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The Department of Physical Education
Source:The Department of Physical Education Auther:The Department of Physical Education Publish-time:2015-06-09

Since the founding ofBeijing Forestry University(BFU) in 1952, the Department ofPhysical Educationhas undertaken the basic physical teaching for all the undergraduates andhas been responsible for the organization, training and providing referees for all the group activities of faculties and students. It is also in charge of training and hosting competitionsfor amateur student teams and the application, cultivation and management ofhigh-level sports teams. Currently, it has70 faculties, 34 teaching staffand 36 non-teaching staff. Among them, 1 is PH.D and 21 gain master degree; 6 bear the title of Professor and 16 are Associate Professor; 6 are awarded nationalrefereesand 17 are1stcategoryreferees. From 1952 to now, the Department of Physical Education has always maintained the spirit of persistence, self-dependence, diligence and determination. Through5 physical education reforms, physical education in BFU has transformedinto new pattern with advanced teaching methodology, outstanding training achievements, strong scientific research teams and the integration of modern teaching, scientific research and training. In the past five years, it has been consecutively awarded the Outstanding Capital University in the Implementation of “The Regulations of Physical Education at Universities and Schools” and won prizes in various competitions such as “Sunshine Cup”Capital University Sports Competition, “Chaoyang Cup” Capital UniversityGroupSports Competitionas well as the Outstanding University in Building High-level Sports Team. The faculties of Department of Physical Educationwill continue to inheritgood traditions,be creative and innovative, and keep pace with the timepromotingcomprehensive development of physicaleducation in BFU so as to make it not only a significant part of teachings, but also a vital supportive strength of national and social sports career.

< Update: June,2015 >
