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"China, Come on!"- Blessings from international students of Beijing Forestry University

  1. source:International International College
  2. time:2020-12-08
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When you open the social accounts of the International Students of Beijing Forestry University, you can see the words of blessings with your own eyes. In the WeChat group, they sent hundreds of blessings to teachers, cheering for China, Hubei, and their beloved alma mater. During this special Chinese New Year, these international students expressed their confidence in China's victory over the epidemic!

When communicating with these international students, we were touched and received encouragement, and we are united to fight the epidemic!

Come on, China!

Come on, Wuhan!

Everything will be fine!

Photo/International students of Beijing University cheer for China on their social accounts

Thank you BFU!

Thank you China!

This is my second home!

Photo/International students of BFU have left messages to teachers in the WeChat group

Blessing China and expressing full confidence in China's victory over the epidemic


If there is something I can be helpful in,

Please inform me!

Photo/International students of Beilin University leave a message to the teacher, hoping to do everything they can to help

Now we are all Chineses”

My heart is with you”

Sun Kai an international student from Congo (DRC), said:

"I have never seen anyone who loves their motherland more than the Chinese. You have to be here to see how they convey a message of support and comfort to people in the epidemic area. We are with China, and we also trust the Chinese government's efforts to make the situation better! Go China!"

Kathy, an international student from Togo, said:

“I said from the bottom of my heart that China is a great country and a place where I pursue high-level studies and realize my dreams. It is also my second hometown. I know everything will be okay, because I have seen the dedication and mutual commitment of the Chinese people, through the hard work of countless Chinese people... The destiny of all of us is connected together, and we will stand with the Chinese forever together. Nothing is unachievable. Go China!”

Parsha an International student from Pakistan said

"We firmly believe that the bad days will pass soon, and the Chinese people will shine again with greater strength and greater prosperity. Their resilience in the battle against the deadly virus is a model. I implore all International friends, stay strong, cooperate fully with the Chinese government, do not create unnecessary panic and confusion. Talk to your friends and family more, do some sports (indoor), take care of each other's feelings. Spread happiness, spread Love, and spread kindness. We stand with China! We stand with Wuhan!” Mu Ji, an international student from Pakistan, said: “Don’t panic about the current situation, be patient, follow instructions, and be safe. China is here."

Laxmi an international student from Nepal said:

"I pray that this problem will be resolved soon. China is not alone in this difficult situation. We will all fight with you. I want to pay tribute to all the doctors and nurses who work and contribute to the country. I love you from the bottom of my heart!"

Tao Le, an international student from Comoros, said:

"China is my second country. I really like China and Chinese people. I believe you, and believe you can overcome this virus. Everything will be fine. Always support China, Come on Wuhan, Come on China, you are the best, let's work hard together!"

Aline, an international student from Rwanda said:

“Dear China, the country that I call my second home, my heart is with you during these difficult moments. Thank you for keeping us safe, I am confident that the virus will be contained very soon. Come on China!”


According to reports, since the outbreak of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus, Beijing Forestry University has taken various measures to prevent and control the epidemic of international students, formulate work plans in time, and establish and improve an emergency prevention and control mechanism for the epidemic.

Relevant departments implement an emergency duty system. Relevant staff arrive early to check the location, physical condition and itinerary of the international students in the school as soon as possible. International students who are still traveling are advised to stay in place and take protective measures. If there is a need to return to Beijing, self-isolation should be done without special symptoms.

Our University has established information reporting and daily reporting mechanisms to strengthen individual attention to residential students. Check the life status of international students, measure and record body temperature. If you have fever, cough and other physical symptoms, promptly urge you to seek medical attention. It is recommended to reduce going out and protect yourself.

Through the WeChat public account, we have successively added the "Precautions against Novel Coronavirus", "Scientific Prevention of Novel Coronavirus", "A Letter to All International Students", "Notice of Beijing Forestry University on Postponing the Start of the 2020 Spring Semester", and Campus Epidemic Prevention Safety Control The “Notice”, “Notice on the Control and Control of the Entry and Exit of International Students in Schools During the Period of Prevention and Control”, etc., convey the prevention and control information to all international students in a multi-level and three-dimensional manner.

After the school decided to postpone the start of the 2020 spring semester, it organizes various education and teaching plans to postpone the start of the school, encourages international students to carry out self-study, and organizes foreign Chinese teachers to teach international students’ language courses, national conditions education and other public teaching preparations online teaching Self-study guidance and other work for international students


The cold winter will surely pass, and the warm spring will finally come.
International students of BFU cheer for China and stay with Beilin University.
Warm-hearted interaction to write new stories about Sino-foreign exchanges!

Thanks again to everyone in the fight against the epidemic
Selfless dedication and support!
At this moment, we do not distinguish nationality, regardless of skin color!
We are from BFU!
China Come on!

Beijing Forestry University

International College
