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56 international students from our University participated in the 7th China Forestry Academic Conference

  1. source£ºInternational College
  2. time£º2020-11-21
  3. share£º

On November 9, 2019, the 7th China Forestry Academic Conference was held at Nanjing Forestry University. The international student sub-session (S35), which was set up for the first time in this conference, was attended by more than 150 international students from Nanjing Forestry University, Beijing Forestry University, Northeast Forestry University, Southwest University, and Gansu Agricultural University. 56 international students from our University participated in this conference. The chairman of this session was the head of the International Exchange and Cooperation Office of our school.

¡¡¡¡With the theme of "World Forestry and Ecological Environment Construction¡ªInnovative Models and Practices", the international student session received 72 papers and abstracts, and 27 international students gave reports presentation . Among them, Beijing Forestry students submitted 51 papers and abstracts, and 10 people made reports presentations.

During the two-day conference, Professor Wang Xiaochun from Northeast Forestry University, Deputy Director Wang Jin from Beijing Forestry University, and Professor Li Haitao from Nanjing Forestry University made presentations on "Contrasting Response of Conifer and Broadleaved Tree Growth" and " A Comparative Study on the Paths of ImprovingInternationalStudents Satisfaction¡ª¡ªTaking the University of Albertain Canadaand Peking University as an example", and the invited report of "Sustainable Structural Material-Bamboo". International students also gave presentations in various fields such as forest cultivation, forest products and chemical industry, forest ecology, wood science and technology, and forestry development.

¡¡¡¡In addition, the participating experts and international students also discussed the hot topics and trends of subject research progress. Participants also put forward prospects and suggestions for the next meeting.

¡¡¡¡According to the evaluation of the academic committee, 17 people were selected for the first, second, and third prizes, and 3 were selected for the excellent report, including 1 from Beijing Forestry University (won by EKANAYAKE MUDIYANSELAGE BUDDHIKA PIUMALI EKANAYAKE from Sri Lanka);6second prizes among which were 2 people from Beijing Forestry University (Muhammad Ramzan from Pakistan and MIGUEL ANGEL GONZALEZ RODRIGUEZ from Spain); 8 third prizes among which 3 were fromBeijing Forestry University(from ADNAN AHMAD, HAIDER SABA from Pakistan and OLIVIER NGOKO CHINKAM from Cameroon) ). The conference also selected 44 outstanding paper awards. A total of 7 people won the first prize, of which 5 people fromBeijing Forestry University; 14 people won the second prize, 9 people of them are fromBeijing Forestry University; 23 people won the third prize, and 17 people among them are fromBeijing Forestry University.

It is reported that the China Forestry Academic Conference is the largest, highest-level and most influential scientific and technological event in my country's forestry industry. The just-concluded 7th Forestry Academic Conference aims to thoroughly implement the innovation-driven development strategy, flourish forestry academic exchanges, promote the development of forestry disciplines, promote technological innovation and talent growth, and promote the high-quality development of forestry and grassland. The international student venue added for the first time at the conference brought together outstanding young talents from various forestry disciplines in China, and fully mobilized the superior academic resources of various forestry-related universities, which is of great significance for exploring forestry ecological construction and promoting international forestry academic cooperation and exchanges.

Beijing Forestry University

International College
