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41 JRmGRN: Joint reconstruction of multiple gene regulatory networks with common hub genes using data from multiple tissues or conditions Bioinformatics 18-10-15 卫海荣(通讯作者) 8.561 5.481
42 Nitric oxide alleviates cell death through protein S-nitrosylation and transcriptional regulation during the ageing of elm seeds JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 18-10-12 6.044 5.354
43 Genome-Wide Analysis of the NAC Transcription Factor Gene Family Reveals Differential Expression Patterns and Cold-Stress Responses in the Woody Plant Prunus mume GENES 18-10-12 张启翔(通讯作者) 3.286 3.191
44 Euonymus maackii Rupr. Seed oil as a new potential non-edible feedstock for biodiesel Renewable energy 18-10-09 付玉杰 4.9
45 Heat-Shock-Induced Removal of Transgenes Using the Gene-Deletor System in Hybrid Aspen (Populus tremula x P. tremuloides) GENES 18-10-08 张金凤(通讯作者) 3.286 3.191
46 山西刺槐种质资源的叶片表型多样性分析1 分子植物育种 18-09-30 李云 /
47 Sulfide Mediates K+ and Na+ Homeostasis in the Roots of Salt-Resistant and Salt-Sensitive Poplar Species Subjected to NaCl Stress Frontiers in Plant Science 18-09-19 陈少良(通讯作者) 4.353 3.677
48 杉木多倍体变异苗诱导及倍性鉴定 The Mycological Society of America 18-09-18 戴玉成 2.57
49 Lonicera japonica ‘Fenglei’ Mycologia 18-09-18 戴玉成 2.76
50 Sterols regulate endocytic pathways during flg22-induced defense responses in Arabidopsis Development 18-09-18 林金星(通讯作者)/李晓娟(共同第一作者) 6.134 5.413
51 Single-particle tracking for the quantification of membrane protein dynamics in living plant cells Molecular Plant 18-09-01 李晓娟(通讯作者) 8.065 9.326
52 Evaluation of the Genetic Diversity and Differentiation of Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) Based on Genomic and Expressed Sequence Tag-Simple Sequence Repeats. International Journal of Molecular Sciences Int. J. Mol. Sci. 18-08-23 李云(通讯作者) 3.878 3.687
53 Time-specific and pleiotropic quantitative trait loci coordinately modulate stem growth in Populus Plant Biotechnology Journal 18-08-22 杜庆章(第一作者)/张德强(通讯作者) 6.305
54 Sterols regulate endocytic pathways during flg22-induced defense responses in Arabidopsis Development 18-08-13 林金星 5.41
55 Poplar miR472a targeting NBS-LRRs is involved in effective defence against the necrotrophic fungus Cytospora chrysosperma Journal of Experimental Botany 18-08-09 夏新莉 5.35
56 Combining mitochondrial and nuclear genome analyses to dissect the effects of colonization, environment, and geography on population structure in Pinus tabuliformis Evolutionary Applications 18-08-08 毛建丰(通讯作者)/王晓茹(通讯作者) 5.063 4.694
57 An Assessment of the Environmental Impacts of Transgenic Triploid Populus tomentosa in Field Condition Forests 18-08-08 李云 1.95
58 Substantial Epigenetic Variation Causing Flower Color Chimerism in the Ornamental Tree Prunus mume Revealed by Single Base Resolution Methylome Detection and Transcriptome Sequencing INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 18-08-07 张启翔(通讯作者) 3.878 3.687
59 Genetic variants in microRNA biogenesis genes as novel indicators for secondary growth in Populus New Phytologist 18-08-06 张德强(通讯作者) 7.833 7.433
60 Distinct Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism of Two Contrasting Poplar Species in Response to Different N Supply Levels INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 18-08-06 夏新莉 3.878 3.687
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