molecular Plant 16-09-01 李晓娟 9.33
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