

[发布日期?015-06-11 点击数:]

1. 报告题目“Genomic and genetic basis of seed nutritional content in Eragrostis tef
2. 报告人:王学?nbsp; 研究?nbsp; (中国科学院昆明植物研究所
3. 报告时间?015?6?5日下?4:00-15:30
4. 报告地点:生物楼313室
5. 报告人简今/P>



王博士,1996年毕业于北京大学生命科学学院,获学士学位?999年获北京大学生命科学学院硕士学位?008年获英国伦敦大学King’s College分子遗传学博士学位?008-2012?月美国乔治亚大学博士后。在著名学术杂志Nature biotechnology, Journal of Experimental Botany, Bioenergy Research, G3: Genes|genomes|genetics, Molecular Genetics and Genomics等发表研究论文。多篇文章在发表的当年被世界顶级学术研究杂志Nature genetics, Genome biology, Nature reviews genetics, Current Opinion in Plant Biology等杂志引用上270余次。为国际杂志Journal of Experimental Botany, Plant Signalling & Behaviour, Molecular Biology Reports, Bioinformatics, Gene,国内杂志《遗传》和《中国生物化学和分子生物学报》等的论文审稿专家。为美国生物能源中心 (BESC) 成员,国际实验生物学 (SEB) 会员,国际遗传学会会员,中国遗传学会终身会员,中国基因组学会理事会成员、/P>

王博士带领的国际团队,完成了首个四倍体基因组的完美组装,可以区分两个基因组的高密度遗传图谱构建,基于此信息定位了控制非洲重要的谷物 – tef矿物质含量的QTL,并借助 RNAseq 技术从种子发育阶段基因表达模式中肯定了QTL候选基因的作用,从基因组、遗传和代谢组的角度解析了tef 高矿物质的分子基础,为分子育种和遗传选育提供了指导。王老师的团队主要利用测序和生物信息分析从事重要经济作物的全基因组序列测序组装、资源群体遗传分析、控制优异性状的基因发掘、遗传进化分析、抗旱耐盐抗病机理分析。同时,开发分子育种软件工具,高通量SSR和SNP标记及检测技术,对外提供基于下一代测序平台的最专业生物信息分析服务(含合作)。欢迎感兴趣的老师同学交流参与交流和讨论
6. 报告摘要

Genomic and genetic basis of seed nutritional content in Eragrostis tef
Xuewen Wang1, 2*,Micai Zhong1, Meng Li1, Srini Chaluvadi2, Katrien Devos3, Greg Ziegler4, Ivan Baxter4, Jeff Bennetzen1, 2*
1Germplasm Bank of Wild Species, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 132 Lanhei Road, Kunming, 650201, P. R. China, tel/fax: 86-871-65238370, email:wangxuewen@mail.kib.ac.cn
2Department of Genetics, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA,maize@uga.edu
3Department of Plant Biology and Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics (Department of Crop and Soil Sciences), University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA
4Danforth Plant Science Center, St. Louis, MO, USA
Correspondence: contact authors

Tef (Eragrostis tef), a tetraploid grass, is the mainstay of Ethiopian agriculture, with more acres planted than in any other crop. Tef grain has one of the best mineral contents among cereals, with similarly high levels only found in another Chloridoid cereal, finger millet. Tef has high resilience to both drought and waterlogged soils, but its yield is low due to tiny seed size and severe susceptibility to lodging. We have used mutational and other genetic approaches to investigate and help solve these problems. Tef is very high in protein and iron, and has more calcium than mother’s milk. Recently, we have generated the 1st high density genetic map using SNPs in our newly developed genotype-by-sequencing approach. Our new map has 2002 SNP markers for a 145-RIL population, and generated 20 major linkage groups sorted into A and B genomes of this tetraploid. We anchored more than 73% sequences of tef genomic contigs and scaffolds in the SNP genetic map, and more sequences after combining a SSR map, meaning an accomplishment of tef genome. We have used this map to identify QTL associated mineral content. A total of 19 QTL were identified from the analysis of twenty minerals in seed. RNA-seq analysis of developing seeds revealed QTL genes involved in nutritional enrichment. When combined with two full genome sequence analyses that have recently been completed, these analyses should undercover candidate genes associated with these traits, thus suggesting routes towards further nutritional improvement of tef and other cereals.
Key words: GBS, ionomics, mineral content, QTL, tef , genomics

本期论坛联系人:毛建?nbsp; 老师



