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2018-10-16 浏览次数:

携手共命运 同心促发展

Work Together for Common Development and a Shared Future


– Keynote Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

中华人民共和国主席 习近平

H.E. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China


Beijing, 3 September 2018







Your Excellency President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa,

Your Excellency President Paul Kagame, Chairperson of the African Union,

Distinguished Heads of State and Government,

Distinguished Heads of Delegation,

Your Excellency Mr. Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations,

Your Excellency Mr. Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the AU Commission,

Ladies and Gentlemen,



September has just set in Beijing, bringing with it refreshing breeze and picturesque autumn scenery. And we are so delighted to have all of you with us, friends both old and new, in this lovely season for the reunion of the China-Africa big family at the 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC).


I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, a very warm welcome to all of you, dear colleagues and guests. I also wish to extend, through you, the best regards and cordial greetings of the Chinese people to the brotherly people of Africa.


I wish to mention in particular that since the Johannesburg Summit, FOCAC has had three new members, namely, the Gambia, Sao Tome and Principe and Burkina Faso. Today, we are joined by President Barrow, Prime Minister Trovoada and President Kabore and their delegations. Let us welcome them with a warm round of applause!


Dear Colleagues,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


Over a month ago, I paid my fourth visit to Africa as the Chinese President, which was also my ninth visit to this land of great promise. During the last visit, I once again saw an Africa that is beautiful and richly endowed, that is full of dynamism in development, and I learned about first-hand the African people’s ardent hope for a better future. I concluded the visit even more convinced that Africa’s development has great potential, that this great continent is full of hope, that China-Africa friendship and cooperation have broad vistas, and that China and Africa can forge an even stronger comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership!


As an ancient Chinese scholar once observed, “Only with deep roots can a tree yield rich fruit; only filled with oil can a lamp burn brightly.” History follows its own rules and logic. With similar fate in the past and a common mission, China and Africa have extended sympathy to and helped each other throughout all the years. Together, we have embarked on a distinctive path of win-win cooperation.


Marching on this path, China has followed the principle of sincerity, real results, amity and good faith and the principle of pursuing the greater good and shared interests. China has stood with African countries. Together, we have worked in unity and forged ahead.


– China values sincerity, friendship and equality in pursuing cooperation. The over 1.3 billion Chinese people have been with the over 1.2 billion African people in pursuing a shared future. We respect Africa, love Africa and support Africa. We follow a “five-no” approach in our relations with Africa: no interference in African countries’ pursuit of development paths that fit their national conditions; no interference in African countries’ internal affairs; no imposition of our will on African countries; no attachment of political strings to assistance to Africa; and no seeking of selfish political gains in investment and financing cooperation with Africa. We hope this “five-no” approach could apply to other countries as they deal with matters regarding Africa. For China, we are always Africa’s good friend, good partner and good brother. No one could undermine the great unity between the Chinese people and the African people.


– China pursues common interests and puts friendship first in pursuing cooperation. China believes that the sure way to boost China-Africa cooperation is for both sides to leverage its respective strength; it is for China to complement Africa’s development through its own growth, and it is for both China and Africa to pursue win-win cooperation and common development. In doing so, China follows the principle of giving more and taking less, giving before taking and giving without asking for return. With open arms, we welcome African countries aboard the express train of China’s development. No one could hold back the Chinese people or the African people as we march toward rejuvenation.


– China takes a people-oriented approach in pursuing practical cooperation with efficiency. With top priority given to the interests of Chinese and African peoples, China advances its cooperation with Africa to improve the well-being of Chinese and African peoples and deliver more benefits to them. We will fully honor the promises we have made to our African brothers. Faced with new developments and challenges, China will continue to improve institution building, develop new ideas and expand areas of cooperation with Africa to bring our cooperation to greater heights. Ultimately, it is for the peoples of China and Africa to judge the performance of China-Africa cooperation. No one could deny the remarkable achievements made in China-Africa cooperation, not with their assumption or imagination.


– China takes an open and inclusive approach to cooperation. China is fully aware that long-term stability, security, development and invigoration for Africa is not only the longing of the African people; it is also the responsibility of the international community. China stands ready to work with other international partners to support Africa in pursuing peace and development. China welcomes and supports all initiatives that meet Africa’s interests, and believes that it should be the same with the wider international community. No one could stand in the way or obstruct international efforts to support Africa’s development.

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