
2019年生物科学论坛第七十期——王向锋 副教掇/h1>

[发布日期?019-12-20 点击数:]









1. *Wang X#, Xu M#, Gao C, Zeng Y, Cui Y, *Shen W and Jiang L. (2019) The roles of endomembrane trafficking in plant abiotic stress responses.Journal of Integrative Plant Biologydoi: 10.1111/jipb.12895

2.Wang Xand *Mao T. (2019) Understanding the functions and mechanisms of plant cytoskeleton in response to environmental signals.Current Opinion in Plant Biology52:86-96

3. Zhao X, Dou L, Gong Z, *Wang Xand Mao T. (2019) BES1 hinders ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE5 and promotes seed germination in Arabidopsis.New Phytologist221: 908-918.

4. Dou L, He K, Higaki T,Wang X, and *Mao T. (2018) Ethylene signaling modulates cortical microtubule reassembly in response to salt stress.Plant Physiology176: 2071?081.

5. #Shen J, #Zhao Q,Wang X, Gao C, Zhu Y, Zeng Y and *Jiang L. (2018) A plant Bro1 domain protein BRAF regulates multivesicular body biogenesis and membrane protein homeostasis.Nature Communications9: 3784.

6.Wang X, Cai Y, Wang H, Zeng Y, Zhuang X, Li B, and *Jiang L. (2014) Trans-Golgi network-located AP1 gamma adaptins mediate dileucine motif-directed vacuolar targeting in Arabidopsis.The Plant Cell26: 4102-4118.

7. #Cai Y, #Zhuang X, #Gao C, #Wang X, *Jiang L. (2014) Arabidopsis endosomal sorting complex required for transport III (ESCRT-III) regulates internal vesicle formation of prevacuolar compartment and is required for plant development.Plant Physiology65: 1328-1343.

8.Wang X,Zhong F, Cheuk H, Miao Y, Michael Grusak, Zhang X, Tu J, Wong Y and *Jiang L. (2016) A rapid and efficient method to study the function of crop plant transporters in Arabidopsis.Protoplasma254: 737-747.



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