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  2009.09-2013.06 河北农业大学,生物技术专业,获理学学?/span>

  2013.09-2018.06 北京林业大学,林木遗传育种专业(硕博连读),获农学博?/span>

  2018.06-至今 北京林业大学,林木分子设计育种高精尖创新中心博士名/span>  



  2. 参加十三五国家重点研发计划课题,“树木次生生长的群体变异遗传解析“/span>

  3. 参加国家自然科学基金面上项目,“毛白杨优异种质资源表观遗传效应及功能解析“/span>

  4. 参加国家自然科学基金面上项目,“小叶杨耐高温逆境胁迫特性形成的表观转录调控机制“/span>

  5. 参加国家自然科学基金青年项目,“杨树木质素生物合成途径关键基因SNPs的加性、显性与上位性遗传解析“/span>

  6. 参加国家自然科学基金青年项目,“小叶杨响应高温与干旱复合逆境胁迫DNA甲基化表观遗传调控“/span>




  1. 2018 第七届梁希青年论文三等奖

  2. 2018?nbsp; 北京地区高等学校优秀毕业甞/span>

  3. 2017?nbsp; 北京林业大学第十届研究生学术之星

  4. 2017?nbsp; 第五届中国林业学术大会优秀报告三等奕/span>

  5. 2016?nbsp; 博士研究生国家奖学金

  6. 2016?nbsp; 北京林业大学第五届研究生学术论坛二等奕/span>

  7. 2016?nbsp; 北京林业大学学术创新奕/span>

  8. 2016?nbsp; 第四届中国林业学术大会优秀论文二等奕/span>

  9. 2015?nbsp; 北京林业大学第四届研究生学术论坛优秀论文优秀奕/span>




  1. Quan M(权明?, Du Q, Xiao L et al., (2018) Genetic architecture underlying the lignin biosynthesis pathway involves non-coding RNAs and transcription factors for growth and wood properties in Populus. Plant Biotechnology Journal (IF=7.443)

  2. Quan M (权明?, Xiao L, Lu W et al. (2018) Association genetics in Populus reveal the allelic interactions of Pto-MIR167a and its targets in wood formation. Frontiers in Plant Science (IF=4.495)

  3. Quan M (权明?, Wang Q, Phangthavong S et al. (2016) Association studies in Populus tomentosa reveal the genetic interactions of Pto-MIR156c and its targets in wood formation. Frontiers in Plant Science (IF=4.495)

  4. Quan M (权明?, Tian J, Yang X et al.(2016) Association studies reveal the effect of genetic variation in lncRNA UGTRL and its putative target PtoUGT88A1 on wood formation in Populus tomentosa. Tree Genetics & Genomes (IF=2.132)

  5. Quan M (权明?, Chen J, Zhang D (2015) Exploring the Secrets of Long Noncoding RNAs. International Journal of Molecular Science (IF=3.257)

  6. Shi W, Quan M (权明?, Du Q et al (2017) The Interactions between the Long Non-coding RNA NERDL and its target gene affect wood formation in Populus tomentosa. Frontiers in Plant Science (IF=4.495)

  7. Xiao L, Quan M (权明?, Du Q et al (2017) Allelic interactions among Pto-MIR475b and its four target genes potentially affect growth and wood properties in Populus. Frontiers in Plant Science (IF=4.495)

  8. Chen J, Quan M (权明?, Zhang D (2015) Genome-wide identification of novel long non-coding RNAs in Populus tomentosa tension wood, opposite wood and normal wood xylem by RNA-seq. Planta (IF=3.239)

  9. Chen J, Xie J, Chen B, Quan M (权明? et al. (2016) Genetic variations and miRNA-target interactions contribute to natural phenotypic variations in Populus. New Phytologist (IF=7.210)

  10. Du Q, Yang X, Xie J, Quan M et al. (2018) Time-specific and pleiotropic quantitative trait loci coordinately modulate stem growth in Populus. Plant Biotechnology Journal (IF=7.443)

  11. Gong C, Du Q, Xie J, Quan M (权明? et al. (2017) Dissection of insertion-deletion variants within differentially expressed genes involved in wood formation in Populus. Frontiers in Plant Science (IF=4.495)

  12. Wang Q, Ci D, Li T, Li P, Song Y, Chen J, Quan M (权明? et al. (2016) The Role of DNA Methylation in Xylogenesis in Different Tissues of Poplar. Frontiers in Plant Science (IF=4.495)

  13. Yang X, Wei Z, Du Q, Chen J, Wang Q, Quan M (权明? et al. (2015) The genetic regulatory network centered on Pto-Wuschela and its targets involved in wood formation revealed by association studies. Scientific Reports (IF=5.228)




    版权所北京林业大学林木分子育种高精尖创新中忂/span> COPYRIGHT ? 2018 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

    电话9span class="green_text">62336109邮箱BAIC_TBMD@bjfu.edu.cn地址9span class="green_text">北京市海淀区清华东?5叶/span>
