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What you should know before coming to China

  1. source:International College
  2. time:2020-11-27
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Preparations before coming to China

Go to the Chinese embassy in your country to apply for a study visa

Please be sure to apply for a study visa (X visa) to study in China. Among the study visas, there are the X1 visa which is a long-term convertible visa that must be converted into a residence permit within 30 days of entry; the X2 visa is a short-term non-convertible visa. Students holding this visa can only travel to and from China once and can stay in China for a maximum of 180 days. Therefore, if your study period in China exceeds 180 days, you need to apply for an X1 visa (residence permit); if it does not exceed 180 days, you need to apply for an X2 visa.

The materials required for visa processing usually include:

The original passport and one copy (please ensure that your passport is valid for more than 6 months and has a blank visa page)

The original and one copy of the "Visa Application Form for Foreign Students Studying in China" (JW201 or JW202).

  1. The original and one copy of the school admission notice

International students must hold a study visa (X visa) to enter the country. If you want to switch to a study visa after entering the country with a tourist visa (L visa), you may be required to re-enter after leaving the country. This is not recommended.

2. Read the admission notice carefully and communicate with the school in time

The admission notice usually contains admission information such as admission major, length of study, the language of instruction, etc., as well as registration information such as the time, place, and required materials for new students to register.

Admission notice usually contains admission information such as admission major, length of study, teaching language, etc., as well as registration time, location, and required materials of freshmen.

3. Details of items you may need during your study abroad period

1) Electrical appliances: notebook computers and other electronic products and their accessories, power conversion plugs, power transformers, mobile power supplies, etc. (the Chinese standard voltage is 220V, please bring your own voltage conversion equipment);

2) Clothing: China has a vast territory and different climates. Please prepare your clothes according to the climate of the school location;

3) Common used drugs: commonly used drugs for the respiratory system, digestive system, pain killers, anti-inflammatory drugs, mosquito repellents, moisturizers, etc.

4) It is recommended to carry an adequate amount of cash (RMB) with you to cover basic expenses such as transport fees from the airport to the and purchasing daily necessities.

We suggest that electrical appliances, daily necessities and other items can be purchased on campus and nearby shopping malls.

In addition, according to the relevant regulations of the Chinese government, opium, morphine, heroin, marijuana and other addictive narcotics and psychotropic substances are strictly prohibited from being brought into China.

4. Other considerations

1) Introduction to Chinese currency

The legal tender of China is RMB (), the unit is yuan, and the unit of secondary currency of RMB is Jiao and Fen. 1 yuan = 10 Jiao, 1 jiao = 10 points. At present, the main circulating banknotes are: 1 jiao, 5 jiao, 1 yuan, 5 yuan, 10 yuan, 20 yuan, 50 yuan, 100 yuan; coins are: 1 jiao, 5 jiao and 1 yuan.

2) Foreign currency exchange locations and convertible currencies

The following foreign currency currencies can be converted into RMB: pound sterling, US dollar, euro, Japanese yen, Korean dollar, Canadian dollar, Australian dollar, Swiss franc, Singapore dollar, Swedish krona, Norwegian krona, Danish krona, Philippine peso and Thai baht. For other currencies, you can first convert them into US dollars at home and carry them to China, and then convert US dollars into RMB

3) Allergen memos and medicine preparations

Some food packages in China do not indicate allergy information, so please eat with caution; take your own allergic reaction memo and prepare some medicine.

4) Daily Chinese language and other relevant Chinese information

China uses Chinese (common Mandarin) as the common language, and a few regions use the local dialect. In order to avoid the initial communication barriers, it is recommended to prepare the information of the contact person in China and the information of the school (teacher in the International Students Office) in Chinese.

Notice after entry

Under normal circumstances, international students will come to China by plane; it is also possible to take railways, ships, buses and other means of transportation. But in any case, the first task after arrival is to pass through the Chinese border inspection.

1. China border inspection

The Chinese border inspection is divided into various channels such as the Chinese citizen channel and the foreign citizen channel. International students should pass through the foreign citizen channel. Before entering the country, it is necessary to fill in the "Foreigners Entry Application Form" and hand it to the inspection personnel at the customs. The inspector may ask for information about the purpose of travel, contact person in China, address and other information. They should prepare a response in advance and carry paper supporting materials with them.

