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Meng Chen
作者:| 发表时间?8-10-09| 阅读次数:

  个人简今img alt="" src="//www.inggristalk.com/a/gjjcxzx/rcdw/yjzPIgw/../../images/content/2018-11/20181109150844499511.jpg" style="width: 150px; height: 200px; float: right;" />

  Meng Chen,美国加州大学河滨分校植物学与植物科学系终身教授 1999年毕业于美国爱荷华州立大学,获植物生理学博士学位 1999-2007在索克研究所从事博士后研究。陈濛博士领导的研究小组主要研究植物感应光和温度的分子机理。陈濛博士在植物叶绿体的发生机制和植物光信号的分子机制研究领域取得了系列学术成果,以通讯作者在Cell, Nature Communications, Genes & Development, Plant Cell, and Plant Physiology等国际学术刊物上发表研究论文20余篇、/span>


实验室网址9a href="http://www.plasticgenome.org">http://www.plasticgenome.org




  博士(Ph.D?994-1999 美国爱荷华州立大学植物生理学


  大一/大二 1989-1991 中国南开大学生物化学(FR/SO(/span>








  1. Chen, M.*, Galvao, R.M., Li, M., Burger, B., Bugea, J., Bolado, J., Chory, J.* (2010). Arabidopsis HEMERA/pTAC12 initiates photomorphogenesis by phytochromes. Cell 141(7): 1230-1240.

  2. Qiu, Y., Pasoreck, E.K., Reddy, A.K., Nagatani, A., Ma, W., Chory, J., Chen, M.*(2017) Mechanism of early light signaling by the carboxy-terminal output module of Arabidopsis phytochrome B. Nat Commun 8(1):1905. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-02062-6.

  3. Feng, C.-M., Qiu, Y., Van Buskirk, E.K., Yang, E.J., Chen, M.*(2014) Light-regulated gene repositioning in Arabidopsis. Nat Commun5:3027 doi: 10.1038/ncomms4027.

  4. Galvao, R.M., Li, M., Kothadia, S.M., Haskel, J.D., Decker, P.V., Van Buskirk, E.K., Chen, M.*(2012) Photoactivated phytochromes interact with HEMERA and promote its accumulation to establish photomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis. Genes Dev 26(16):1851-63.

  5. Chen, M.*, Chory, J.* (2011). Phytochrome signaling mechanisms and the control of plant development. Trends Cell Biol 21(11):664-71.

  6. Qiu, Y., Li, M., Van Buskirk, E.K., Long, L., Shi, Y., Galvão, R.M., Chou, C.L., Sun, A.Y., Zhang, Y.C., Jiang, A., Chen, M.*(2015) HEMERA couples the proteolysis and activity of PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTORs. Plant Cell 27(5):1409-27.

  7. Nevarez, P.A., Qiu, Y., Inoue, H., Yoo, C., Benfey, P.N., Schnell, D.J., Chen, M.*(2017) Mechanism of dual-targeting of the phytochrome signaling component HEMERA/pTAC12 to plastids and the nucleus. Plant Physiol 173(4):1953-66.

  8. Van Buskirk, E.K., Reddy, A.K., Nagatani, A., Chen, M.* (2014)Photobody localization of phytochrome B is tightly correlated with prolonged and light-dependent inhibition of hypocotyl elongation in the dark. Plant Physiol 165(2):595-607.

  9. Van Buskirk E.K., Decker, P.V., Chen, M.*(2012)Photobodies in light signaling. Plant Physiol158(1):52-60.

  10. Huang, H., Yoo, C., Bindbeutel, R.K., Goldsworthy, J., Tielking, A., Alvarez, S., Naldrett, M.J., Evans, B., Chen, M.,Nusinow, D.A. (2016) PCH1 integrates circadian and light-signaling pathways to control photoperiod-responsive growth in Arabidopsis. eLife5:e13292.

  11.Yoo, C., Williams, D., Chen, M.*(2018) Quantitative analysis of photobodies. Methods Mol Biol (in press)


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