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The training center of the Ministry of Commerce came to our University to investigate the foreign aid academic programs

  1. source:International College
  2. time:2021-04-13
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Recently, the relevant person in charge of the Foreign Aid Training Management Division of the Training Center of the Ministry of Commerce visited Beijing Forestry University for investigation. The heads of the International College, School of Economics and Management of our school, and related project staff attended the symposium. The meeting was presided over by Wang Jin, the vice dean (presiding over the work) of the International College.

The International College and the School of Economics and Management respectively reported on the overall situation of the foreign aid academic program of the Ministry of Commerce of our University and the specific work of talent training.

During the discussion session, the head of the International College related our school’s international education work plan with the work objectives of the Ministry of Commerce’s training center and expressed that they would further implement the training center’s guidance to serve the country’s foreign aid and ecological governance global programs.

The relevant person in charge of the Training Center of the Ministry of Commerce fully affirmed the development of our University's foreign aid academic program. She said that the normal opening of the program should be ensured under the normalization of the epidemic, and she gave valuable suggestions on the use of funds and alumni services.

After the meeting, a delegation from the Training Center of the Ministry of Commerce, accompanied by the head of the International College, visited the museum of our University, inspected the dormitory of international students, and suggested the requirements for dormitory conditions.

(Author: Cheng Sijia, Reviewer: Wang Jin, Source: International Institute)
