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Harry Wu
作者:| 发表时间?8-10-09| 阅读次数:

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  吴夏明教授是瑞典农业大学森林遗传的首席教授、瑞典于默奥植物研究中心森林遗传与生物技术系主任。吴教授长期从事林木遗传育种的科研工作,在林木多世代遗传改良理论和实践上卓有建树,是Theoretical and Applied Genetics, Tree Physiology等十余份专业遗传杂志的审阅人。他为国内外培养?0余名博士后研究科学家,迄今已在国际著名的遗传学、统计学和林学等专业杂志和书籍上发表论文?00篇,被引用次数高?000多次、/span>


  1982: BSc, Zhejiang Agriculture &Forestry University

  1985: MSc, Beijing Forestry University

  1993: PhD, University of Alberta

  1996: Research Scientist, CSIRO

  2000: Senior Research Scientist, CSIRO

  2005: Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO

  2010: Professor and Chair of Forest Genetics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Senior Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO

  2013: Director of Industry Research School of Forest Genetics, Biotechnology, and Tree Breeding, UPSC








  1. 提出了早期选择的高级理讹/span>

  2. 提出了近交衰退的全新评估方泔/span>

  3. 创建了将分子信息整合到现实林木育种程序中的理论框枵/span>


  1.Li, X.G., Yang, X., and H.X. Wu. (2013). Transcriptome profiling of radiata pine branches reveals new insights into plant gravitropism during reaction wood formation. BMC Genomics 14:768.

  2.Hallingbäck H.R., L. Sánchez, and H.X. Wu. (2013). Single versus subdivided population strategies in breeding against an adverse gene- tic correlation. Tree Genetics and Genomes DOI 10.1007/s11295-014-0707-3.

  3.Lin, Y., H. Yang, M. Ivkovic, W.G. Gapare, A.C. Matheson, H.X. Wu. (2013). Effect of genotype by spacing interaction on radiata pine ge- netic parameters for height and diameter growth. Forest Ecology and Management 304:204-211.

  4.Gapare WJ, M. Ivkovc, P. Jefferson, S.K.. Dillon, C. Fiona, R. Evans, and H.X. Wu. (2012). Genetic parameters and provenance variation of Pinus radiata D. Don. 'Eldridge collection' in Australia 2: wood properties". Tree Genetics and Genomes 8:895-910.

  5.Li, X.G., H.X. Wu, and S.G. Southerton. (2010). Seasonal reorganization of the xylem transcriptome at different tree ages reveals novel insights into wood formation in Pinus radiata D.Don. New Phytologist 2010. 187:764?76.

  6.Wu, H.X., M. Ivkovich, W.J. Gapare, A.C. Matheson, B.S. Baltunis, M.B. Powell and T.A. McRae. (2008). Breeding for wood quality and profit in radiata pine: a review of genetic parameters and implication for breeding and deployment. N.Z.J. For. Sci. 38:56-87. 26


    版权所北京林业大学林木分子育种高精尖创新中忂/span> COPYRIGHT ? 2018 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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