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61 Ultraviolet radiation for flavonoid augmentation in Isatis tinctoria L. hairy root cultures mediated by oxidative stress and biosynthetic gene expression INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS 18-08-01 付玉杰(通讯作者) 4.072 3.849
62 "PeCHYR1, a ubiquitin E3 ligase from Populus euphratica, enhances drought tolerance via ABA-induced stomatal closure by ROS production in Populus tolerance by modulating stomatal density in poplar" Plant Biotechnology Journal 18-08-01 夏新莉(通讯作者) 6.107 6.305
63 Genome-Wide Identification and Characterization of CIPK Family and Analysis Responses to Various Stresses in Apple (Malus domestica) Int. J. Mol. Sci. 18-07-22 孟冬(通讯作者) 3.878 3.687
64 Genome-Wide Identification and Characterization of CIPK Family and Analysis Responses to Various Stresses in Apple (Malus domestica) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 18-07-22 付玉杰(通讯作者)/孟冬(通讯作者) 3.878 3.687
65 Chitosan elicitation of Isatis tinctoria L. hairy root cultures for enhancing flavonoid productivity and gene expression and related antioxidant activity Industrial Crop & Products 18-07-22 付玉杰 3.84
66 Development of EST-SSR markers in Larix principis-rupprechtiMayr and evaluation of their polymorphism and cross-species amplification Trees 18-07-21 张金凤 1.782
67 不同植物生长调节剂添加处理对杉木体胚成熟的影响 分子植物育种 18-07-17 李云 /
68 Functional mapping of N deficiency‐induced response in wheat yield‐component traits by implementing high‐throughput phenotyping Plant Journal 18-07-12 Rongling Wu 5.8
69 Populus trichocarpa PtNF-YA9, A Multifunctional Transcription Factor, Regulates Seed Germination, Abiotic Stress, Plant Growth and Development in Arabidopsis Frontiers in Plant Science 18-07-09 夏新莉(共同通讯作者) 4.353 3.677
70 Genetic architecture underlying the lignin biosynthesis pathway involves non-coding RNAs and transcription factors for growth and wood properties in Populus Plant Biotechnology Journal 18-06-27 权明洋(第一作者)/张德强(通讯作者) 6.305
71 2 '-O-Galloylhyperin Isolated From Pyrola incarnata Fisch Attenuates LPS-Induced Inflammatory Response by Activation of SIRT1Nrf2 and Inhibition of the NF-kappa B Pathways in Vitro and Vivo FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY 18-06-27 付玉杰(通讯作者) 4.439 3.831
72 PM2.5-bound SO42- absorption and assimilation of poplar and its physiological responses to PM2.5 pollution ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 18-06-21 夏新莉 4.234 3.666
73 TGMI: an efficient algorithm for identifying pathway regulators through evaluation of triple-gene mutual interaction Nucleic Acids Research 18-06-20 卫海荣(通讯作者) 10.235 11.561
74 Genetic variation in transcription factors and photosynthesis light-reaction genes regulates photosynthetic traits Tree Physiology 18-06-19 张德强 杜庆章 3.38
75 Age-age correlations and early selection for growth traits in 40 half-sib families of Larix prncpls-rupprechtii Journal of Forestry Research 18-06-19 张金凤 0.91
76 High-quality assembly of the reference genome for scarlet sage, Salvia splendens, an economically important ornamental plant GigaScience 18-06-15 毛建丰(通讯作者) 10.742 7.267
77 Association genetics in Populus reveal the allelic interactions of Pto-MIR167a and its targets in wood formation Frontiers in Plant Science 18-06-12 权明洋(第一作者)/张德强(通讯作者) 4.353 3.677
78 Arabidopsis Blue Light Receptor Phototropin 1 Undergoes Blue Light-Induced Activation in Membrane Microdomains Molecular Plant 18-06-03 林金星 9.32
79 NaN_3处理对杉木种子发芽及幼苗生长的影响 东北林业大学学报 18-05-30 李云 /
80 Induction of unreduced megaspores in Eucommia ulmoides by high temperature treatment during megasporogenesis Canadian Journal of Forest Research 18-05-30 毛建丰 1.89
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