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College of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology
Source:CBSB Auther:CBSB Publish-time:2015-06-05

College of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology (CBSB) is a basic scientific research and teaching-oriented college in Beijing Forestry University. It was founded in 1997 and incorporated into National Talent Training Base for Sciences and Teaching (National Science Base).

CBSB includes five departments, i.e., department of Plant Science, department of Animal Science and Microbiology, department of Biotechnology, department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and department of Food Science and Engineering. CBSB sets three Undergraduate Programs, namely, Biological Science (also named as Science Base Class), Biotechnology (including UBC International Class) and Food Science and Engineering. CBSB owns two National Key Disciplines (Plant Science and Genetics and Breeding for Forest Tree), one National Engineering Laboratory, three Provincial Key Laboratories, one Beijing College Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center, one Computational Biology Center, and one post-doctoral research station. CBSB provides PhD programme for six disciplines including Plant Science, Genetics and Breeding for Forest Tree, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Cell Biology and Forest Biological Resources, and Master Degree granting for three disciplines, which are Agricultural Product Processing and Storage Engineering, Animal Science and Genetics. In 2014, the college expands its enrollment subjects, including one master programme forComputational Biology and one doctoral programme for bioinformatics.

CBSB sets seven affiliated research institutes and centers, i.e., Populus tomentosa Research Institute, Spirulina Research Institute, Quantitative Genetic Research Institute, Pinus tabulaeformis Research Institute, Research and Development Center for Blueberry, Computational Biology Center, China Forest Resources Research Center. Furthermore, it serves as the vice president unit for China Woody Grain and Oil Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance, which was authorized by the China Industrial Cooperation Association.

By the end of 2014, CBSB contains 118 college staff members, in which 91 staff serve as full-time teachers, including one academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, one scholar awarded by the Thousands of Scholars Program, two scholar titled as ChangJiang Scholar Professor, two winners of The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, one scholar appointed as member of the discipline Evaluation Panel by State Council, one scholar titled as the National Hundred Excellent Doctoral Thesis Supervisor, two candidates by National Talents Engineering, and three winners of the National Hundred Excellent Doctoral dissertation. Among the full-time teachers, there are 32 professors, 32 associate professors, and 87 teachers with doctoral degrees.

< Update: June,2015 >
