
分子生物学实验员 武汉伊莱瑞特生物科技有限公司 武汉

[发布日期?014-03-22 点击数:]

公司行业 制药/生物工程 学术/科研

公司性质 民营公司

公司规模 50-150亹SPAN class=Apple-converted-space>

发布日期 2014-03-22

工作地点 武汉-洪山匹SPAN class=Apple-converted-space>

招聘人数 3

历: 本科

薪水范围 面议

职位职能: 生物工程/生物制药

A. 生命科学相关专业本科及以上学历,具有一定的实验操作经验者优先;
B. 具有良好的团队合作能力,为人诚实可信,耐心仔细,动手能力强,愿意不断学习,不浮躁,热爱实验室工作;
C. 工作主动,责任心强,工作效率高,能独立完成部分实验项目、/SPAN>

武汉伊莱瑞特生物科技有限公司(Elabscience Biotechnology Co.,Ltd)是一家专注于免疫检测类试剂的高科技生物公司,主要产品为ElabTMELISA试剂盒、抗体、检测试剂盒和量子点标记荧光试剂盒,针对14个种属,5000多个产品!高素质、经验丰富的研发团队,专业的实验室,一流的实验设备,顶级生物企业的原料供应!立足自主研发创新,综合运用免疫学、分子生物学和细胞生物学技术,研究对象涵盖体外诊断、分子标记、蛋白表达、食品安全、药物残留、环境保护等多个领域
ElabTM取词于“elaborate”,寓意着我们不断砥砺进取的服务精神。而打造现代化网络化的集研发、生产、销售、采购、售后于一体的 大平台更是我们的企业愿景,相信我们的不懈努力,将为您带来不一样的用户体验


Elabscience is a high-tech Biotechnology Company that focuses on reagents of immunodiagnostic technology and primarily supplies more than 5000 products, including ElabTM ELISA kits, antibody, and assay kits, specified to 14 species! We take pride in our high-quality and experienced R&D team, professional labs, world-class laboratory facilities, and materials from top ranking enterprises.
Based on original innovation, we employ various technologies spanning breadth of immunology, molecular biology and cell biology. Our research subjects involve many areas, such as in vitro diagnosis, labelled antibody , protein expression, food safety, drug residue, and environment protection.
Moreover, we establish seven technical service platforms (ELISA Customized Service, Immunoassay service, Molecular Biology Service, Protein Expression and Purification Service, Antibody Preparation Service, Cell Culture Service and Whole Research Project Service), providing one-stop experimental service with professional knowledge, facilities and attitude.
With its origin in the word–elaborate, ElabTM implies our continuous improvement of service spirit. And building a modern and networked platform--, integrating R&D, manufacture, sell and after-sale service is our Corporate Vision. We believe that our unremitting endeavor will bring you different user experience.

Our Products:

ELISA Kits, Antibody, Immunohistochemistry Kits, Quantum Dots Immunofluorescence Kits, Assay kits, Read-to-use Buffer, Experimental Service

Corporate Culture
“Passion, Freedom, Innovation are the core elements of the culture of Elabscicence; “devote ourselves to immunodiagnostic test and offer high-quality service is our corporate philosophy. We adhere to lofty entrepreneurial spirit and intense sense of social responsibility, upholding the principle of indigenous innovation, continuous exploration and pursuit of excellence.

