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Andrea Polle
作者:| 发表时间?8-10-09| 阅读次数:


  AndreaPolle是德国哥廷根大学资深教授、国际树木生理学、生态学和植物学领域的著名科学家,主持欧盟、德国科学基金会、德国联邦教育与科学技术部项目30余项,主要研究树木抗逆性(抗旱、耐盐、重金属)、木材形成、菌根真菌提高树木抗逆机制,已在Nature Communications、New Phytologist、Plant Physiology 、Plant Cell & Environment等著名国际期刊发表学术文?00余篇,学术论著被国际学者大量引用、/span>




  Academic Education  

  05/1981 Diploma Biology (Plant Physiology, Genetics, Physics)
Albertus Magnus Universitat zu Koln, Germany,

  10/1975-04/1981 Diploma Student, Albertus Magnus Universitat zu Koln, Germany,

  Academic Degrees  

  1995 Habilitation, Forest Botany and Ecophysiology,

  Albert Ludwig Universitat, Freiburg, 1995,

  10/1986 Promotion, Dr. rer. nat., Biophysics, Universitat Osnabrück,

  Professional Career

  Since 12/1996 Full Professor (C4) of Forest Botany and Tree Physiology,

  Department head and director of the Forest Botanical Garden at the Faculty for Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology

  Since 2001 Co-opted member of the Faculty for Biology,

  Georg-August University, Gottingen, Germany

  04/1992-12/1996 Researcher and lecturer, Institute of Forest Botany and

  Tree Physiology, Albert Ludwig Universitat, Freiburg

  01/1988-03/1992 Postdoc (3 years) and permanent research position

  Fraunhofer Institut für atmospharische Umweltforschung,


  10/1986-12/1987 Postdoc in Biophysics in the SFB 171, Universitat Osnabrück

  1982-1986 Scientific assistant and doctoral research, Biophysics,

  Universitat Osnabrück

  1981-1982 Teacher for chemical technical assistants,

  subjects: Biology, Inorganic Chemistry, Osnabrück




Andrea Polle is the head of the section Forest Botany and Tree Physiology in the Faculty of Forest Science and Ecology at the Georg August University Gottingen. She is also affiliated with the faculty of Biology and is a regular member of the Academy of Sciencies (Gottingen). Her main research areas are the molecular ecophysiology of stress adaptation in plants and plant interactions with mycorrhizal fungi.

Key expertise




  1. Leberecht M, Dannenmann M, Tejedor J, Simon J, Rennenberg H, Polle A (2016) Segregation of nitrogen use between ammonium and nitrate of ectomycorrhizas and beech trees. Plant Cell & Environment, accepted 22ndAug 2016

  2. Dannenmann M, Bimüller C, Gschwendtner S, Leberecht M, Tejedor J, Bilela S, Gasche R, Hanewinkel M, Baltensweiler A, Kogel-Knabner I, Polle A, Schloter M, Simon J, Rennenberg H (2016) Climate change impairs nitrogen cycling in European beech forests. Plos One, 11(7): e0158823. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0158823

  3. Goldmann K, Schroter K, Pena R, Schoning I, Schrumpf M, Buscot F, Polle A, Wubet T (2016) Divergent habitat filtering of root and soil fungal communities in temperate beech forests. Scientific Reports, accepted 20.7.2016

  4. Leberecht M, Tu J, Polle A (2016) Acid and calcareous soils affect nitrogen nutrition and organic nitrogen uptake by beech (Fagus sylvaticaL.) under drought, and their ectomycorrhizal community structure. Plant and Soil, doi:10.1007/​s11104-016-2956-4, in the press

  5. Paul S, Wildhagen H, Janz D, Teichmann T, Hansch R, Polle A (2016) Tissue- and cell-specific cytokinin activity inPopulus×canescensmonitored by ARR5::GUS reporter lines in summer and winter. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:652, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00652

  6. Jia J, Li SJ, Cao X, Li H, Shi WU, Polle A, Liu TX, Peng CH, Luo ZB (2016) Physiological and transcriptional regulation in poplar roots and leaves during acclimation to high temperature and drought. Physiologia Plantarum 157: 38-53

