
Plant Cell Signaling 2016

[发布日期?016-12-05 点击数:]


时间 2016?2?


9: 30?:45

Dr. Jinxing Lin and Dr. Tomonori KAWANO

Welcome and Introduction

Session I: Chair by Dr. Tomonori KAWANO

9 :45?0 :10

报告人: Dr. Fran?ois BOUTEAU Université Paris Didero (巴黎大学), France

报告题目 Deciphering early events involved in hyper-osmotic stress-responses in plant cells

10 :10--10 :35

报告人: Dr. Yinglang WAN Beijing Forestry University (北京林业大学), China

报告题目?nbsp;A novel insight to the light perception system in plants

10 :35?1 :00 Tea Break & Group Photo

Session II Chair by Dr. Fran?ois BOUTEAU

11 :00?1 :25

报告人: Tomonori KAWANO University of Kitakyushu (北九州大?,Japan

报告题目?nbsp;Distinct ROS-mediated calcium signaling profiles in cytosolic and
nucleic spaces in tobacco cells in response to hypoosmotic shock

11 :50?2 :15

报告人: Dr. Xiaojuan LI Beijing Forestry University(北京林业大学), China

报告题目?nbsp;Endocytosis of membrane proteins–a single molecule approach

12 :15?3 :30 Lunch

Session III Chiar by Dr. Xuejun HUA

13 :30?3 :55

报告人: Dr. Christophe GOUPIL Université Paris Diderot (巴黎大学),France

报告题目?nbsp;Vegetal thermoelectricity: a route to a new stress sensor

13 :55?4 :20

报告人: Dr. Ruohan Wang Beijing Forestry University(北京林业大学), China

报告题目?nbsp;Floral Thermogenesis--An Adaptive Strategy in Pollination Biology of Magnoliaceae

14 :20?4 :45

报告人: Dr. Xin DENG Institute of Botany, CAS (中科院植物所), China

报告题目 Adaptation of the resurrection plant Boea hygrometrica to
water deficit

14 :45?5 :10 Tea Break

Session IV Chair by Dr. Yinglang WAN

15 :10?5 :35

报告人: Dr. Patrice MEIMOUN
Université Pierre et Marie Curie (巴黎第六大学), France
报告题目?nbsp;Reactive Oxygen Species in nucleus during seed
dormancy breaking

15 :35?6 :00

报告人: Dr. Xuejun HUA Institute of Botany, CAS (中科院植物所),China

报告题目?nbsp;light affects salt stress-induced transcriptional memory of P5CS1
in Arabidopsis

16 :00?6 :25

报告人: Dr. Ling LI Iowa State University(爱荷华州立大学? USA

报告题目 The Arabidopsis QQS orphan gene modulates carbon and nitrogen allocation across species

16 :25-16 :40

Closing ceremony Chair by Dr. Jinxing LIN

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