

[发布日期?013-11-26 点击数:]


人:丁兆?nbsp; 教授(山东大学)

报告时间?1?9日(星期五) 上午10:00



丁兆?博士,山东大 “齐鲁学者”‖特聘教授、国家第一批“优秀青年科学基金”获得者,博士生导师?998年毕业于聊城大学 2003年于中国科学院植物研究所获博士学位;2004?月到2011?月,先后在德国马普植物育种所和比利时根特大学(PSB) VIB做博士后研究 2011?月至今,山东大学教授。主要从事植物生长素如何参与根系的生长发肱 生长素和环境信号如重金属,养分等的信号互作调控植物根的生长发育及生长素参与植物向性生长反应分子机理的研究。近年来,先后在Trends in Plant Science, EMBO Journal, Nature Communications, Nature Cell Biology, Plant Cell, PNAS, Development, Molecular Plant, Genetics等发表多篇高水平的研究论文,在相关领域产生了较大影响,被多篇综述文章引用和评述、br /> 近几年来发表的主要研究论文:

1. Huiyu Tian, Tiantian Niu, Qianqian Yu, and Zhaojun Ding*. Auxin gradient is crucial for the maintenance of root distal stem cell identity in Arabidopsis. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2013, accepted.
2. Zhaojun Ding* and Ive De Smet*. Localised ABA signalling mediates root growth plasticity. Trends Plant Sci. 2013 2013 Oct;18(10):533-5
3. Tian H, Wabnik K, Niu T, Li H, Yu Q, Pollmann S, Vanneste S, Govaerts W, Rolcík J, Geisler M, Friml J, Ding Z*. WOX5-IAA17 feedback circuit mediated cellular auxin response is crucial for the patterning of root stem cell niches in Arabidopsis. Mol Plant. 2013 Aug 12..
4. Alfredo SV, Jieun S, Nora B, Toshihiro O, Ulla N, Du SX, Zhaojun Ding, Davis A, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie A, Davis S. TIME FOR COFFEE is an Essential Component in the Maintenance of Arabidopsis thaliana Metabolic Homeostasis. The Plant Journal, accepted. 2013.
5. Fan LS, Hao HQ, Xue YQ, Zhang L, Song K, Zhaojun Ding, Botella MA, Wang HY, Lin JX. Dynamic analysis of Arabidopsis AP2 σ reveals its key role in clathrin-mediated endocytosis and plant development, Development, 2013?40(18):3826-37.
6. Marhavý P, Vanstraelen M, De Rybel B, Zhaojun Ding, Bennett MJ, Beeckman T, Benková E. Auxin reflux between the endodermis and pericycle promotes lateral root initiation. EMBO J. 2013 Jan 9;32(1):149-58.
7. Zhaojun Ding, Wang B, Moreno I, Dupláková N, Simon S, Carraro N, Reemmer J, Pěnčík A, Chen X, Tejos R, Skůpa P, Pollmann S, Mravec J, Petrášek J, Zažímalová E, Honys D, Rolčík J, Murphy A, Orellana A, Geisler M, Friml J. ER-localized auxin transporter PIN8 regulates auxin homeostasis and male gametophyte development in Arabidopsis. Nature Communications. 2012 Jul 3;3:941-947.
8. Zhaojun Ding, Carlos S. Galván Ampudia, Emilie Demarsy, Lukasz .angowski, Jürgen Kleine-Vehn,Yuanwei Fan, Miyo T. Morita, Masao Tasaka, Christian Fankhauser, Remko Offringa and Jirí Friml. Light-mediated polarization of auxin transport for phototropic response in Arabidopsis. Nat Cell Biology. 2011 Apr;13(4):447-52.
9. Jürgen Kleine-Vehn, Zhaojun Ding, Angharad R. Jones, Masao Tasaka, Miyo T. Gravity-induced PIN transcytosis for polarization of auxin fluxes in gravity-sensing root cells. PNAS, 2010, 107(51):22344-9..
10. Zhaojun Ding and Jiri Friml. Auxin regulates distal stem cell differentiation in Arabidopsis roots. PNAS, 2010,107(26):12046-51.
11. Zádníková P, Petrásek J, Marhavy P, Raz V, Vandenbussche F, Zhaojun Ding, Schwarzerová K, Morita MT, Tasaka M, Hejátko J, Van Der Straeten D, Friml J, Benková E. Role of PIN-mediated auxin efflux in apical hook development of Arabidopsis thaliana.Development, 2010, 137(4):607-17.
12. Zhaojun Ding, Millar AJ, Davis AM, Davis SJ. TIME FOR COFFEE encodes a nuclear regulator in the Arabidopsis thalianacircadian clock. Plant Cell, 2007, 19(5):1522-36.
13. Zhaojun Ding, Doyle MR, Amasino RM, Davis SJ. A complex genetic interaction between Arabidopsis thaliana TOC1 and CCA1/LHY in driving the circadian clock and in output regulation.Genetics,2007, 176(3):1501-10.(Issue highlighted paper).
14. Zhaojun Ding, Zhuyun Deng, Jiayi Tao, Liangran Zhang and Tai Wang. The molecular mechanism of chromosome segregation. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2003, 47(4)2014-2021.
15. Tai Wang, Zhaojun Ding. The Research Development of Genes about Meiosis. Chinese Science Bulletin,2002, 47(4)241-248.
16. Zhaojun Ding, Tai Wang et al. The Rice Tapetum-specific Gene RA39 Encodes a TypeI Ribosome-inactivating Protein. Sex Plant Reprod, 2002, 15:205-212.
17. Zhaojun Ding, Tai Wang, Kang Chong and Shunong Bai. Isolation and Characterization of OsDMC1, the Rice Homologue of the Yeast DMC1 Gene Essential for Meiosis. Sex Plant Reprod, 2001,13:285-288.

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