

[发布日期?015-07-01 点击数:]

1. 报告题目" Forestry Plantationsin Chile" 和 Biomass Improvementfor Bioethanol,Using SNP asan Approach“/P>

2. 报告人:Fernando Munoz(智利康塞普西翁大学,UnversityofConcepcion,CHILE
Sofia Valenzuela(智利康塞普西翁大学教授,Unversity of Concepcion,CHILE(/P>

3. 报告时间?015??日下?5:00-16:30

4. 报告地点:生物楼313宣/P>

5. 报告人简今/P>

Fernando Munoz
Forest Engineer and Master, Dr in Forest Science. Associate Professor at the Forest Science Faculty, Universidad de Concepcion
Research area Silviculture, biomass for energy

Sofia Valenzuela
Biochemist and drrernat obtained at Germany. professor at the forest science faculty and reseracher at the biotechnology center, both at the universidad de concepcion, chile.
reserach areas forest genomics, biosafety and genetic engineering. has lead more then 10 projects working together with the forest companies. Currently involved in a initiative of forest bioeconomy, being responsible of the international collaboration.She has graduated 4 phd and 5 masters, and more than 30 undergraduate students

本期论坛联系人:蒋湘宁教?nbsp; 张柏林教掇/P>


