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作者:陈宇 发表日期:2018-05-28 浏览次数:

讲座题目:Effect of Teaching and Conscious Learning on the Acquisition of Translation Competence





Translation competence is commonly viewed as bilingual competence. A competent bilingual is often viewed as a competent translator. This study questioned this common interpretation and examined the effect of teaching and conscious learning on the acquisition of translation competence by bilingual students majoring in business in Singapore. A questionnaire and a translation test comprising of 40 phrases and sentences adapted from the local English newspaperThe Straits Timesand the local Chinese newspaperLianhe Zaobaowere designed for this study. Two groups of students, one majoring in business and the other majoring in business and minoring in translation were invited to translate the 40 phrases and sentences into Chinese or English. The participants were given sufficient time and allowed to use dictionaries in the test. Features of the participants’ translation results that show their levels of translation competence, bilingual competence and academic subject knowledge, as well as styles and qualities of their translation were categorically identified and examined. The results show that the 25 participants translated an average of 75.8% of the phrases and sentences correctly from Chinese to English and an average of 72.7% from English to Chinese. On average, the participants pursuing a major in business and a minor in translation performed 23.8% better in Chinese-to-English translations and 31.7% better in English-to-Chinese translations than the participants majoring in business only. The results indicate that both academic subject knowledge and learned translation skills from translation courses contributed to the participants’ translation competence, which in turn ensured translation quality. These findings support our argument that bilingual competence itself is not sufficient for conducting professional translation. The results can be used as references for the curriculum design of translation programmes with a focus on integrating specialized academic subject knowledge into the teaching of translation.


高虹,女,新加坡南洋理工大学人文学院中文系高级讲师,瑞典隆德大学(Lund University)语言学专业博士。现任南洋理工大学“大学奖学金项目”教职员、翻译硕士学位课程项目主任、中文系双语发展实验室主任等职务,是国际汉语语言学协会(Permanent Member of the International Chinese Linguistics Association)等专业组织成员。主要研究方向为双语发展、语言与认知发展、词汇学、社会语言学、计算语言学、应用语言学。获得多项新加坡国家级科研基金资助研究项目,出版书籍多部、发表多篇学术期刊和论文集文章。

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