  7. ZavisicA, Nassal P, Yang N, Heuck C, Spohn M, Marhan S, Pena R, Kandeler E, Polle A (2016) Phosphorus availabilities in beech (Fagus sylvaticaL.) forests impose habitat filtering on ectomycorrhizal communities and impact on tree nutrition, Soil Biology and Biochemistry 98: 127-137

  8. Yang N, ZavisicA, Pena R, Polle A (2016) Phenology, photosynthesis and phosphorus in European beech (Fagus sylvaticaL.) in two forest soils with contrasting P contents. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 179: 151-158, DOI: 10.1002/jpln.201500539

  9. Gan HH, Jiao Y, Jia JB, Wang XL, Li H, Shi WU, Peng CH, Polle A, Luo ZB (2016) Phosphorus and nitrogen physiology of two contrasting poplar genotypes when exposed to phosphorus and/or nitrogen starvation. Tree Physiology 36, 22?8. tpv093 doi:10.1093/treephys/tpv093

  10. Luo J, Zhou J, Li H, Shi WU, Polle A, Lu MZ, Sun XM, Luo ZB (2015) Global poplar root and leaf transcriptomes reveal links between growth and stress responses under nitrogen starvation and excess. Tree Physiology 35: 1283-1302. doi:10.1093/treephys/tpv091

  11. Sahner J, Budi SW, Barus H, Edy N, Meyer M, Corre MD, Polle A (2015) Degradation of root community traits as indicator for transformation of tropical lowland rain forests into oil palm and rubber plantations, PLOS one, 10(9): e0138077 Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0138077

  12. Leberecht M, Dannenmann M, Gschwendtner S, Bilela S, Meier R, Simon J, Rennenberg H, Schloter M, Polle A (2015) Ectomycorrhizal communities on the roots of two beech (Fagus sylvatica) populations from contrasting climate differ in nitrogen acquisition in a common environment. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81: 5957-5967

  13. Jin X, Zimmermann J, Polle A, Fischer U (2015) Auxin is a long-range signal that acts independently of ethylene signaling on leaf abscission in Populus. Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 634

  14. Shen Z, Sun J, Yao J, Wang SJ, Ding MQ, Zhang HL, Qian ZY, Zhao N, Sa G, Zhao R, Shen X, Polle A and Chen SL (2015) High rates of virus-induced gene silencing by tobacco rattle virus. Tree Physiology 35: 1016-1029, doi:10.1093/treephys/tpv064

  15. Yang N, Schützenmeister K, Grubert D, Jungkunst HF, Gansert D, Scheu S, Polle A, Pena R (2015) Impacts of earthworms and mycorrhizal fungi on plant nitrogen acquisition from leaf litter. Environmental and Experimental Botany 120:1-7

  16. Zhang CX, Vornam B, Volmer K, Prinz K, Kleemann F, Kohler L, Polle A, Finkeldey R (2015) Genetic diversity in aspen and its relation to arthropod abundance. Frontiers in Plant Science 5: 806

  17. Hennig A, Kleinschmit JRG, Schoneberg S, Loffler S, Janßen A, Polle A (2015) Water consumption and biomass production of protoplast fusion lines of poplar hybrids under drought stress. Frontiers in Plant Science 6:330

  18. Müller A, Kaling M, Faubert P, Gort G, Smid HM, Van Loon JJA, Dicke M, Kanawati B, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Polle A, Schnitzler J-P, Rosenkranz M (2015) Isoprene emission in poplar is not important for the feeding behaviour of poplar leaf beetles. BMC Plant Biology 15: 165

  19. Ditengou FA, Müller A, Rosenkranz M, Felten J, Lasok H, Miloradovic van Doorn M, Legué V, Palme K, Schnitzler JP, Polle A (2015) Volatile signalling by sesquiterpenes from ectomycorrhizal fungi reprograms root architecture. Nature Communications 6: 6279

  20. He JH, Li H, Ma CF, Zhang YL, Polle A, Rennenberg H, Cheng XQ, Luo ZB (2015) Overexpression of bacterial γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase mediates changes in cadmium influx, allocation, and detoxification in poplar. New Phytologist 205: 240?54

  21. Gschwendtner S, Leberecht M, Engel M, Kublik S, Dannenmann M, Polle A, Schloter M (2015) Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2on microbial community structure at the plant-soil interface of young beech trees (Fagus sylvaticaL.) grown at two sites with contrasting climatic conditions. Microbial Ecology 69: 867-878

