

[发布日期?015-12-04 点击数:]

报告题目:Strigolactones: Biosynthesis and Biology
报告人:张艳 博士
报告人简介:张艳霞,女,1982?月生,博士,现为荷兰瓦赫宁根大学植物生理实验室博士后?009年获北京林业大学植物学硕士学位;2009-2014年受国家留学基金委资助在荷兰瓦赫宁根大学(Wageningen University, the Netherlands)获植物生理学博士学位;毕业后留校继续在该实验室从事博士后(PostdoctoralResearch Assistant)研究工作。主要研究方向为新型植物激素独脚金内酯(Strigolactones)生物合成途径及信号转导的分子机制,以及这类激素及其类似物在植物抗逆胁迫中的作用。通过研究,首次在水稻中阐述了这一植物激素是如何合成的,发现并验证了关键酶基因和控制其化学结构多样性的酶,为研究这一新型激素的合成及其相关生物学作用奠定了基础;在寄生植物中克隆并阐述了信号接受机制中的两个重要蛋白,为研究这一激素的在寄生植物中信号接受提供了重要依据。博士在读期间工作以第一作者(含并列第一作者)在Nature Chemical Biology,PNAS, Current Opinion in Biotechnology, New Phytologist, The Plant Journal等知名学术期刊发表论?0余篇
本期论坛联系人:刘玉 教授

Zhang Y,Ruyter-Spira C, Bouwmeester HJ (2014) Engineering the plant rhizosphere. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 32, 136-142
Zhang Y, van Dijk ADJ, Scaffidi A, Flematti GR, Hofmann M, Charnikhova T, Verstappen F, Hepworth J, van der Krol S, Leyser O, Smith SM, Zwanenburg B, Al-Babili S, Ruyter-Spira C, Bouwmeester HJ (2014) Rice cytochrome P450 MAX1 homologs catalyse distinct steps in strigolactone biosynthesis. Nature Chemical Biology, 10, 1028-1033
Cardoso C*,Zhang Y*, Jamil M*, Hepworth J*, Charnikhova T, Dimkpa SON, Meharg C, Wright MH, Liu JW, Meng XB, Wang YH, Li JY, McCouch SR, Leyser O, Price AH, Bouwmeester HJ, Ruyter-Spira C (2014) Natural variation of rice strigolactone biosynthesis is associated with the deletion of two MAX1 orthologs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America111: 2379 (*Shared first authorship)
Liu Q*,Zhang Y*, Matusova R, Charnikhova T, Amini M, Jamil M, Fernandez-Aparicio M, Huang K, Timko MP, Westwood JH, Ruyter-Spira C, van der Krol S. Bouwmeester HJ (2014) Striga hermonthica MAX2 restores branching but not the Very Low Fluence Response in the Arabidopsis thaliana max2 mutant. New Phytologist 202: 531-541 (*Shared first authorship)
Zhang Y, Haider I, Ruyter-Spira C, Bouwmeester HJ (2013) Strigolactone biosynthesis and Biology.In: BruijnFJd (ed) Molecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere. John Wiley& Sons, Inc., Honboken, NJ, USA, Vol.1, pp 355-371( Book Chapter)
Shi LL, Wang CY, Zhou X,Zhang Y, Liu YJ, Ma C (2013) Production of salidroside and tyrosol in cell suspension cultures of Rhodiolacrenulata.Plant Cell, Tissue Organ Culture114: 295?03
Zhang HT*, Hedhili S*, Montiel G?, Zhang Y*, Chatel G, Pre M, Gantet P, Memelink J (2011)The basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor CrMYC2 controls the jasmonate-responsive expression of the ORCA genes that regulate alkaloid biosynthesis in CatharanthusRoseus.The Plant Journal 67: 61?1 (*Shared first authorship)
Hu Y, Sun LW, Mokgolodi N.C,Zhang Y, Wen CX, Xie XL, Liu YJ (2010) Primary identifications and palynological observations of Perilla in China.Journal of Systematics and Evolution48 (2): 133?45
