首页 学术活动 2019年EGU年会“局部和流域尺度上土壤水分及其环境效应”分会场会议通知
来源:林学院 作者:林学院 发表时间:2018-12-19

2019EGUthe European Geosciences Union,欧洲地学联盟)年会将于201947-12号在奥地利维也纳召开。来自意大利、英国和中国的研究人员将组织题为“Soil moisture and its environmental effects at the local and catchment scale”的分会场(HS8.3.7/BG2.39/SSS7.10),诚邀全国各大院校和研究机构的同行参加本分会场的学术交流,并积极投稿。投稿截止日期为2019110号,投稿链接https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/egu2019/sessionprogramme









意大利都灵大学,Stefano Ferraris教授,stefano.ferraris@polito.it

英国罗森斯特德实验室,Laura Cardenas研究员,laura.cardenas@rothamsted.ac.uk


Session description

The growing possibility of monitoring soil moisture with rather simple tools has allowed to perform many field experiments devoted to understand the links between environmental variables and soil moisture. Also, climate change research has boosted this field of knowledge. Many terrestrial critical zone observatories have been installed, therefore new information both at the local and at the catchment scale is now available.

We invite contributions related to soil moisture monitoring, both finalised to understand the effects of its time and spatial variability, and to studying soil moisture itself.

Many open issues still exist in understanding the role of soil moisture in the environment, in combination with other factors such as soil and air temperature, air humidity, carbon and nitrogen availability, etc. Also, it is necessary the study of the structure of time and spatial variability of soil moisture itself, for example to combine the different scales of measurements. Usually soil moisture is measured at the local scale, but hydrogeophysics allows to have larger scale measurements and micrometeorological tools such as eddy covariance provide even larger scale estimation of gas and energy fluxes. The cosmic ray have increasing applications and the remote sensing images are powerful tools, therefore interesting issues regard the spatial upscaling, and the sampling frequency.

Scientists working both in the biogeosciences, and in soil sciences field are encouraged to participate, for example with study related to the implications of soil moisture on carbon and nitrogen dynamics, as well as on root and plant growth.


Soil moisture, climate change, soil organic matter, soil respiration, actual evapotranspiration

Co-organization suggestions

BG Biogeosciences

SSS Soil System Sciences


Stefano Ferrarisstefano.ferraris@polito.it, Turin University, Italy

Laura Cardenas,laura.cardenas@rothamsted.ac.uk, Rothamsted laboratory, United Kingdom

Benye Xi,benyexi@bjfu.edu.cn, Beijing Forestry University, China
