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161 Lonicera japonica ‘Fenglei’ Hortscience 17-05-01 李云 0.74
162 Evaluation of efficiency of controlled pollination based parentage analysis in a Larix gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii Mayr. seed orchard PLoS ONE 17-04-27 张金凤 2.77
163 Identification and allelic dissection uncover roles of lncRNAs in secondary growth of Populus tomentosa DNA Research 17-04-26 张德强(通讯作者) 5.525 5.415
164 Three stress-responsive NAC transcription factors from Populus euphratica differentially regulate salt and drought tolerance in transgenic plants Physiologia Plantarum 17-04-11 夏新莉 2.58
165 The genetic architecture of heterochronsy as a quantitative trait: lessons from a computational model Briefings in Bioinformatics 17-04-01 Rongling Wu 6.31
166 Somatic Embryogenesis of Immature Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook Zygotic Embryos Scientific Reports 17-03-03 李云(通讯作者) 4.609 4.122
167 Gene network analysis of senescence-associated genes in annual plants and comparative assessment of aging in perennials and animals Scientific Reports 17-02-22 张启翔 4.12
168 The genetic architecture of shoot-root covariation during seedling emergence of a dessert tree, Populus euphratica Plant Journal 17-02-15 Rongling Wu 5.8
169 Factors influencing direct shoot regeneration from leaves, petioles, and plantlet roots of triploid hybrid Populus sect. Tacamahaca Journal of Forestry Research 17-02-07 张金凤 0.748
170 Overexpression of Prunus mume Dehydrin Genes in Tobacco Enhances Tolerance to Cold and Drought Frontiers in Plant Science 17-02-07 张启翔 3.67
171 结合系统发育与群体遗传学分析检验杂交是否存在的技术策略 生物多样性 17-02-01 毛建丰
172 Transcriptome of the floral transition in Rosa chinensis ‘Old Blush’ BMC Genomics 17-02-01 张启翔 3.73
173 Methodological implementation of mixed linear models in multi-locus genome-wide associationstudies Briefings in Bioinformatics 17-02-01 Rongling Wu 6.31
174 测土配方施肥对金银花产量和质量的影响 核农学报 17-01-31 李云
175 Membrane microdomains and the cytoskeleton constrain AtHIR1 dynamics and facilitate the formation of an AtHIR1-associated immune complex Plant Journal 17-01-12 林金星 5.8
176 The Pentratricopeptide Repeat Protein Pigment-Defective Mutant2 is Involved in the Regulation of Chloroplast Development and Chloroplast Gene Expression in Arabidopsis Plant Cell Physiol 17-01-08 杜亮 4.06
177 Functional mapping of N deficiency‐induced response in wheat yield‐component traits by implementing high‐throughput phenotyping Frontiers in Plant Science 17-01-06 陈少良 3.67
178 Genetic architecture underlying the lignin biosynthesis pathway involves noncoding RNAs and transcription factors for growth and wood properties in Populus Briefings in Bioinformatics 17-01-01 Rongling Wu 6.31
179 SEP-class genes in Prunus mume and their likely role in floral organ development BMC Plant Biology 17-01-01 张启翔 3.93
180 Novel Mutation Sites in the Development of Vancomycin-Intermediate Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus Frontiers in Microbology 16-12-22 Rongling Wu 4.02
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