After entering the country, you are not allowed to stay at the border inspection, you should pick up your luggage as soon as possible, and cooperate with the security personnel to carry out security checks on your luggage.

2. How to get to school

After entering the country, you can usually choose a variety of travel methods such as taxi/subway/bus, and you may also need to take an intercity train or a connecting flight to the destination city. For details, please consult the school.

3. The following materials are required to complete the registration:

Original and photocopy of your valid passport and visa (X1 or X2)

Original and copy of admission notice

Original copy of "Visa Application Form for Studying in China" (JW201 or 202)

Passport photos

Registration fee, tuition fee, medical insurance fee, accommodation fee, etc

"Foreigner Physical Examination Record" and original blood test report (must be provided by students who study in China for more than 6 months)

Q:Do I have to have a physical examination?

A:According to the relevant regulations of the Chinese government, students entering the country with an X1 visa must undergo a health check. Students can undergo a physical examination in their home country before coming to China, and submit the original "Foreigner Physical Examination Record" in Chinese or English at the time of registration, and then go to the Health Care Center of the Local Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau for review. If the submitted health certificate does not meet the specifications and requirements, or if the physical examination is not performed before coming to China, the health examination must be performed again at the health care center of the local inspection and quarantine bureau. The health center will issue a "Foreigner Physical Examination Record Verification Certificate" for you, which is a necessary material for applying for a residence permit in China.

Normally, the school will uniformly arrange the physical examination. If you miss the collective physical examination time, you need to go to the local entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureau to complete this procedure. The X1 visa must apply for a residence permit within 30 days from the day of entry, so the medical examination must be completed as soon as possible after entry. International students entering the country with an X2 visa do not need a medical examination.

Q:Do I have to buy medical insurance?

A:According to relevant national regulations, international students who have to study in China for more than six months must purchase medical insurance in China. The school will provide students with consultation and services related to insurance purchase.

Q:What is the residence permit for foreigners? What should I pay attention to?

A:The residence permit for foreigners in the People's Republic of China is a residence permit issued to foreigners who have to stay in the People's Republic of China for more than one year. International students who enter the country with an X1 visa must change it to a residence permit within 30 days from the day of entry. This certificate should be applied for to the exit and entry management agency of the public security agency in the place of residence. For details, please refer to the "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreigners" and the relevant regulations of the local immigration bureau.

Q:What if I can't get to school and complete the registration process within the specified time?

A:If the student is unable to arrive at the school within the registration time specified by the school, he should contact the relevant school management teacher in advance to inquire about the method of self-registration.

Notes for Studying

Q:What rules should I abide by when I study in China?

A:The behavior of international students in China will be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China regarding foreigners, local regulations, and school discipline and school rules; the local immigration bureau, police station and the school will jointly assume the management responsibility for students.

At the time of enrollment, the school will give guidance to the freshmen about the code of conduct in school and campus rules and regulations; in addition, the exit Entry Administration Bureau and the police station will hold lectures on public security knowledge from time to time.

Q:What do I need to pay attention to if I want to participate in off campus internship?

A:International students holding x visa, if they need off-campus internships or part-time jobs during their studies at the University, with the consent of the University, may submit to the exit Entry Administration Department of the public security organ, a letter of approval for work or off campus internship issued by the school and the internship unit, and apply for the note of residence certificate. After adding the note to the residence permit, students can engage in off campus internship activities in the internship unit; if not, they are not allowed to carry out work-study or internship outside the school. Please note that your internship date cannot exceed the deadline of your residence permit.

If you want to find an internship, please get it in a professional and formal way.

Rules and Regulations

Visa management

1. "The People's Republic of China Exit and Entry Administration Law"

2. "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Entry and Exit of Foreigners"

Social Management?

1)Detailed rules for the implementation of the regulations of the people's Republic of China on the administration of foreign religious activities:

2)Administrative measures for foreigners participating in performance activities in China:

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