
上海 光明乳业股份有限公司 研发员(动物遗传育种、奶牛营养与饲料

[发布日期?012-12-03 点击数:]

公司行业9/B> 快速消费品(食品、饮料、化妆品) ???

公司性质9/B> 国企

公司规模9/B> 10000人以三/P>

?nbsp; 址:上海市场中?100叶/TD>

来信请寄:光明乳业股份有限公司奶牛事业部 (信封上注明应聘职位(/P>

发布日期9/TD> 2012-12-03 工作地点9/TD> 上海 招聘人数9/TD> 若干
工作年限9/TD> 应届毕业甞/TD> ?nbsp; 历: 硕士
职位职能:动物营养/饲料研发 科研人员












1 上海市社保政策,非农户籍缴纳五险一金;

2 提供住宿:/P>

3 工资薪酬从优,具体面议;

4 提供长期职业发展平台、/P>


作为国家级农业产业化重点龙头企业,光明乳业长期以来秉承“创新生活、共享健康”的企业使命,始终以领先变革的首创精神,锐意进取、不断创新,在打造中国新鲜品第一品牌的事业中取得了一定的成绩?000年,“光明”系列产品获?7届中国奥运代表团唯一指定乳制品称号;2001年,入围“中国最受尊敬企?0强”; 2002年至今,历年入选“上?00强企业”,排名逐年上升;连续入围由中国企业联合会、中国企业家协会组织评选的“中?00强企业”?004年,在著名媒体《财富中国》发布的?004年中国证券市场领导力报告》中,光明乳业入选?004年全国最具领导力?0家上市公司”;2005年,被商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院评定为全国诚信等级AAA1企业?006年,在中国社会科学院和中国经营报组织的竞争力年会上获得“卓越自主创新新产品”称号;2007?月,被国家商务部评为06年度中国最具市场竞争力品牌。同?月,被卫生部、农业部、公安部、国家工商总局、国家食品药品监督管理局等联合授予“中国食品安全十强企业”称号,是中国液态奶企业中唯一获得此称号的企业?007?0月通过上海市质量金奖评审组的复评,再次荣获“上海市质量金奖”


The Bright Dairy & Food Co., Ltd. is a listed shareholding company based on the multi-ownership of foreign, national and private capital. The company is mainly involved in the development, production and sales of milk and milk products, the raising and breeding of dairy cattle and bull, the logistics and distribution, and the development, production and sales of nutritious health food. With its world-class dairy R & D center, dairy processing equipment and advanced dairy product processing technology, it is currently one of the largest dairy products producers and sellers in China, producing a series of dairy products such as fresh milk, yoghurt, UHT, milk powder, butter, cheese and fruit juice.
As a state-level key leading enterprise of agricultural industrialization, Bright Dairy has long committed itself to the philosophy and objective of “Better health, better life? Always being an innovative leader, it has made great achievements in building into China’s No. 1 Brand in fresh milk market with its aggressiveness and creativity. In 2000, the Bright series products were designated as the exclusive dairy products for China’s Delegation to the 27th Olympic Games, and in 2001, it was a candidate for the Top 50 Most Admired Companies in China. Since 2002, Bight Dairy has been selected as one of “Shanghai’s Top 100 enterprises every year. It was made a candidate for the “Enterprise Top 500 in China organized by China Enterprise Confederation/ China Enterprise Director Association (CEC/CEDA) in 2002 and 2003 in a row. And in the Report on the Leadership of China’s Stock Market in 2004 released by the famous magazine Fortune China, Bright Dairy was rated among “the Top 20 Listed Companies with the Most Powerful Leadership in 2004? In, 2005, it was granted as one of the National AAA1 Credit Enterprises by Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation (CAITEC) under the Ministry of Commerce. In 2006, Bright products were granted as the independently innovated products in the conference which was organized by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and China Business Journal. In Jan, 2007, “Bright was granted as the most competitive brand by Ministry of Commerce.

公司网站9A href="http://www.brightdairy.com/" target=_blank jQuery1354520205298="145">http://www.brightdairy.com

?nbsp;?nbsp;人:HR Dept

?nbsp; 话:(021)54584520

?nbsp; 址:上海市闵行区吴中路578