  22. Shi WG, Li H, Liu TX, Polle A, Peng CH, Luo ZB (2015) Exogenous abscisic acid alleviates zinc uptake and accumulation inPopulus×canescensexposed to excess zinc. Plant Cell & Environment 38:207-233, doi: 10.1111/pce.12434

  23. Euring DJ, Bai H, Janz D, Polle A (2014) Nitrogen-driven stem elongation in poplar is linked with wood modification and genes clusters for stress, photosynthesis and cell wall formation. BMC Plant Biology 14:391, doi:10.1186/s12870-014-0391-3

  24. Seven J, Polle A (2014) Subcellular nutrient element localization and enrichment in ecto- and arbuscular mycorrhizas of field-grown beech and ash trees indicate functional differences. PLoS ONE 9(12): e114672

  25. Liebsch D, Sunaryo W, Holmlund M, Norberg M, Zhang J, Hall HC, Helizon H, Jin X, Helaritutta Y, Nilsson O, Polle A, Fischer U (2014) Class I KNOX transcriptions factors promote differentiation of cambial derivatives into xylem fibers in the Arabidopsis hypocotyl. Development 141:4311-4319

  26. Pena R, Lang C, Naumann A, Polle A (2014) Ectomycorrhizal identification in environmental samples of tree roots by Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Frontiers in Plant Science 5:229

  27. Carsjens C, Nguyen QN, Guzy J, Knutzen F, Meier IC, Müller M, Finkeldey R, Leuschner C, Polle A. (2014) Intra-specific variations of stress-related genes in beech progenies are stronger than drought-induced responses. Tree Physiology 34 (12): 1348-1361.

  28. Niculaes C, Morreel K, Kim H, Lu FC, McKee L, Ivens B, Haustraete J, Vanholme B, De Rycke R, Hertzberg M, Fromm J, Bulone V, Polle A, Ralph J, Boerjan W (2014) Phenylcoumaran benzylic ether reductase (PCBER) prevents accumulation of compounds formed under oxidative conditions. Plant Cell 26: 3775-3791. doi: 10.1105/tpc.114.125260

  29. Chen SL, Diekmann H, Janz D, Polle A (2014) Quantitative X-ray elemental imaging in plant materials at the subcellular level with a transmission electron microscope: applications and limitations. Materials 7: 3160-3175; doi:10.3390/ma7043160

  30. Valtanen K, Eissfeller V, Beyer F, Hertel D, Scheu S, Polle A (2014) Carbon and nitrogen fluxes between beech and their ectomycorrhizal assemblage. Mycorrhiza 24: 645-650, DOI: 10.1007/s00572-014-0581-8

  31. Danielsen L, Polle A. (2014) Poplar nutrition under drought as affected by ectomycorrhizal colonization. Environmental and Experimental Botany 108: 89-98.

  32. Konig S, Feussner K, Kaever A, Landesfeind M, Herrfurth C, Thurow C, Gatz C, Karlovsky P, Polle A, Feussner I (2014) Soluble phenylpropanoids are involved in the defense response ofArabidopsis thalianaagainstVerticillium longisporum.New Phytologist 202: 823-837

  33. Ma XJ, Sun M, Sa G, Zhang YH, Li J, Sun J, Shen X, Polle A, Chen SL (2014) Ion fluxes in Paxillus involutus-inoculated roots of Populus × canescens under saline stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany 108: 99-108

  34. Cao X, Jia JB, Zhang C, Li H, Liu TX, Jiang XN, Polle A, Peng CH, Luo ZB (2014) Anatomical, physiological and transcriptional responses of two contrasting poplar genotypes to drought and re-watering. Physiologia Plantarum 151: 480-494

  35. Ma Y, He J, Ma C, Luo J, Li H, Liu T, Polle A, Peng C, Luo ZB (2014) Ectomycorrhizas withPaxillus involutusenhance cadmium uptake and tolerance inPopulus×canescens. Plant, Cell & Environment 37: 627-642

