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Students from International College of BFU Participated in the 2021 "Beijing International Friendship Forest" Tree Planting Activity

  1. source:International College
  2. time:2021-04-13
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On April 10th, the 2021 "Beijing International Friendship Forest" tree planting activity was held in the east ofStrawberry Expo Park, Xingshou Town, Changping District. Students from International College of Beijing Forestry University participatedin the voluntary tree planting activity.On April 10th, the 2021 "Beijing International Friendship Forest" tree planting activity was held in the east ofStrawberry Expo Park, Xingshou Town, Changping District. Students from International College of Beijing Forestry University participatedin the voluntary tree planting activity.

After the brief opening ceremony, studentsstarted planting in a cheerful atmosphere.

After planting, the students brushed the seedlings with white lime water to protect the trees from insects under the guidance of volunteers.

In the end,each participated students was awardedthe "Honorary Certificate of Land Greening".After returningback to campus, students expressed their feelings one after another.


莫妮卡(来自肯尼亚):I found so much pleasure in participating in the tree planting activity because I'm passionate about natural conservation. To reduce air pollution and combat with climate change, we not only need to plant more trees but should also protect the existing forests.All of us need to take our responsibility to make the world greener!

大卫(来自卢旺达):First of all, let me thank you so much for prepare such a gorgeous event of tree planting. As international students, we were very happy for getting that opportunity to participate in this event, especially with Chinese, that encouraged our spirit of planting trees as the way of combating with desertification,climate change and promote the landscape to be green in a sustainable way. In addition, it is a nice experience in China which we can share with people of our countries. Some of us are foresters and now we have a policy that looking for making our country green and exploring a way of sustainable forest management. The event today is much relevant to us. Thats why, as overseas students, we really thank you so much for preparing and give us the opportunity to participate in this event.

It is reported that the 2021 "Beijing International FriendshipForest"Tree Planting Activitywassupportedby China NGO Network for International Exchanges, jointly held byBeijingPeople's Association forFriendship withForeignCountries,Foreign Affairs Office of thePeople'sGovernmentof Beijing Municipalityand other units. It had been held for five times.The 2021 "Beijing International FriendshipForest"Tree PlantingActivity isnot only one of theimportant spring tree planting activities in Beijingbutalso the largest internationalfriendshiptree planting activity. During the activity, international friends jointly respond to the sustainable development goals of the United Nations, and at the same time, take the trees as the medium to plant friendship deeply.

Beijing Forestry University

International College
