

[发布日期:2012-05-17 点击数:]




1. 请将个人申请表及简历(包括研究方向和兴趣等)发至课程联系人:

庞晓明 老师xmpanghn@gmail.com

2. 申请截止日期为2012年5月10日。任课老师将通过Email 通知到各位学员。上课时间和地点一并另行通知。


Statistical Genetics

Basic skills required for this course:

Calculus; Basic probability distribution theory; t-test; Chi-square-test; regression analysis; ANOVA; Maximum likelihood method; Computer software (e.g., R, SAS, C/C++, or Matlab)

Course objectives

The course is designed for senior undergraduate, Master and PhD students in statistics and biological sciences. Students will learn basic techniques of modern statistical methods for genetic data analysis, and are expected to do data analysis and basic research in the field after taking the class.

Course description

The course will introduce basic probabilistic and statistical methods in analyzing genetic data in life science. It will cover fundamental concepts and theories as well as applications to real and simulated data in quantitative and population genetics. Topics include but are not limited to:

Basic genetic concepts such as Mendel’s law, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium; Linkage and linkage disequilibrium (LD);
Estimation and test of linkage and LD; how to construct genetic linage map using MAPMAKER;
Concept and model in quantitative genetics;
Basic concept of QTL mapping, including single marker analysis, interval and composite interval mapping;
Functional QTL mapping of dynamic/longitudinal traits;
Statistical methods in linkage and association analysis with family-based and population-based designs, covering c2 test of independence, simple and multiple logistic regression, variance components analysis and TDT test;
Issues of multiple testing in GWAS; Concept of false discovery rate (FDR);

Statistical Genetics of Quantitative Traits: Linkage, Map and QTL by Rongling Wu, Chang-Xiang Ma and George Casella, Springer-Verlag, New York.
Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Genetic Analysis by Kenneth Lange, Springer-Verlag, New York.
Genetics and Analysis of Quantitative Traits by Michael Lynch, Bruce Walsh, Sinauer Assoc.