  36. Abo-Ogiala A, Carsjens C, Diekmann H, Fayyaz P, Herrfurth C, Feussner I, Polle A (2014) Temperature-induced lipocalin (TIL) is translocated under salt stress and protects chloroplasts from ion toxicity. Journal of Plant Physiology 171: 250-259, doi: 10.1016/j.jplph.2013.08.003

  37. Pena R, Polle A (2014) Attributing functions to ectomycorrhizal fungal identities in assemblages for nitrogen acquisition under stress. The ISME Journal 8: 321-330. doi:10.1038/ismej.2013.158

  38. Foesel BU, Nagele V, Naether A, Wüst PK, Weinert J, Bonkowski M, Lohaus G, Polle A, Alt F, Oelmann Y, Fischer M, Friedrich MW, Overmann J (2014) Determinants ofAcidobacteriaactivity inferred from the relative abundances of 16S rRNA transcripts in German grassland and forest soils. Environmental Microbiology 16: 658-675, doi:10.1111/1462-2920.12162

  39. Eissfeller V, Beyer F, Valtanen K, Hertel D, Maraun M, Polle A, Scheu S (2013) Incorporation of plant carbon and microbial nitrogen into the rhizosphere food web of beech and ash. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 62: 76?1.

  40. Li H, Li J, He YL, Li SJ, Liang, ZS, Peng CH, Polle A, Luo ZB (2013) Changes in carbon, nutrients and stoichiometric relations under different soil depths, plant tissues and ages in black locust plantations. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 35: 2951-2964

  41. Müller A, Volmer K, Mishra-Knyrim M, Polle A (2013) Growing poplars for research with and without mycorrhizas. Frontiers in Plant Science 4:322, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00332

  42. Bai H, Euring DJ, Volmer K, Janz D, Polle A (2013) The nitrate transporter (NRT) gene family in poplar. Plos One 8, e72126

  43. Luo J, Li H, Liu TX, Polle A, Peng CH, Luo ZB (2013) Nitrogen metabolism of two contrasting poplar species during acclimation to limiting nitrogen availability. Journal of Experimental Botany 64: 4207?224. doi: 10.1093/jxb/ert234

  44. Han YS, Sun J, Wang FF, Deng SR, Wang Y, Lu YJ, Ding MQ, Zhao R, Du LP, Hu ZM, Diekmann H, Shen X, Polle A, Chen SL (2013)Populus euphraticaXTH over-expression enhances salinity tolerance by developing leaf succulence in transgenictobaccoplants. Journal of Experimental Botany 64: 4225-4238, doi: 10.1093/jxb/ert229

  45. Lang C, Finkeldey R, Polle A (2013) Spatial patterns of ectomycorrhizal assemblages in a monospecific forest in relation to host tree genotype. Frontiers in Plant Science 4:103, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00103

  46. He J, Li H, Luo J, Ma CF, Li SJ, Qu L, Gai Y, Jiang XN, Janz D, Polle A, Tyree M, Luo ZB (2013) A transcriptomic network underlies microstructural and physiological responses to cadmium inPopulus×canescens.Plant Physiology 162: 424?39

  47. Pena R, Tejedor J, Zeller B, Dannenmann M, Polle A (2013) Interspecific temporal and spatial differences for the acquisition of litter-derived nitrogen of ectomycorrhizal fungal assemblages. New Phytologist 199: 520?28. doi: 10.1111/nph.12272

  48. Müller A, Faubert P, Hagen M, zu Castell W, Polle A, Schnitzler JP, Rosenkranz M (2013) Volatile profiles of fungi Chemotyping of species and ecological functions. Fungal Genetics and Biology 54: 25?3,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fgb.2013.02.005

  49. Behnke K, Ghirardo A, Janz D, Kanawati, B, Esperschütz J, Zimmer, I, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Niinemets U, Polle A, Schnitzler JP, Rosenkranz M (2013) Isoprene function in two contrasting poplars under salt and sunflecks. Tree Physiology 33: 562-578. Doi:10.1093/treephys/tpt018

  50. Danielsen L, Lohaus G, Sirrenberg A, Karlovsky P, Bastien C, Pilate G, Polle A (2013) Ectomycorrhizal colonization and diversity in relation to tree biomass and nutrition in a plantation of transgenic poplars with modified lignin biosynthesis, PLOS one 8(3): e59207. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059207

