首页 学术活动 第14届森林生态系统国际学术研讨会通知 THE 14TH INTERNATIONAL FOREST ECOSYSTEMS WORKSHOP-organized as a Webinar of three Sessions
第14届森林生态系统国际学术研讨会通知 THE 14TH INTERNATIONAL FOREST ECOSYSTEMS WORKSHOP-organized as a Webinar of three Sessions
来源: 作者: 发表时间:2020-09-15


Forest Ecosystems(FECS) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing scientific communications from any discipline that can provide interesting contributions about the structure and dynamics of "natural" and "domesticated" forest ecosystems, and their services to people. The journal welcomes innovative science as well as application-oriented work that will enhance understanding of woody plant communities. Very specific studies are welcome if they are part of a thematic series that provides some holistic perspective that is of general interest. FECS is sponsored by Beijing Forestry University and published by SpringerOpen. This journal was officially launched in April 2014. All articles published in Forest Ecosystems are included in BIOSIS, DOAJ, Scopus, Zoological Record, and SCIE (2-year Impact factor: 2.696).

Up to now, we have organized 13 workshops. Our workshops are already known as prestigious and exclusive events convened in a relaxed setting for a small group of leading scientists, and have helped us to expand our network of international support.The 14th Forest Ecosystems workshop will be organized as a Webinar of three Sessions in view of the special situation in 2020.

《森林生态系统》(英文)是由教育部主管、江南的注册网址主办的生态学、林学类学术期刊,主要发表森林、生态、生物多样性、大数据、气候变化等方面的原创性研究和综述类论文。本刊致力于为中外学者搭建高水平的学术交流平台,提升我国在相关学科的国际影响力。本刊目前由国际知名出版集团SpringerNature以“开放获取”模式出版。主编由江南的注册网址尹伟伦院士及德国哥廷根大学Klaus v. Gadow教授共同担任。编委队伍共包括来自19个国家的57位优秀学者。目前,《森林生态系统》(英文)SCIEBiosisDOAJZoological RecordCSCD等数据库收录,2年影响因子为2.696,位于林学JCR分区Q1区。

森林生态系统系列研讨会是江南的注册网址期刊编辑部英文期刊Forest Ecosystems定期举办的国际学术会议,迄今为止已经举办了13届,邀请了来自全球多个国家和地区的著名学者做了近200次学术报告,大大促进了林业相关领域的国际交流和合作。14届森林生态系统国际学术研讨会因疫情改为线上举办,欢迎大家积极参与交流,并提出宝贵建议!


北京时间/Beijing Time

Sep 21st, Sep 23rd, 7:30-9:30 PM

2020921日、23日,7:30-9:30 PM




参会方式/How to attend


The Meeting Room will be confirmed soon, Room ID and Password will be sent by email before the workshop.



Sponsors: Journal Editorial Department of Beijing Forestry University

会议联系/Contact information

黄老师(Ms. Huang) huangzhen@bjfu.edu.cn

+86 10-62337915 +86 13811405380

李老师(Dr. Li) lihui@bjfu.edu.cn +86 10-62337915


If a Certificate of Participation is required, please contact Ms. Huang.



  • Agenda_Webinar.pdf

  • Baidu