  51. Cesarz S, Fender A-C, Beyer F, Valtanen K, Pfeiffer B, Gansert D, Hertel D, Polle A, Daniel R, Leuschner C, Scheu S (2013) Roots from beech (Fagus sylvaticaL.) and ash (Fraxinus excelsiorL.) differentially affect soil microorganisms and carbon dynamics. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 61: 23-32

  52. Pena R, Simon J, Rennenberg H, Polle A (2013) Ectomycorrhiza affect architecture and nitrogen partitioning of beech (Fagus sylvaticaL.) seedlings under shade and drought. Environmental and Experimental Botany 87: 207-217, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2012.11.005

  53. He JL, Ma CF, Ma Y, Li H, Kang JQ, Liu TX, Polle A, Peng CH, Luo ZB (2013) Cadmium tolerance in six poplar species. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20: 163-174. DOI 10.1007/s11356-012-1008-8

  54. Guo CJ, Simon J, Gasche R, Naumann PS, Bimüller C, Pena R, Polle A, Kogel-Knabner I, Zeller B, Rennenberg H, Dannenmann M (2013) Minor contribution of leaf litter to N nutrition of beech (Fagus sylvatica) seedlingsin a mountainous beech forest of Southern Germany. Plant and Soil 369: 657-668

  55. Luo J, Qin JJ, Li H, Liu TX, Polle A, Peng CC, Luo ZB (2013). Net fluxes of ammonium and nitrate in association with H+fluxes in fine roots ofPopulus popularis.Planta 237: 919-931. DOI 10.1007/s00425-012-1807-7

  56. Guo CJ, Dannenmann M, Gasche R, Zeller B, Papen H, Polle A, Rennenberg H, Simon J. (2013) Preferential use of root litter compared to leaf litter by beech seedlings and soil microorganisms. Plant and Soil 368: 519-534, DOI 10.1007/s11104-012-1521-z

  57. Fender AC, Gansert D, Jungkunst HF, Fiedler S, Beyer F, Schützenmeister K, Thiele B, Valtanen K, Polle A, Leuschner C (2013) Root-induced tree species effects on the source/sink strength for greenhouse gases (CH4, N2O and CO2) of a temperate deciduous forest soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 57: 587?97, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2012.08.004

  58. Larisch C, Dittrich M, Wildhagen H, Lautner S, Fromm J, Polle A, Hedrich R, Rennenberg H, Müller T, Ache P (2012) Poplar wood rays are involved in seasonal remodeling of tree physiology. Plant Physiology 160: 1515-1529, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1104/pp.112.202291

  59. Li H, Li MC, Luo J, Cao X, Qu L, Gai Y, Jiang XN, Liu TX, Bai H, Janz D, Polle A, Peng CH, Luo ZB (2012) N-fertilization has different effects on the growth, carbon and nitrogen physiology, and wood properties of slow- and fast-growingPopulusspecies. Journal of Experimental Botany 63: 6173-6185

  60. Reusche M, Thole K, Janz D, Truskina J, Rindfleisch S, Drübert C, Polle A, Lipka V, Teichmann T (2012)Verticilliuminfection triggers VND7-dependent de novo xylem formation and enhances drought tolerance ofArabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 24: 3823-3837

  61. Euring DJ, Lofke C, Teichmann T, Polle A (2012) Nitrogen fertilization has differential effects on N allocation and lignin in twoPopulusspecies with contrasting ecology. Trees: Structure and Function, 26:1933?942, DOI 10.1007/s00468-012-0761-0

  62. Naether A, Foesel B, Naegele V, Wüst P, Weinert J, Bonkowski M, Alt F, Oelmann Y, Polle A, Lohaus G, Gockel S, Hemp A, Kalko E, Linsenmair EK, Pfeiffer S, Renner S, Schoning I, Weisser W, Wells K, Fischer M, Overmann J, Friedrich M (2012) Environmental factors affect acidobacterial communities below the subgroup level in grassland and forest soils. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78: 7398-406

  63. Ralhan A, Schoettle S, Thurow C, Iven T, Feussner I, Polle A, Gatz C (2012) The vascular pathogenVerticillium longisporumexploits a jasmonic acid-independent COI1 function in roots to enhance disease symptoms inArabidopsis thalianashoots. Plant Physiology 159: 1192-1203. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1104/pp.112.198598

  64. Birkhofer K, Schoning I, Alt F, Herold N, Klarner B, Maraun M, Marhan S, Oelmann Y, Wubet T, Yurkov A, Begerow D, Berner D, Bonkowski M, Buscot F, Chatzinotas A, Daniel R, Diekotter T, Drake HL, Ehnes RB, Erdmann G, Faßhauer F, Friedrich M, Fischer C, Focks A, Foesel B, Friedl T, Glaser K, Groh J, Gutknecht J, Hallmann C, Hodac L, Horn MM, Kandeler E, Kolb S, Koller R, Lang C, Lohaus G, Pollierer MM, Meyer A, Munch JC, Nacke H, Nather A, Overmann J, Polle A, Scheu S, Schloter M, Schulze ED, Schulze W, Weinert J, Weisser W, Wolters V, Wurst S, Schrumpf M (2012) General relationships between abiotic soil properties and soil biota across spatial scales and different land-use types. PLOS one 7: e43292, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0043292

  65. Li J, Bao SQ, Zhang YH, Ma XJ, Mishra-Knyrim M, Sun J, Sa G, Shen X, Polle A, Chen SL (2012)Paxillus involutusstrains MAJ and NAU mediate K+/Na+ homeostasis in ectomycorrhizalPopulus×canescensunder NaCl stress, Plant Physiology 159: 1771?786. doi: http://ddx.doi.org/10.1104/pp.112.195370

  66. Danielsen L, Thürmer A, Meinicke P, Buée M, Morin E, Martin F, Pilate G, Daniel R, Polle A, Reich M (2012) Fungal soil communities in a young transgenic poplar plantation form a rich reservoir for fungal root communities. Evolution and Ecology 2:1935-1948, doi: 10.1002/ece3.305

  67. Ducic T, Thieme J, Polle A (2012) Phosphorus compartmentalization on the cellular level of Douglas fir root as affected by Mn toxicity: A synchrotron based FTIR approach. Spectroscopy: An International Journal 27: 265-272

  68. Singh S, Braus-Stromeyer SA, Timpner C, Valerius O, von Tiedemann A, Karlovsky P, Druebert C, Polle A, Braus GH (2012) The plant hostBrassica napusinduces in the pathogenVerticillium longisporumthe expression of functional catalase peroxidase which is required for the late phase of disease. Molecular Plant Microbe Interaction 25: 569?81, dx.doi.org/10.1094/MPMI-08-11-0217

  69. Schafer T, Hanke M-V, Flachowsky H, Konig S, Peil A, Kaldorf M, Polle A, Buscot F. (2012) Comparing chitinase activities, scab resistance, mycorrhization rates and biomass of own-rooted and grafted transgenic apple trees expressing endo- and exochitinase genes from mycoparasitic fungusTrichoderma atroviride.Genetics and Molecular Biology 35: 466-473

  70. Floerl S, Majcherczyk A, Possienke M, Feussner K, Tappe H, Gatz C, Feussner I, Kües U, Polle A (2012)Verticillium longisporuminfection affects the leaf apoplastic proteome, metabolome, and cell wall properties inArabidopsis thaliana.PLOS ONE 7(2): e31435.

  71. Janz D, Polle A (2012) Harnessing salt for woody biomass production. Tree Physiology, 32: 1-3

  72. Elobeid M, Gobel C, Feussner I, Polle A (2012) Cadmium interferes with auxin physiology and lignification in poplar. Journal of Experimental Botany 63: 1413-1421, doi: 10.1093/jxb/err384

  73. Janz D, Lautner S, Wildhagen H, Behnke K, Schnitzler JP, Rennenberg H, Fromm J, Polle A (2012) Salt stress induces the formation of a novel type of ’pressure wood in twoPopulusspecies. New Phytologist 194: 129?41, doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2011.03975.x

  74. Behnke K, Grote R, Brüggemann N, Zimmer I, Zhou GW, Elobeid M, Janz D, Polle A, Schnitzler JP (2012) Isoprene emission-free poplars a chance to reduce the impact from poplar plantations on the atmosphere. New Phytologist 194: 70?2, DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2011.03979.x






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